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Thread: Patriotism?

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    Default Patriotism?

    Before President Bush was sworn into office, Democrat politicians were beginning to exhibit some questionably odd behavior, almost across the board. They took to mirroring Socialism, or in some cases Communism in word and seed. It is not unusual that people are asking whether they are patriotic. Politically-speaking, Those Americans who are not completely asleep feel that we are living in dire and serious times. At holiday gatherings, families are afraid to discuss political matters for fear of starting arguments.

    There seems to be little to no patience amongst we who are living in a deliberately divided country. If Americans are wise – or miraculously “see the light,” they will not listen to those who promise anything to win the White House. Their only goals are to gain power, while creating their own view of America, a worldview, like that of Europe.

    The Democrat Party has gravitated so far to the left that others in the legislative halls can hardly work with them. Americans should not tolerate their lack of bipartisanship and, disrespectful pompous, and cocky attitudes, particularly since the majority of us support bipartisan cooperation .

    On September 13, 2001 Senator Hillary Clinton said "Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price." Today, she and other Democrats contradict what they have said in the past.
    - Freedom Agenda - Quotes and Facts on Iraq (source)

    “Progressive” Democrats, vying for your vote in 2008, have proven to be duplicitous and confusingly double-minded people. Who in Hades are they? Can anyone trust them, and how many are beholden to billionaire America-hater George Soros?

    Soros funds such Internet groups as as well as the far left drive-by blog Media Matters. Soros is a devious, atheistic trouble maker who deserves no accolades.

    YouTube, Bill O'Reilly: Funding Media Matters -

    The goal for most Americans is to live our lives in peace and tranquility. To help accomplish our goal we must win the War on Terror. There are way too many Democrats who want to see us defeated in Iraq for the political benefits they will reap. Is that patriotic? Nearly 1 in 5 Democrats say that the world will be better off if the U.S. loses the war.

    Fox News Poll (source)

    “To Thine Own Self Be True.”
    - William Shakespeare

    Not one concerned responsible American is laughing about what the Democrats brought about when they began to politicize the War on Terror. If there is any humor to be found it is in their own disgusting defense regarding accusations of not being patriotic.

    Members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) have spoken traitorous lies while using every ploy in the books to fully divide a nation, including slow bleeding our troops by not giving them their moral and fiscal support. Is that being patriotic?
    Congressman John Murtha (D,PA) is being sued for calling Marines cold-blooded murderers.(source )

    Murtha's remarks about the guilt of our troops callously killing Iraqi civilians is very familiar. In 1971, John Kerry made similar statements about Vietnam veterans during Senate hearings. He said that they had willfully murdered civilians while ravaging villages in the "fashion of Genghis Kahn." None of what John Kerry said was ever proven to be true. (source - Iowa Presidential Watch [IPW-PAC] Chairman Roger Hughes). Kerry never apologized for the malicious words he said about his fellow Vietnam veterans. Is Kerry patriotic?

    The strategy of "slow-bleeding" the heroic men and women serving in Iraq was one of the most disgraceful moments in the history of Congress and should never be forgotten. While our troops were beginning the surge lead by General Petraeus and fighting al-Qaeda terrorists, Democrats in Congress were undermining them. The effects of the lack of funds are still being felt to this very day. Is that patriotism?
    Source – The Associated Press

    Congressional Democrats want to change or repeal just about every security measure that President Bush and Homeland Security need to protect us from further attacks by terrorists. The news of the day reveals that the "not so lofty" progressive Congress wants details about every single electronic surveillance conducted since 9/11 before they approve a new wiretapping bill. Is this patriotism?
    Source – The Associated Press

    Will we read about the details of what they are requesting in the New York Times? The answer is yes. Terrorists within our country's borders have been given all the information they need from our liberal friends. Un-American moles within our own FBI leak information to the media because they feel that they are being patriotic. Indeed!

    When far-left ideology is allowed to go unrestrained, the worse happens. The New York Times leaked classified information, including the wiretapping and financial tracking programs that were painstakingly put into place after 9/11. The agenda-driven Democrats and their buddies in the media are literally willing to help terrorists.
    Source – The New York Times, June 23, 2006

    Democrats in Congress want to put an end to conservative talk radio. Is Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA) trying to use his authority to intimidate and eventually silence opposing voices?

    It is rumored that Waxman has a hit list. The names on the list include Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin. There are reports that their daily radio programs are being monitored. Waxman intends to report his findings to a Congressional committee. If this is true, you'll understand what freedom of speech means – after it is lost. Reinstatement of the so called Fairness Doctrine will darken the light of truth. Radio stations will be forced to turn to formats that will not include talk radio. Patriotic? What do you think?
    Source – The American Spectator

    When the day comes to vote, listen to our troops. Without speaking one word, they will point the way as to which political party is worthy to take charge of America and keep her safe. Our brave and gallant service men and women, not the stateside, pampered elitist traitors in Congress, are the embodiment of patriotism.

    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

    "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men
    stand ready to do violence on their behalf."~George Orwell

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    Excellent post. I have to spread the rep around.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Before President Bush was sworn into office, Democrat politicians were beginning to exhibit some questionably odd behavior, almost across the board. They took to mirroring Socialism, or in some cases Communism in word and seed. It is not unusual that people are asking whether they are patriotic. Politically-speaking, Those Americans who are not completely asleep feel that we are living in dire and serious times. At holiday gatherings, families are afraid to discuss political matters for fear of starting arguments.

    There seems to be little to no patience amongst we who are living in a deliberately divided country. If Americans are wise – or miraculously “see the light,” they will not listen to those who promise anything to win the White House. Their only goals are to gain power, while creating their own view of America, a worldview, like that of Europe.
    This is a great strawman piece. I like how my views are given to me.
    A chance for a new beginning, like a dawn of reconciliation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by April15 View Post
    Before President Bush was sworn into office, Democrat politicians were beginning to exhibit some questionably odd behavior, almost across the board. They took to mirroring Socialism, or in some cases Communism in word and seed. It is not unusual that people are asking whether they are patriotic. Politically-speaking, Those Americans who are not completely asleep feel that we are living in dire and serious times. At holiday gatherings, families are afraid to discuss political matters for fear of starting arguments.

    There seems to be little to no patience amongst we who are living in a deliberately divided country. If Americans are wise – or miraculously “see the light,” they will not listen to those who promise anything to win the White House. Their only goals are to gain power, while creating their own view of America, a worldview, like that of Europe.
    This is a great strawman piece. I like how my views are given to me.
    Your views are given to you. They are handed to you through moveon and media matters and the other commie groups. And you follow along like the sheep you are. stick to your guns and you might defeat Bush in 08.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    Your views are given to you. They are handed to you through moveon and media matters and the other commie groups. And you follow along like the sheep you are. stick to your guns and you might defeat Bush in 08.
    Those posted are not my views. That I don't like Bush is well know. That I believe he has sent this country down the river is my opinion based on personal contacts with people throughout the world. That his zealot religious beliefs are detrimental to the nation is as opaque as the wall. That religion in general is bad for the world is obvious to any one who can see where trouble is brewing.
    A chance for a new beginning, like a dawn of reconciliation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    Excellent post. I have to spread the rep around.
    I rep'd.

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