Give me a break:

Free by error, ex-radical back in prison

LOS ANGELES - Just days after her release on parole, a former 1970s radical was headed back to prison Saturday to serve at least one more year after corrections officials said a miscalculation resulted in her early release.

Criticism over the early release from prison Monday of Sara Jane Olson, who lived as a fugitive for years in Minnesota, spurred a review of her sentence and the timing of her parole


The department is sensitive to the impact such an error has had on all involved in this case and sincerely regrets the mistake," Kernan said.

He said the review was ordered "after many concerns raised in the media." The union that represents Los Angeles police officers and the son of a woman killed in a decades-old botched robbery at a bank near Sacramento opposed Olson's release.


the rest of the article goes on about crime, but this story, is about parole, not sentencing.

is she an unreasonable danger to society? <-- that is the test in CA for parole, given you serve your minimum term.