Quote Originally Posted by Hagbard Celine View Post
There it is. You posted it yourself. The founders wanted to keep religion out of government, i.e. they wanted to keep the government secular. They'd seen firsthand the evils of theocratic rule and religious suppression in England and elsewhere.
Nobody denies that most if not all of the founders believed in God. Seeing as how Darwin hadn't even been born yet, it's no surprise either that most if not all of them believed humans had been created by God too. But no one can deny that they created a secular government. It's written right there in the first amendment. The first sentence no less!
No, they created a neutral government, not a secular government. The adoption of Common Law is a given that all laws are to be based on "the majority's morals and values" which are religious. Is America a Christian Nation? Yes! Are the laws Secular? No!