Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
No. He means they are playing with soldier lives by telling the troop and our enemies that Congress is unwilling to stand behind them as they keep us safe from harm.
Seems to me a debate in congress is a normal thing. I don't know what country you live in, but here in the US the purpose of the congress is to debate issues. We don't have a bi-cameral legislature so that they can be a rubber stamp for the sitting president. It also seems to me that the troops aren't doing much to keep anybody "safe." Last I checked terrorism here in the US was handled by domestic law enforcement officials, not the troops policing Iraq.

When are you Democrats going to realize your actions have real life consequences? We have Jack Murtha conspiring to cut funds from the troops in an effort to pull our troops out of Iraq.
The last thing Murtha is going to do is cut the funding that keeps troops protected in the field. What you're spewing is a spun-up right-wing talking point that is simply not true.

NEWSFLASH: The war wont end if our troops our pulled out. If our troops are pulled out or underfunded just because Democrats want to make the President look bad,
Trust me, the President doesn't need the democrats' help in looking bad. His track record more than does that job for him.

we are going to see murder and slaughter that we havent seen since the killing fields in southeast Asia. But then Democrats like pretending they werent responsible for that either.
Ha, you mean like we saw in Darfur? The Republican-run Congress sure did a lot to alleviate those people's pain. Or how about the deaths of the poor and black right here in the good ol' US of A directly following the Katrina disaster. You could really tell that the Republican congress' hearts were bleeding for those people. Man, the deaths of innocent people is a mighty convenient card to pull when you need it isn't it Mr. Conservative?