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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    This Is The Worst Democrat Congress.......EVER

    Their selling out our Country.......For POWER
    Absolutely. When the going was good, the majority dems were all for it, then it became a little slow and they jumped the opportunistic band wagon of bashing Bush just to gain support from the uneducated people who can't see that Bush did win the war. What is wrong is not with Bush, it is with Iraqis. Let me be clear, what is wrong is not Bush, it is the Iraqis. They wanted Saddam gone.

    Make no mistake. Virtually all the muslims want(ed) him gone. Yeah. But then they wanted the US to get out quick. Why? To implement their view of "islam." That is the fight in the street now. It is marginally against the US, it is very much so about which muslim wants power.

    If you complain that Bush has not done enough to quell violence, then why do you bitch when american troops kill Iraqis? In order to quell violence like this you need an iron fist. There is no other way. So either put up a solution or shut up.

    And no, leaving is not a solution to winning, it simply says we give up. That is fine, and I often wonder if that is not the best course. But in no way, does that make Bush a bad leader. For anything Bush does you libs will say he lost, he is a bad leader... etc. All for power, not for the sake of the Iraqis, oh no....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Birdzeye View Post
    About effin' time Congress stood up to the wannabe emperor and put him on notice that they don't approve!

    He got us into this war on false pretenses and now we're in a royal mess. I no longer believe anything Bush says and I certainly have no confidence that he can clean up the mess left by his decisions.
    What false pretenses would these be? Watch yourself because for every "supposed' falsehood you think George uttered I can provide evidence of twenty Demos including Bubba who agreed with him in the years before and during his administration.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Birdzeye View Post
    Since you clearly can't abide dissent - which I thought was what made this country so great - then I can only suggest that you move to a country where "unity" is strictly enforced - like North Korea or Cuba.
    Used to be dissent and politics stopped at the water's edge, guess now with the Demos its power first and America second.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    There's only one reason we are in a "royal mess" ! Democrats would not get behind the war effort. I like the way they sabotage a plan and then bitch because it didn't work out right.
    Bunch a crap. Dems gave your guy the power. He botched it. The reason we're in a royal mess is because there's no possible good outcome. Do we pull out now and leave a mess? Or do we pull out later, after more of our troops are killed.... and leave a mess.

    Not a lot of choices there. And that IS Bush's fault. And it's clearly not just dems saying it.

    But keep on enjoying your wishful thinking.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    Its just more attacks in the war on Bush. True They are playing with soldiers lives to get their way. True They are a dispicable bunch of traitors. False They want to deny the troops the extra guns needed to finish the job. False, it isn't about troops, it's about the role of each branch of the .gov scrambling for power. I hope the next major attack is on washington and right on top of their dumb asses. They deserve everything they get. Note to the NSA screeners reading this, he doesn't mean it. Normally the GMan is a great guy. Please don't send the MIB's after him
    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    This Is The Worst Democrat Congress.......EVER True, and they followed the worst Republican Congress, EVER.

    Their selling out our Country.......For POWER True, business as usual in DC.
    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
    I don't know if you have ever been over there or not, but I wish you were over there now. Not me. And I speak as a pro. This guy cannot go because he would be a hazard to those around him. Same reason I oppose a draft, it requires lowering standards. I would love to see you write then about how you wouldn't want Congress to send you any help. If you want to murder someone, why don't you just get your gun and do it like a man???? Hey, FBI Monitors. Read the NSA monitor notes above. I can vouch that Merlin is usually a great guy. It's just that well, you know how it is when you continually try to talk sense into some people. You get a bit stressed. Cut him some slack OK?
    Quote Originally Posted by Birdzeye View Post
    About effin' time Congress stood up to the wannabe emperor and put him on notice that they don't approve! Uh yeah, with a nonbinding resolution. I bet you call NFL linebackers pussies when watching them on TV. While they were drafting and debating and voting on the "Nyah Nyah Nyah" legislation: How many real pieces of workable solutions to Americas problems were left foundering in committees etc? Glad these guys don't work on commission. No result, No dinero

    He got us into this war on false pretenses and now we're in a royal mess. I no longer believe anything Bush says and I certainly have no confidence that he can clean up the mess left by his decisions. Fortunately he doesn't work for you or I. But, Check out what OCA said IRT falsehoods.
    Are we having fun yet?
    I'm Phil -- 40 something heterosexual white male, fairly self sufficient, great with my kids, wed 29 years to the same woman, and I firmly believe that ones actions have logical consequences. How much more out the box can you get nowadays? -- MSgt of Marines (ret)

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    Quote Originally Posted by jillian View Post
    Bunch a crap. Dems gave your guy the power. He botched it. The reason we're in a royal mess is because there's no possible good outcome. Do we pull out now and leave a mess? Or do we pull out later, after more of our troops are killed.... and leave a mess.

    Not a lot of choices there. And that IS Bush's fault. And it's clearly not just dems saying it.

    But keep on enjoying your wishful thinking.
    Absolutely. When the going was good, the majority dems were all for it, then it became a little slow and they jumped the opportunistic band wagon of bashing Bush just to gain support from the uneducated people who can't see that Bush did win the war. What is wrong is not with Bush, it is with Iraqis. Let me be clear, what is wrong is not Bush, it is the Iraqis. They wanted Saddam gone.

    Make no mistake. Virtually all the muslims want(ed) him gone. Yeah. But then they wanted the US to get out quick. Why? To implement their view of "islam." That is the fight in the street now. It is marginally against the US, it is very much so about which muslim wants power.

    If you complain that Bush has not done enough to quell violence, then why do you bitch when american troops kill Iraqis? In order to quell violence like this you need an iron fist. There is no other way. So either put up a solution or shut up.

    And no, leaving is not a solution to winning, it simply says we give up. That is fine, and I often wonder if that is not the best course. But in no way, does that make Bush a bad leader. For anything Bush does you libs will say he lost, he is a bad leader... etc. All for power, not for the sake of the Iraqis, oh no....
    What is your solution? Or do you support the muslims idea of a world wide caliphate?

    Uh, don't stutter, just answer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yurt View Post
    Gee... what an in depth response. The reasoning you provided was earth-shaking and ultimately so persuasive I think I'll go congratulate the guy in the white house for his (failed) efforts.

    What is your solution? Or do you support the muslims idea of a world wide caliphate? wide caliphate?? Proof positive that you have nothing to say.

    Uh, don't stutter, just answer.
    Why? Because your effort at debate was so scintillating?

    And, love, I never stutter.
    Last edited by jillian; 02-16-2007 at 11:57 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jillian View Post
    Bunch a crap. Dems gave your guy the power. He botched it. The reason we're in a royal mess is because there's no possible good outcome. Do we pull out now and leave a mess? Or do we pull out later, after more of our troops are killed.... and leave a mess.

    Not a lot of choices there. And that IS Bush's fault. And it's clearly not just dems saying it.

    But keep on enjoying your wishful thinking.
    Then obviously the Dems are to blame for giving him so much "power".
    The Dems are to blame for buying into the same bad intel that Bush and the rest of the world bought into.
    After sending over 100,000 troop into harms way what is the point in whining about how we got there ? How is that productive? How does that help anything? Whe the dems wanted to send in more troops I don't recall them calling them "more targets" but somehow now they are when the administration does it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by jillian View Post
    Bunch a crap. Dems gave your guy the power. He botched it. The reason we're in a royal mess is because there's no possible good outcome. Do we pull out now and leave a mess? Or do we pull out later, after more of our troops are killed.... and leave a mess.

    Not a lot of choices there. And that IS Bush's fault. And it's clearly not just dems saying it.

    But keep on enjoying your wishful thinking.

    Santyana's saying is relevant here, those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

    Your people (and yes, I use that term deliberately) have been comparing Iraq to Vietnam. They are now doing their utmost to make sure that will happen.

    Vietnam was lost mainly because the news media and the anti-war movement at home turned public opinion against the war effort. A Democratically controlled Congress made sure that Nixon's efforts to win the war were hamstrung and finally, that all funding would be cut off to the Vietnamese army fighting the Viet Cong.

    The result was that hundreds of thousands were imprisoned and tortured. The Khmer Rouge then set up power next door and wiped out 2 million people.

    All the talk by the Left about how many Iraqis are dying in this war suddenly will become a non sequitur once we pull out, won't it?

    The Dems complained that there weren't enough troops to do the job. Now Bush is trying to do something about it and whammo! It's an escalation.

    The Dems actually want us out of that war, they don't support the troops (especially after this weekend's vote), they are going to further hamstring the president's effort to win this war. Finally, they will do their utmost to cut funding to the war effort so that the only option left will be to withdraw and leave the Iraqis holding the bag. Just like we did in Vietnam.

    And that will hurt our reputation abroad. Our enemies and our allies will see America as a country that cuts and runs. All that talk of how we appear to the rest of the world that the Left likes to engage in will suddenly cease. It doesn't matter if the world sees America as weak, unreliable and easily defeated just so long we're not involved in a war abroad.

    In my opinion, calling the Democrat Party the party of traitors and turncoats is well deserved . They are going to repeat the mistakes of Vietnam, millions will die and some of those will be our own troops. The Middle East will become a bigger mess than it is now and the Democrats will have an excuse and list of talking points at the ready when all that happens. It will be Bush's fault, the neocons fault, everyone's fault but theirs.

    Someone once said that politics ends at our borders. The Democrats put an end to that. They've made this war, and Vietnam, a political war.
    How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin. - Ronald Reagan

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    Quote Originally Posted by KarlMarx View Post

    Santyana's saying is relevant here, those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
    Yes. I agree. And we should have taken the lessons we learned from Vietnam and internalized them... learned from them and not repeated them. Taking it out of the realm for a moment of whether we agree or disagree with the entry into Iraq. We'll pretend it was the right thing to do for argument's sake. That being the case, then we know the only way to enter into a situation like that is to go in with overwhelming force or not at all. Rumsfeld wanted to go in on the cheap... with a leaner, meaner military. Turns out that was a huge mistake. And don't say I'm Monday morning quarterbacking. *We* people were saying it then.... .as were most of the generals on the ground... you know, all the ones that retired so they could speak out??

    Your people (and yes, I use that term deliberately) have been comparing Iraq to Vietnam. They are now doing their utmost to make sure that will happen.
    No. Bush made sure that would happen by having no plan, no exit strategy and insufficient troops. One also can't ignore the analogies between the cries of WMD's and the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

    Vietnam was lost mainly because the news media and the anti-war movement at home turned public opinion against the war effort. A Democratically controlled Congress made sure that Nixon's efforts to win the war were hamstrung and finally, that all funding would be cut off to the Vietnamese army fighting the Viet Cong.
    Vietnam was lost because there was no ultimate reason to be there, same as here. You seem to have things backward. The war isn't lost because it lost public support. The war lost public support because there was no good end. Loss? Depends on what you see as a loss. Me? I figure that if Saigon was ultimately going to fall anyway (and it would have) then better it had happened when Nixon came into office (since he ran on a platform of getting us out of Vietnam) then years later after thousands more of our troops were killed in the jungle.

    The result was that hundreds of thousands were imprisoned and tortured. The Khmer Rouge then set up power next door and wiped out 2 million people.
    You think we could have kept the Khmer Rouge out of power?? That's interesting. Sorry. I don't buy it.

    All the talk by the Left about how many Iraqis are dying in this war suddenly will become a non sequitur once we pull out, won't it?
    They're going to die either way BECAUSE Bush stuck his nose in and did what his father knew was going to be a failure. So, now they die along with our troops. Then they'll just kill each other. I'm ok with that. Our involvement in a civil war is inappropriate.

    The Dems complained that there weren't enough troops to do the job. Now Bush is trying to do something about it and whammo! It's an escalation.
    Absurd argument. At the beginning the troops could have made a difference. Now they won't.... will just mean more of our troops dying. Even a neo-con should be able to get that distinction.

    The Dems actually want us out of that war, they don't support the troops (especially after this weekend's vote), they are going to further hamstring the president's effort to win this war. Finally, they will do their utmost to cut funding to the war effort so that the only option left will be to withdraw and leave the Iraqis holding the bag. Just like we did in Vietnam.

    And that will hurt our reputation abroad. Our enemies and our allies will see America as a country that cuts and runs. All that talk of how we appear to the rest of the world that the Left likes to engage in will suddenly cease. It doesn't matter if the world sees America as weak, unreliable and easily defeated just so long we're not involved in a war abroad.

    In my opinion, calling the Democrat Party the party of traitors and turncoats is well deserved . They are going to repeat the mistakes of Vietnam, millions will die and some of those will be our own troops. The Middle East will become a bigger mess than it is now and the Democrats will have an excuse and list of talking points at the ready when all that happens. It will be Bush's fault, the neocons fault, everyone's fault but theirs.

    Someone once said that politics ends at our borders. The Democrats put an end to that. They've made this war, and Vietnam, a political war.
    I am sooooooooooooo bored and sick of tired of the neo-cons crying that not supporting this misadventure into Iraq is somehow "not supporting the troops". What a bunch of hooey. I support them. Use them for when it's necessary to defend and protect us.... not for nation building.

    What happened to all you *conservatives*? You used to KNOW that wasn't what our troops were for.

    And now the incompetent in the White House is telling us that "anonymous military officials" are claiming that the Irani government is controlling arms going into Iraq. Gee? Where have we heard crap like that before?

    And before you tell me... oh, but the admin wouldn't *mislead* us or rely on faulty intel (*again*), on Monday General Peter Pace (chairman of the joint chiefs) said (you listening here???) THERE IS NO INFORMATION LINKING THE GOVERNMENT OF IRAN TO WEAPONS SUPPLIES TO SHI'A INSURGENTS.

    Does that mean they're NOT doing it? No. But you know the old expression... fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. ??? (and no it isn't "fool me twice... won't get fooled again").

    Well, I wouldn't believe this admin if their tongues were notarized and I wouldn't trust the prez's judgment if it came with the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

    That isn't because he's a republican. I never used to have a problem voting for a (moderate) republican. It's because he's proven himself untrustworthy and incompetent.

    Interestingly, and this might not surprise you. I happen to like Joe Scarborough who's got more conservative principle in his little pinky than Bush has in his entire body. Scarborough served at least a few terms as a Republican Congressman and is a true Reagan Republican. Even he says it's time to get our troops out. Look at all the true conservative Republicans who gave your guy a vote of no confidence yesterday.... even Repubs in safe seats. And you can whine that they're traitors.. or RINO's... or anything else you want to whine about them being... but they're cutting the apron strings because they know a) the American public thinks the pres mishandled the whole kit and kaboodle; and b) they've got to listen to the people who voted for them; and c) maybe.... just maybe... they're honorable enough to know cutting Bush off at the knees on his little "surge the course" policy is the right thing to do.

    And THAT'S what Congressional oversight is. The prez... he ain't the only DECIDER.
    Last edited by jillian; 02-17-2007 at 10:20 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jillian View Post
    Taking it out of the realm for a moment of whether we agree or disagree with the entry into Iraq. We'll pretend it was the right thing to do for argument's sake.
    OMG---after years of completely trashing everything Bush has done only NOW are you going to "petend" it may have been the right thing to do ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
    You do know that this resolution was a protest vote against sending more troops INTO Iraq right? I thought "supporting the troops" meant keeping them alive. I guess you guys have been using "support the troops" as a code for "send as many troops as possible into dangerous situations where they can get maimed and killed."
    You obviously have NO idea what "support the troops" means.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
    By "playing with soldiers' lives" do you mean "protesting the president's decision to send more US troops in to be killed?"
    What is the actual purpose of doing so? Telegraphing to the enemy that all they have to do is wait for a Dem President to put the finishing touches on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory?
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Birdzeye View Post
    About effin' time Congress stood up to the wannabe emperor and put him on notice that they don't approve!

    He got us into this war on false pretenses and now we're in a royal mess. I no longer believe anything Bush says and I certainly have no confidence that he can clean up the mess left by his decisions.
    Enough true facts have been disseminated over the past four years that one can assume you are either a liar or an idiot. Take your pick.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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    Quote Originally Posted by Birdzeye View Post
    Now that's a downright disingenious argument, considering that until this year, Bush had a GOP-controlled Congress that gave him everything he wanted. The Dems didn't have the power or clout to "sabotage" Bush's war.
    Speaking of disengenuous ... Bush did NOT get everything he wanted from Congress, and the Dems most certainly have had enough power to obstruct him every step of the way.

    And you can attempt to hide behind your lie all you want, but the fact remains the left has undermined this war from the very second they decided it was predicated only on WMDs, and since none popped up and said "Here I am," that Bush lied about them.
    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Edumnd Burke

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