Quote Originally Posted by TheStripey1 View Post
What exactly is your point? There are plenty of towns all across america that are also stuck in the past waiting for that mill or factory to reopen... they won't of course, but those citizens of all those towns are still there hoping that their good paying jobs will return from overseas.

Do you think John McCain has a plan to revive their economic fortunes? By all means... lay it out... all I've heard from him is __________... nothing but more of the same... tax breaks for the rich is the name of his game... which is good for him because he's rich... but how about the rest of us?
so according to Obama when someone shoots somebody up because they don't have a job, rather than get themselves re-educated, we must have empathy for them for their frustrations? He has really really lost it

McCain's wife is the one with the wealth - and she earned it