Quote Originally Posted by namvet View Post
still sore he didn't win son??? get a grip..................
It doesnt matter as much to me as it should to the rest of you in Conus especially being in oil and gas my quality of life will not go down to much if at all. So if you want to vote for a war monger you can pay for it dont expect me to help and dont ever claim you are defending my freedom, the last time our freedom was actually defended through forign hostile action was WW2 all the other wars were pissing matchs. Defending our freedom now would be weeding out all the burecrates in government that are not elected and sneek around like rats eroding our nation from within, like the guy who came up with the idea that ammo should be declaired "hazourdus material" ought to be executed because its back door gun control maybe we should manifest household cleaners too assholes