Quote Originally Posted by nevadamedic View Post
People go way overboard with this religious nonsense. They spend over an hour a week(sometimes multiple hours) that they will never get back at some church praying to something that they have no clue exists. Then they donate money to the church so the priests can take little boys on outings. Then they spend countless hours praying to someone they don't know exists based on one of the greatest fictional books ever read. Then it incourages wack jobs like this guy who killed and cooked his girlfriend to kill in "Gods" name.

Then people spend billions of dollars a year on so called religious items. God is big business.

If you are religious you shouldn't have to spend money, plaster Jesus stickers all over your car, wear Jesus clothes and jewlry or spend countless hours at a church worshipping a god just so you will goto "Heaven". Blah. People need to charish the limited time they have here not spend it praying 24/7. That shouldn't matter to God, unless he is egotistical which the bible makes him out to be.

Dont even get me started on the bible. Let's just say a lot of what is in there can be explained by science like the whole plagues of Egypt and Moses Parting the Red Sea.

People are suckers.

When folks go to church they at least get something out of it so they don't feel that its an hour they'll never get back.
Now, reading and responding to this thread.... there's 45 wasted seconds that I'll never get back.