Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
In fact the Dems want to repeal all the Bush tax cuts, and raise some taxes close to the levels they were at in the late 1970's

and we all know what a great economy the US had under Pres Peanut and a Dem run Congress
well lets see...the economy sucks because....

gas costs too much and thus everything that depends on gas in turn goes up......the dem congress could cut the tax on gas thus stimulating the economy.....ya right.....

the dollar is weak...so we shouldn't buy foriegn stuff but should encourage foriegners to come here and buy our stuff.....oh wait that is already happening.....nevermind...

if we are short on money we should stop giving it to other countries....not to mention pass billions in pork programs....

no stimulus packages.....suck it up.....no bail outs for subprimers....suck it up.....

ah forget it....these brilliant buisnessmen will simple raise taxes.....ya that will work pay your employees less.....