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    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    I paraphrased, not having your exact quote at hand. Are you suggesting that you did NOT say that blacks were more inherently violent than other races "BY NATURE"?
    That's exactly what I said, and I proved it.

    The next thing everyone in this thread is aware of is that b. hussein belongs to a racist church with a frothing at the mouth racist, America hating preacher. Has he left the church yet? No. Why not? One can only surmise that he's in total agreement with all of the racist rants and preaching of the church and the preacher. Otherwise he'd leave that church. Easy to see, easy to figure out.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    How long did it take for women to overcome being disenfranchised ?
    We still are disenfranchised!!!

    Just look at Congress....are there even close to 50% of our representatives as women? Well, half of America are women? When we have proportionate representation, then I would say the end of disenfranchisement is at hand!

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    =JohnDoe;221989 But what is many? 10% are not decendents? 20% are not decendents? 50% are not decendents?

    I think after the war as you stated would have been the best way to handle it, however Americans were too busy discriminating against the newly freed blacks for the next 100 years after giving them their freedom.

    Is THIS being left out of the equation or being denied? I don't see how it can be....?

    Probably 10% are not decendents of American slaves. Not that it matters. My point was if restitution was going to be given it should have been given to the slaves, not their decendents. Too many years have passed, there are too many decendents. We have had affermative action in most positions, we have rules against discrimination. Now people need to take responsibility for themselves and their future and quite looking to the past for someone to blame. All of the slaves and slave owners are dead.

    . I read an article on it yesterday that I wished I had saved which went in to surveys they had done among blacks and MOST ALL black women believe in marriage and want their men to marry them and be faithful to them, while most black men in the survey did not think marriage was as important as their women and even if they did marry, they thought that extramarital affairs were okay.

    The only way to cut the rate of out of wedlock births in the black community is for the women to use better birth control or keep their legs together until the men get on the same page and start marrying them.

    It showed how at the time of martin luther king, more than 70% of black adults were married, moreso than white folk and how the degeneration of such has taken place since then...

    We all know the benefits of having children in marriage instead of out of it. The question is WHY did black out of wedlock births start going up AFTER the Civil Rights Movement??????? Again, after affermative action and hiring laws have come into affect the black community seems to be worse than it was before. IMO this is not a problem caused by white people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe View Post
    We still are disenfranchised!!!

    Just look at Congress....are there even close to 50% of our representatives as women? Well, half of America are women? When we have proportionate representation, then I would say the end of disenfranchisement is at hand!

    Women are not disenfranchised.

    Women have the choice to stay at home, or enter the workforce. We have the freedom to pursue ANY career we choose.

    Simply not having the same exact number of men and women in any given profession does not point to disenfranchisement. It points to FREE WILL.

    We have a WOMAN running for president and we've had a WOMAN run for Vice President.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale Rider View Post
    How do you come to the conclusion that it's not a color problem when the problem pertains to one color? Had this phenomenon affect all races the same I'd say you're right... but it hasn't. Therefore.... think about it....
    oh yeah, you are right that disproportionately Black men are not marrying their women.

    I am saying that "a better life for ANY child" comes from being reared by both their father and their mother.

    That it is not necessarily the MONEY that comes from a 2 parent family as they once had thought that makes these children at a lower risk of a number of negative statistics/situations....

    because they followed the children of unwed White mothers with higher incomes and their children had less of a chance in having a good, prosperous life than the children of any married couple, including the children of a black married couple.

    So, yes it is a problem in the black community because the black men are not marrying their women...

    and the fatherless child becomes at risk....but no greater risk than the white woman that has a child out of wedlock...soooo, in that is not a color issue....both white and black etc children without a mother and a father have a higher risk of being jailed, dropping out of highschool, being killed, not finding a good job, getting pregnant out of wedlock themselves etc....

    I think Trigg has the solution, it is time for these women to take control of the situation and stop putting out...from the article that I read, they are about ready to do such and go on a revolt cuz they are sick of it, sick of having to struggle by themselves to rear the children of these men...


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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe View Post
    oh yeah, you are right that disproportionately Black men are not marrying their women.

    I am saying that "a better life for ANY child" comes from being reared by both their father and their mother.

    That it is not necessarily the MONEY that comes from a 2 parent family as they once had thought that makes these children at a lower risk of a number of negative statistics/situations....

    because they followed the children of unwed White mothers with higher incomes and their children had less of a chance in having a good, prosperous life than the children of any married couple, including the children of a black married couple.

    So, yes it is a problem in the black community because the black men are not marrying their women...

    and the fatherless child becomes at risk....but no greater risk than the white woman that has a child out of wedlock...soooo, in that is not a color issue....both white and black etc children without a mother and a father have a higher risk of being jailed, dropping out of highschool, being killed, not finding a good job, getting pregnant out of wedlock themselves etc....

    I think Trigg has the solution, it is time for these women to take control of the situation and stop putting out...from the article that I read, they are about ready to do such and go on a revolt cuz they are sick of it, sick of having to struggle by themselves to rear the children of these men...

    stop putting out

    A nutcase will do nutty things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe View Post
    oh yeah, you are right that disproportionately Black men are not marrying their women.

    I am saying that "a better life for ANY child" comes from being reared by both their father and their mother.

    That it is not necessarily the MONEY that comes from a 2 parent family as they once had thought that makes these children at a lower risk of a number of negative statistics/situations....

    because they followed the children of unwed White mothers with higher incomes and their children had less of a chance in having a good, prosperous life than the children of any married couple, including the children of a black married couple.

    So, yes it is a problem in the black community because the black men are not marrying their women...

    and the fatherless child becomes at risk....but no greater risk than the white woman that has a child out of wedlock...soooo, in that is not a color issue....both white and black etc children without a mother and a father have a higher risk of being jailed, dropping out of highschool, being killed, not finding a good job, getting pregnant out of wedlock themselves etc....

    I think Trigg has the solution, it is time for these women to take control of the situation and stop putting out...from the article that I read, they are about ready to do such and go on a revolt cuz they are sick of it, sick of having to struggle by themselves to rear the children of these men...

    wed unwed---no difference----they are not present to help the child in any fashion---THAT is the problem.

    A nutcase will do nutty things.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale Rider View Post
    That's exactly what I said, and I proved it.

    The next thing everyone in this thread is aware of is that b. hussein belongs to a racist church with a frothing at the mouth racist, America hating preacher. Has he left the church yet? No. Why not? One can only surmise that he's in total agreement with all of the racist rants and preaching of the church and the preacher. Otherwise he'd leave that church. Easy to see, easy to figure out.

    no. that is ridiculous! you did not prove any such thing. the only thing you proved was that you are a racist who feels superior to people with black skin.

    I ask you again: if you took a caucasian baby and a black baby - orphans - and had them raised as siblings by a family in remote Mongolia, are you suggesting that, BY NATURE - GENETICALLY - INHERENTLY, the black baby would grow up to be more violent than the caucasian baby?

    I also am a member of a UCC church. There certainly have been times that I have disagreed with what has been preached from the pulpit at my church. Why didn't I leave? Because it is my church. The churches of the UCC are congregational in nature. That means that the church is not defined by the minister but by the congregation itself. I would never leave my church because my faith journey has been undertaken alongside the members of my church. It would be easy for you to understand if you were a member of a congregational church, but clearly you are not and, therefore, your "beliefs" are based in ignorance.
    Last edited by retiredman; 03-25-2008 at 01:51 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trigg View Post
    Women are not disenfranchised.

    Women have the choice to stay at home, or enter the workforce. We have the freedom to pursue ANY career we choose.
    [B]Yes, we do have the opportunity to PURSUE any job we want...this is where we have come a long way.... whether we have the opportunity to "get" the job is still another story in some areas of our society and work environment. Not all, but in SOME areas of business in the USA. There is also still work force disparity when it comes to money. Statistics show that a woman doing the PRECISE SAME job as a man in general makes 80% of what they pay the man in certain areas of the workforce/management.

    At the same time I recognize that women may be hired before a man in certain areas of our workforce too.... look at teachers, nurses, waitresses etc all out number their male counterparts but many say this is because of the lower salaries in these fields compared to other fields.

    I am older than you for certain, and have seen great strides in my career. When I began, I was the first female buyer the company had ever hired....and they did not hire me from the outside, I had to pay my dues working for them in the stores, moving up from salesperson to asst manager to manager to Buyer for them. All other Retail Buyers were men....even for women's shoes, the buyers were men? The General Merchandise Manager, hiring for the position turned me down....told me outright that he didn't think a GIRL like me could do the job when I interviewed for the job....

    I wanted it so badly...I went over the general merchandise manager's head and went to the President of the Company I worked for and begged him to give me a chance at this Buyer's Position, that I knew I could do the job....and the President called the GMM hiring and told him to hire me for the position...he told the GMM that anyone that had the guts that I did and wanted a job so much as I did, deserved the chance at the job.

    For the first 2 years that I worked for the GMM when passing me in the hallway, he used to pinch my arm and say to me, "Is your skin getting any thicker yet", implying that I was just a weak little girl that would never be able to wheel and deal with the male vendors that tried to sell us goods...

    He used to say outright to me, with all the men buyers around, what the heck do you are just a 23/24/25/26 year old FEMALE, making emphasis on that...(this went on the whole decade)

    The only reason I survived was because there was no way in this world was I gonna let some man push me out of something I really wanted to do in life....(I had just gone thru a divorce too and knew that if I wanted any of the "finer" things in life, I would have to get them for myself, by myself...) so I put up with this kind of bullshit and harrassment for years....11 years with the same company, 9 and half years with that same male dick of a boss

    When my boss the GMM resigned, the president asked him who he thought would be good within the company to replace him.... Much to my surprise...the son of a bitch recommended me to replace him. (And we have kept a friendship over the last decade and still have one, amazingly! )

    From that point on it was pretty much uphill and not too many noticable disparities....untill it came time for the vp positions avail at the Corp that I worked for...30 vps and all men...with PLENTY of qualified women execs...

    Soooo I admit alot has changed since that time, but I do not think that we have reached a true parity yet...not in all areas of business.

    I am not really a woman's movement kind of gal or anything like that....I know what I have said might deem me as such, but I am just speaking from personal experience....

    looking back on it, my first 10 years of struggling in a man's environment made me a STRONGER business woman, and quite frankly it did just what my boss set out to do, it made my skin thicker!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dilloduck View Post
    wed unwed---no difference----they are not present to help the child in any fashion---THAT is the problem.
    Actually, there was a difference. This article went in to couples living together and parenting verses being married and parenting, and in those scenarios the child with both MARRIED parents had better chances of a better life than even couples living together and not married.


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    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    no. that is ridiculous! you did not prove any such thing. the only thing you proved was that you are a racist who feels superior to people with black skin.
    Yes, I did prove it, quite conclusively I'll add. The fact that you chose to ignore the mountains of statistics and facts is you're fault, not mine. But, you've been ignoring much in this thread. It's appalling.

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    I ask you again: if you took a caucasian baby and a black baby - orphans - and had them raised as siblings by a family in remote Mongolia, are you suggesting that, BY NATURE - GENETICALLY - INHERENTLY, the black baby would grow up to be more violent than the caucasian baby?
    Since I can't find an example of that ever happening, I'll use another example that is the same thing. Take black people out of Mongolia and bring them up in white America and yes, they turn out more violent. That we know is a fact. You've been shown these facts. Yet you deny them as if they didn't exist. Quite amazing.

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    I also am a member of a UCC church. There certainly have been times that I have disagreed with what has been preached from the pulpit at my church. Why didn't I leave? Because it is my church. The churches of the UCC are congregational in nature. That means that the church is not defined by the minister but by the congregation itself. I would never leave my church because my faith journey has been undertaken alongside the members of my church. It would be easy for you to understand if you were a member of a congregational church, but clearly you are not and, therefore, your "beliefs" are based in ignorance.
    So you follow a church that preaches things you don't agree with, just because of the congregation. Well, you're right. I don't get it. You sound like sheeple.

    And thank you so much mister holier than thou for telling me my Christian beliefs are "IGONRANT."

    I'll tell ya what mfm... you just turn into a bigger shit wad with every coming post. What is your problem? The fact that your candidate was exposed as to belonging to a racist church with a racist preacher. You feel you have to strike out and hit back at anyone who dares talk about it? You're out of your skull on this mfm. I think you've lost a lot of ground here on the board as far as people taking you seriously. You've been a complete joke and sarcastic monster in this thread, and you are the epitome of antipathy.
    Last edited by Pale Rider; 03-25-2008 at 02:10 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale Rider View Post
    Yes, I did prove it, quite conclusively I'll add. The fact that you chose to ignore the mountains of statistics and facts is you're fault, not mine. But, you've been ignoring much in this thread. It's appalling.

    Since I can't find an example of that ever happening, I'll use another example that is the same thing. Take black people out of Mongolia and bring them up in white America and yes, they turn out more violent. That we know is a fact. BULLSHIT!You've been shown these facts. Yet you deny them as if they didn't exist. Quite amazing.

    So you follow a church that preaches things you don't agree with, just because of the congregation. Well, you're right. I don't get it. You sound like sheeple.

    And thank you so much mister holier than thou for telling me my Christian beliefs are "IGONRANT."

    I'll tell ya what mfm... you just turn into a bigger shit wad with every coming post. What is your problem? The fact that your candidate was exposed as to belonging to a racist church with a racist preacher. You feel you have to strike out and hit back at anyone who dares talk about it? You're out of your skull on this mfm. I think you've lost a lot of ground here on the board as far as people taking you seriously. You've been a complete joke and sarcastic monster in this thread, and you are the epitome of antipathy.
    black people don't live in Mongolia. MORON. So clearly, you cannot know any such "fact", you fucking idiot. Do you even have a fucking clue where Mongolia is, you ignorant buffoon?

    YOu haven't proven anything other than the fact that society impacts the level of violence of human beings.

    I belong to a congregational church because the congregation is what is important. And if the minister my church hired preached values that I disagreed with every single Sunday, I would work with my fellow parishioners to get him replaced. If the minister nine times out of ten preached sermons that inspired and uplifted me and once every ten weeks, it rankled me and I disagreed with it, that would not be a reason to leave my church. I am not about to judge Jeremiah Wright's three decades in the pulpit based upon a handful of soundbites...but I fully understand how a racist thug like you would jump at such an opportunity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    black people don't live in Mongolia. MORON. So clearly, you cannot know any such "fact", you fucking idiot. Do you even have a fucking clue where Mongolia is, you ignorant buffoon?

    YOu haven't proven anything other than the fact that society impacts the level of violence of human beings.
    Doesn't make any difference where jug head. You dodge my example to revel in irrelevant criticism. You're a fucking real winner mfm. I hope you enjoy going down in flames, because you've been owned like the little liberal, excuse making, spinning, lying craw dad you are about fifteen times from eternity in this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    I belong to a congregational church because the congregation is what is important. And if the minister my church hired preached values that I disagreed with every single Sunday, I would work with my fellow parishioners to get him replaced. If the minister nine times out of ten preached sermons that inspired and uplifted me and once every ten weeks, it rankled me and I disagreed with it, that would not be a reason to leave my church. I am not about to judge Jeremiah Wright's three decades in the pulpit based upon a handful of soundbites...but I fully understand how a racist thug like you would jump at such an opportunity.
    Ya know what I see here mfm.... I see... "blah, blah, blah, rev wright gets a pass from me for being a racist because he's black... blah, blah, blah, but since you called him a racist for commenting on his racist rants, I'm going to call you a racist... blah, blah, blah, because I need to deflect away from rev wright because he can sink my messiah hussein's chances at the white house." That's exactly what's going on this thread mfm. Don't think people here aren't smart enough to figure it out you arrogant, liberal, boob.
    Last edited by Pale Rider; 03-25-2008 at 02:43 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by manfrommaine View Post
    For you to just blithely dismiss Ronald Reagan's unconditional commitment to Israel - which was political and financial and military in nature and quite substantive overall, and get your undies in a bunch over the symbolic and spiritual commitment to African culture of a black church in Chicago is hypocritical in the extreme...and another example of the self righteous faux outrage that you use to attempt to disguise your own racism.
    when are you going to apologize for calling me a kike, which is calling me a jewish nigger....

    i didn't blithely dismiss anything, i gave you sound reasoning, you are free to reject logic.....

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    And by the way mfm... you with your pitch black hair and pitch black mustache, I don't believe for one second you have one iota of Irish in you, let alone HALF! No freagin' way.

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