Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
Do you think that the anger and racism of the man who Obama went to for spiritual guidance for 20 years, has no relevance or gives us no insight into who Obama really is as a person or a candidate? Would you attend a church where that church's spiritual leader espoused such anger and racism?
Give obama a f******* break. Such racism here regarding mentioning his middle name. Why mention ''hussein''? why not mention Bush's middle name, why not mention Hilary's middle name? why not mention the middle name of any other high profile politician. This is plain racism. and you fucking know it.

His pastor may spurt racist views, does that mean that the obama agrees with his views on EVERYTHING. If your teacher said, ' i hate people that kill animals, you should become a veggie''- r u going to fucking become a veggie? Does that mean, all the students must hate animal killers personally and want to eat no meat anymore.

just say it, he has a muslim name- so you have a fucking problem!!!. pathetic.