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    Default GOP Should Learn from Louisiana Election

    Louisiana has always been a strange place. This is, after all, the state that once elected a convicted felon (former Gov. Edwin Edwards) over former KKK leader David Duke on the strength of the sentiment expressed on an Edwards bumper sticker: “Vote for the crook. It’s important.”

    The state patterns its justice system on Napoleonic Law. Its major city sits below sea level. Its history is steeped in a weird combination of influences: French, Spanish, Catholicism, voodoo. Over the years, the state has spawned a bizarre parade of corrupt politicos, from die-hard socialists like Huey and Earl Long to committed incompetents like Ray Nagin and Kathleen Blanco — Democrats all.

    But something amazing has happened in Louisiana. Bobby Jindal has been elected governor. Jindal, a 36-year-old Republican whose Indian parents came to the United States mere months before their son was born, was raised a Hindu but later converted to Christianity, becoming a Catholic as a teenager. He is pro-life, pro-family, conservative to his core and committed to cleaning up the corruption that has permeated Louisiana politics for at least a hundred years.

    This man is the first non-white to be elected governor of Louisiana since reconstruction, and the first Indian American to be elected to a governorship in the history of the country. A brilliant student who went on to be a Rhodes Scholar, Jindal became head of Louisiana’s Health and Human Services Department at the tender age of 24. Four years ago, in 2003, Jindal was defeated for governor by Kathleen Blanco. He went on to win a congressional seat in a landslide in 2004. He was reelected by an even larger margin (88 percent) in 2006, a supposedly Democrat year.

    So what does Bobby Jindal’s election as Louisiana’s governor say about the future of GOP politics? As Bill Krystol, editor of “The Weekly Standard” and a Fox News commentator, has said, this is very good news for Republicans.

    “He’s a very impressive guy,” Krystol said. “It’s awfully good news for Republicans. Haley Barbour, the Republican governor of Mississippi, one of the two states worst hit (by Hurricane Katrina), is going to get reelected with a huge margin, and the other state which had an incompetent Democratic governor, has now elected a Republican to replace her. Republicans who make a good case for themselves can do well.”

    Republicans who make a good case for themselves can do well. That statement should be taken to heart by every GOP candidate, campaign manager, speechwriter, press secretary and consultant running for any office next year. And the way to make a good case for themselves is to run as unabashed conservatives.

    Ronald Reagan proved that in 1980 when he ran on a platform of lowering taxes, rebuilding our military and bringing the Soviet Union to its knees.

    George H. W. Bush proved it again when he said, “Read my lips: no new taxes” in 1988. Too bad he didn’t mean it, which is why he lost to Bill Clinton in 1992.

    Newt Gingrich proved it in 1994 when he led the Republican Revolution by nationalizing a congressional election, using the Contract with America as the key to that lopsided victory.

    When Republicans controlled the White House, the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives, they lost the confidence of the American people. Voters repudiated the party last year because Republicans had stopped acting like Republicans. The GOP grew government at a rate dizzying enough to have thoroughly impressed FDR, and they failed utterly at closing our borders after the worst attack in our nation’s history.

    But the Democrat victory prophesied by every inside-the-beltway pundit writing or broadcasting is not a foregone conclusion. Bobby Jindal has proven that voters will give a conservative a chance to govern if they believe he or she will follow through on the promises that are made to them.

    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men
    stand ready to do violence on their behalf."~George Orwell

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    And that's what I'm saying. Why should the true, conservative Republican voters be expected to vote for someone for President that isn't a true conservative, like Giuliani? Answer: they shouldn't.

    It just ticks me off at people like Sean Hannity that's nothing more than a mouth piece for Giuliani.

    It boils down to Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo. Those are the three Republican candidates that have stellar voting records when it comes to subjects that are proven top priority to conservatives such as illegal immigration, abortion, gun rights and taxes. The rest of them, conservative by name only, and I won't vote for a one of them. I'll vote for one of the three I listed above, only, and if one of them isn't on the ticket, then I'll write Tancredo in. They've estimated as much as one third of the Republican voters will do the same thing. So if hillary wins, well, if that doesn't teach the Republican party to stop pushing liberals at us trying to pass them off as conservatives, nothing will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale Rider View Post
    And that's what I'm saying. Why should the true, conservative Republican voters be expected to vote for someone for President that isn't a true conservative, like Giuliani? Answer: they shouldn't.

    It just ticks me off at people like Sean Hannity that's nothing more than a mouth piece for Giuliani.

    It boils down to Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo. Those are the three Republican candidates that have stellar voting records when it comes to subjects that are proven top priority to conservatives such as illegal immigration, abortion, gun rights and taxes. The rest of them, conservative by name only, and I won't vote for a one of them. I'll vote for one of the three I listed above, only, and if one of them isn't on the ticket, then I'll write Tancredo in. They've estimated as much as one third of the Republican voters will do the same thing. So if hillary wins, well, if that doesn't teach the Republican party to stop pushing liberals at us trying to pass them off as conservatives, nothing will.
    I Agree except Ron Paul is no Conservative He's a whacked out libertarian Trying to Fool Moderate Conservatives. Real Conservatives See thru his BULLSHIT

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    Quote Originally Posted by REDWHITEBLUE2 View Post
    I Agree except Ron Paul is no Conservative He's a whacked out libertarian Trying to Fool Moderate Conservatives. Real Conservatives See thru his BULLSHIT
    He's anti war. He believes America shouldn't be in the business of nation building or looking for wars to get into. He believes we should protect our own and leave the rest of the world alone, and THAT is what we USED to do. I can't say as though I'm in disagreement with that.

    So your "opinion" blanketing all conservatives, as I am, that we all "see through Ron Paul's bullshit," is... bullshit.
    Last edited by Pale Rider; 10-29-2007 at 01:49 AM.

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