Quote Originally Posted by 82Marine89 View Post
Fucking A skippy I'm proud to be an American.

Just goes to show you that gays everywhere want special protections. Screw the kids that gets blown up by a suicide bomber, the gays don't care about them. They only want their asses protected. Must be conservative soldiers and Marines over there because they only give equal protection to the gays.
yeah they want 'specail treatment' like not being hunted and murdered...how dare they
This is a section of society that is being hunted down, to treat them as equal ain't to smart, if instead this was a hunt for children would you expect the US army to turn around and go 'nope, not helping the children anymore than we're helping anyother age group, all should be treated equally'
Seems to fly in the face of a cornerstone of western Democracy i.e. The responsibility of majority to protect its minorities.