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    Quote Originally Posted by lkamunen View Post
    hey you cock winders the "hawk" and "gaffer" you guys are so fuckin typical!!
    yeah I'm one of the brothers who ditched that joke of an outfit called the army! Next time you guys post a comment and think you know what your talking about get your fuckin sources straight. First thing, the guy who wrote the article on us was an old fart who put shit in there just for the publicity. Half that shit we didn't say. If you guys think your so damn tuff with your little postings why don;t you come to my house personally. The army was a fuckiin joke and anyone who backs that shit up is dumber then my shit floating in the toilet. The majority of people that join are hopeless little retards who don't have any other chioce in life, so they stick it through. And eventually get there dumb ass demolished by an IED some jew put under there vehicle. who would fight for some old man named bush anyway. Sounds to me like you guys are the chickenshits. There aint many people who have the balls to leave even when they really have to. Some people just got more important shit to do then listen to a bunch of niggers in a round hat scream at them all day, and burn there asses off in the hot sun!! Yeah one more thing, the army don't pay shit!! I could work at micdonalds and make more money in one year!!! Fuck you!!
    Wow aren't you the intelligent's a clue............... clean up your language........................ intelligent people can actually use words that are not classified as curse words.
    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word. ~ Gaffer

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkamunen View Post
    hey you cock winders the "hawk" and "gaffer" you guys are so fuckin typical!!
    yeah I'm one of the brothers who ditched that joke of an outfit called the army! Next time you guys post a comment and think you know what your talking about get your fuckin sources straight. First thing, the guy who wrote the article on us was an old fart who put shit in there just for the publicity. Half that shit we didn't say. If you guys think your so damn tuff with your little postings why don;t you come to my house personally. The army was a fuckiin joke and anyone who backs that shit up is dumber then my shit floating in the toilet. The majority of people that join are hopeless little retards who don't have any other chioce in life, so they stick it through. And eventually get there dumb ass demolished by an IED some jew put under there vehicle. who would fight for some old man named bush anyway. Sounds to me like you guys are the chickenshits. There aint many people who have the balls to leave even when they really have to. Some people just got more important shit to do then listen to a bunch of niggers in a round hat scream at them all day, and burn there asses off in the hot sun!! Yeah one more thing, the army don't pay shit!! I could work at micdonalds and make more money in one year!!! Fuck you!!
    Well if you want a visit from any of us just post your address and I'm sure a number of us would be happy to oblige you. But I'm certainly not driving out of state just to kick your dumb ass with the price of gas being what it is. And spell check is your friend.

    A for someone putting words in your mouth, you might have come on here and explained it instead of trying to act like a bad ass. Your not very good with words and your way out classed here. Making threats will just get you banned, if you haven't been already. IED's are being used by arabs, not jews. You need to get your races straight.

    I agree with 82, your a spoiled lazy boy who didn't like that he would have to do something when he got to basic.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    After wadding through all the superfluous explitives I have to say the people that go awol are right. These military hardliners that keep using the term "hard work" is a misnomer because most people dont have a gimmie attitude and are willing to put in lagit hard work for adaquate compensation, its the hazing that people dont like, did you know that you can be fired as a supervisor in the civilian world for treating people like drill sgts treat people, so using that logic the entire civilian population and any ex-military that are no longer serving are all a bunch or "pussys". Work place harrasment laws are passed by legislators who are elected by the majority which includes ex-military. There are so many inconsistancys in military hardliners arguments its not even funny, no one should have to tolerate "some guy in a round hat" hazing the shit out of you. Even people who do not go awol do not nessicarily want to be there some do it because they need the paycheck and dont have the nessicary skills to get a good paying civilian job. If I were in the air port and that happened to me I would probably call air port security and have that sorry officers ass arrested for verbal assult and then get on the next plane home. Military people talk so hard but when the shit hits the fan most of them are no different from anyone else, and shit hitting the fan is not some drill hazing a bunch of 18 yr olds. Shit hitting the fan would be someone comming to my house and being met with heavy weapons fire, round hat or not your going to drop when I put 20 rounds of .308 in you with my PTR-91, shot gun or if you surprise me 18 rounds of hollow point 9mm, thats the real deal not hazing a bunch of defenseless 18 yr old kids.
    Last edited by rppearso; 05-04-2008 at 08:00 PM.

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    yeah it's not going to worry me a bit not to post another message on this site. Just wanted to join the world of bordom for a bit and see all the wonderfull messages on this page! It really seems like people have something to say about this NOT SO INTERESTING topic!!!
    3 brothers go awol OOHHH BOY OHH MY!

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkamunen View Post
    3 brothers go awol OOHHH BOY OHH MY!
    More like 3 pussies who can't handle the real world. "Oh no, he yelled at me, he hazed me!"

    I know guys who dealt with harsher crap in fraternities.

    And why not get out through the proper channels instead of playing hide and seek like a little 5 year old girl?
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by rppearso View Post
    After wadding through all the superfluous explitives I have to say the people that go awol are right.
    You're just happy because another wuss that can't handle the military feels like you do.

    People that go AWOL are criminals, and are betraying the oath they took.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lkamunen View Post
    yeah it's not going to worry me a bit not to post another message on this site. Just wanted to join the world of bordom for a bit and see all the wonderfull messages on this page! It really seems like people have something to say about this NOT SO INTERESTING topic!!!
    3 brothers go awol OOHHH BOY OHH MY!
    Oh, please stick around. You got our board owner to post, and we love that.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by rppearso View Post
    After wadding through all the superfluous explitives I have to say the people that go awol are right. These military hardliners that keep using the term "hard work" is a misnomer because most people dont have a gimmie attitude and are willing to put in lagit hard work for adaquate compensation, its the hazing that people dont like, did you know that you can be fired as a supervisor in the civilian world for treating people like drill sgts treat people, so using that logic the entire civilian population and any ex-military that are no longer serving are all a bunch or "pussys". Work place harrasment laws are passed by legislators who are elected by the majority which includes ex-military. There are so many inconsistancys in military hardliners arguments its not even funny, no one should have to tolerate "some guy in a round hat" hazing the shit out of you. Even people who do not go awol do not nessicarily want to be there some do it because they need the paycheck and dont have the nessicary skills to get a good paying civilian job. If I were in the air port and that happened to me I would probably call air port security and have that sorry officers ass arrested for verbal assult and then get on the next plane home. Military people talk so hard but when the shit hits the fan most of them are no different from anyone else, and shit hitting the fan is not some drill hazing a bunch of 18 yr olds.
    You have no room to talk pussy. You would be the first to run when the shit hits the fan. That's why the recruits go through the hazing. To learn how to deal with things when the shit hits the fan. Boot camp/basic training is designed to weed out people like you and those three boys. There is no such thing as verbal assault. Like the boy your talking out your ass again. Not surprised you'd stick you nose in here. The almost a soldier has to come add his whine to the the boys cheese.

    Go crawl back under your rock.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    I was in a fraternity and I was not hazed at all, we all supported each other to get thorugh a rigourus engineering program and have some fun at the same time. There were some other chapters that had military style hazing and they lost there charters and were shut down by there respective grand chapters. There are checks and ballances with fraternitys and the checkers have teeth.

    Notice no one addressed any of my points other than to create more banter, these hardliners claim to post educated things and yet totally dodge all of my points, NOWHERE in the civilian work place is behavior like this accptable period. I got out using the proper channels and I completed basic training there was nothing dishonorable about what I did so the hardliners contradicted themselves again, I did just that because I did not want a bum security clearance if I want to get a scientist job later in life but just look at the flames they lump me right in there with someone who went AWOL (not that im saying I disagree with the reasons people go AWOL because the military does some F**ked up shit). Do you notice that your military experence, anyones military experence does not give them credibility amougst other hardliners unless they agree with the hardliners just look at John Kerry, he had honorable valid military service and people slander and liable him all the time when he was running, and GW basicly did the same thing as me and he is great and wonderful among the hardliners or at least they tolerate him by staying in the military, give me a break.

    Bring it, im looking forward to a discussion that is beyond your whinny retoric; "oh your a pussy", thats what ignorant rednecks say. Dont claim to be an intellegent person when you make statements of the nature "oh your a pussy" or some other similiar statement "you cant hack it" or whatever. Lets see what you would do if I came in your home and started smacking your wife around but I claimed it was to toughen her up. You people are so full of shit its not even funny.
    Last edited by rppearso; 05-04-2008 at 09:52 PM.

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    "Still a retard I see."

    What a mature rep comment from 82 Marine, is that an example of your "intelligent posts".

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    Now, ain't that special?!?!!?!??!?!?!??

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    You're just happy because another wuss that can't handle the military feels like you do.

    People that go AWOL are criminals, and are betraying the oath they took.
    Piss up a wet rope, jimmy!!!!!!!!!! You know better than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Those who go UA are by definition criminals. Likely they are also cowards.

    I think lkamunen and rppearso are the same guy.
    I'm Phil -- 40 something heterosexual white male, fairly self sufficient, great with my kids, wed 29 years to the same woman, and I firmly believe that ones actions have logical consequences. How much more out the box can you get nowadays? -- MSgt of Marines (ret)

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    They are also likely to be very principled and as American as you or me, peg.

    Quote Originally Posted by pegwinn View Post
    Those who go UA are by definition criminals. Likely they are also cowards.

    I think lkamunen and rppearso are the same guy.
    Cowards? I think not. Cowards don't do AWOL. They do as they are told. Cowards resort to exemptions, excuses, waivers, etc. to cover up their fear of duty. Don't you agree?

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    If they desert stateside, let 'em go. They'd probably try to save their own asses under fire thus endangering the lives of their squad mates. So better to have them run now than in the heat of combat. Save time and money by giving them a dishonorable discharge upon their desertion and leave them to spend the rest of their lives wallowing in the mire of their own cowardice.

    Of course, if they desert under fire or in theater, the UCMJ has ways of dealing with that.
    Fascism has come to America, wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. His name is Trump.
    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. - George Orwell...The New GOP motto.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rppearso View Post
    I was in a fraternity and I was not hazed at all, we all supported each other to get thorugh a rigourus engineering program and have some fun at the same time. There were some other chapters that had military style hazing and they lost there charters and were shut down by there respective grand chapters. There are checks and ballances with fraternitys and the checkers have teeth.

    Notice no one addressed any of my points other than to create more banter, these hardliners claim to post educated things and yet totally dodge all of my points, NOWHERE in the civilian work place is behavior like this accptable period. I got out using the proper channels and I completed basic training there was nothing dishonorable about what I did so the hardliners contradicted themselves again, I did just that because I did not want a bum security clearance if I want to get a scientist job later in life but just look at the flames they lump me right in there with someone who went AWOL (not that im saying I disagree with the reasons people go AWOL because the military does some F**ked up shit). Do you notice that your military experence, anyones military experence does not give them credibility amougst other hardliners unless they agree with the hardliners just look at John Kerry, he had honorable valid military service and people slander and liable him all the time when he was running, and GW basicly did the same thing as me and he is great and wonderful among the hardliners or at least they tolerate him by staying in the military, give me a break.

    Bring it, im looking forward to a discussion that is beyond your whinny retoric; "oh your a pussy", thats what ignorant rednecks say. Dont claim to be an intellegent person when you make statements of the nature "oh your a pussy" or some other similiar statement "you cant hack it" or whatever. Lets see what you would do if I came in your home and started smacking your wife around but I claimed it was to toughen her up. You people are so full of shit its not even funny.
    The difference between you and Bush is that Bush completed his NG commitment. You opted out. As for kerry. he embellished and lied about his service. And testified before congress with more lies. He served, then turned on his own.

    Basic training is not to haze and belittle people. It's to teach them to take orders unquestioningly. In a civilian job you have the right to refuse to do something that is dangerous or life threatening. That is not the case in the military. You have to do what your told immediately without question, because it could be a matter of life or death if you hesitate. In the military you are a GI (government issue) the same as a piece of equipment. It may not seem right, but it is necessary for the military to work.

    The "hazing" as you call it, is specially designed to instill discipline. A dressing down from a drill sergeant makes you think twice about what you did wrong and you don't do it again. It's done in front of others to impress on them that they should not do it either. Hazing in college is just cruel fun for upper class men. The "hazing" of the military is done for a purpose and may mean the difference between life and death. It's to instill discipline, not for somebodies pleasure at having authority over others. You view it as the later.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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