Quote Originally Posted by JohnDoe View Post
Gaffer, you know we got a trust in one another, even though with opposite views on war issues...so please keep this in mind when I say....

Are you going out of your mind???? lol hahahaha!

Seriously though! Let me explain....

I was JUST reading about how many people saddam had for his full Army at the time we invaded in 2003, and the figures I read were anywhere from 8000 to 10,000 men army, if you counted his trained reserve forces too....

Then I went to another article that spoke about Iran, and how many trained army troops they have in their total Army....It was 900,000, including their trained reserves! A few hundred thousand in their airforce alone!

A war with Iran, in my opinion would most certainly be a "conventional" war, in combination with the militia that would form from the masses!!!!

A NIGHTMARE for the USA right now....we can't jump the gun and think something like this could be done right now because of our "air Power", that is foolish beyond belief in my opinion! Just think about it....Iran has the largest army in the middle east! This would lead to Armageddon I am afraid to say.... Especially if done without an exit strategy and an entrance strategy that keeps in mind that Saudi Arabia and Israel would be pulled in to it too...along with Iraq!

Our Troops are tired Gaffer, we would need a draft before we jumped the gun on Iran knowing all of this, don't you think?

At the start of the invasion saddam had 25 divisions. One division is 8 to 10 thousand men. Don't know where they got their numbers from on the site you were reading.

Yes iran has a big army. It's a big country. The question is, how many of them will fight for the mullahs. The country is hurting economically because the mullahs are bleeding them dry. Other than the fanatical there won't be a full scale resistance.

Our airpower will take out their defenses, command and control, and armored units before we ever set foot in the country. During the air assaults the ground troops will move into position. I also think there will be major uprisings in the country once we begin the strikes. Just based on my readings about what the population has undergone there.

Equipment used to attack iran is not the equipment that is iraq at this time. It will be brought into the theater. And the attacks will come from the gulf, iraq and afgan. Causing the iranians to defend on three fronts.

The big question in a war with iran is what will their puppets do. hezbo and hamas and syria. Their agents will be making strikes throughout the world. But the important thing is to take out the head of the snake. All the problems in the middle east and all over the world originate in iran.

As I have said many times before, when congress has the balls to actually declare war then they have the right to draft. Until then it should remain an all volunteer force.

Ask a soldier or marine who has served in iraq and seen the casualties caused by iranian made IED's and rockets. And tell me they would be too tired to go take out iran and those factories. They would be all over that opportunity.

The military is not broke, tired or poorly equipt. They are not victims being sent off to war. They are taking the war to the enemy in the enemies land so the folks at home can go about their business as though no war exists. If iran gets a few more years to prepare the war will be brought here and an apocalyptic war is exactly what they want.