Quote Originally Posted by Jillian View Post
Wow! A balmy 15 above?!?!?! Woooohoooo!!!!!

It actually is a bit weird. It'll be working fine all morning when I peek in periodically in between doing stuff at work and then the minute I sit down to relax for a few it gives me the finger... cybernetically, of course.

It is majorly creepy, Steffie!
It's weird Jilly....But after your at 40 below zero for awhile, 15 above is warm.....

It did really start after the hack job...You see what I've been going through...
Only able to get on from 9pm to 1:30 am....
It's been driving me nuts...
It must be a problem from the board end, but of course I'm no computer whizz...
It took everyone here a few times yrs ago to explain to me how to post the Addy, and how to copy and paste, that's how pathetic on the computer I was...
Before I joined the Usmb board all I used a computer for was to play games on...

Sheesh, I think it took me a full yr. before I would speak on the board....
Now, they can't get me to shut up....