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    Quote Originally Posted by Classact View Post
    You are my new hero, I've stolen all your great work and used it on this site and I have the target rich liberal site tied in knots here:

    Anyone with time to burn in need of liberal targets please join in with me and share the fun on both sites! These guys have a radio station and I bet they don't talk about my posts there.
    Why did they close your post? You have Obama Loving Mods over there that couldn't handle the truth?

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    Check this blog out. Look at the HUGE list of reasons to not vote for Obama in the left frame.

    Simply amazing that anyone could vote for this guy in good conscious.

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    Another article on this:

    Barack Obama's communist connections

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pale Rider View Post
    Well... I can agree with that. Our future does look very dismal at times. I just had to say something in response to the "no one" reference.

    I know you're a good man dillo... I put you in the "we care" crowd.
    There aren't many poeple at all that really believe socialism and communism to be a real threat to our freedoms. These people that call themselves "progressives", usually hold a very cynical view of America, and are in turn apathetic to the socialist movement. Many of them are nothing more than shitbag liberals who really despise capitalism and Christianity.

    While I don't believe the majority of America holds this view, they do seem to be content on being lead down that path by those leftist extremists. Either most don't realize what a dangerous path this is, or they simply refuse to believe our great country can eventually fall to the forces of socialism and marxism. I think it has largely to do with the successful propaganda war the left wing media has waged agaisnt the Republicans. People see the Republicans as being corrupt, and hypocrits as well. The media has largely been successful in translating those Republican failures into conservative failures.

    Its really quite disturbing to see these "progressives" and liberals treat Obama with such fanfare. There are posters and t-shirts with his image on it, reminiscent of the propaganda of socialst, communist, and totalitarian leaders. This assclown has the background of a total liberal partisan hack, yet is touted as the one who will 'reach across the isle'. He has openly admited stances which contradict the constitution, such as strict gun control and a federal government takeover of the health care industry. Instead of there being outrage he is being praised for these stances, not just by the moonbat kooks, but also by the large amount of apathetic "progressives".
    PRAIRIE FIRE by William Ayers: Obama's guide to destory America
    "Maybe I missed that part of the Constitution"--Joe Steel
    You can't spell Liberals without Lies.

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    Another article on this:

    The candidates and the communists [forgotten but not gone]

    Sen. McCain’s communist connections consist of bombing the communists during the Vietnam War and then being shot down, badly injured, captured, and tortured by them. On the other hand, Sen. Barack Obama was mentored by an identified Communist Party member in Hawaii who had functioned as a Stalinist agent. That was before Obama developed cordial relationships with communist terrorists who openly supported the communist regime that tortured McCain and killed 58,000 of our fellow Americans.

    Can we have some coverage of the contrast between the two candidates on Memorial Day? It’s not just a matter of McCain serving in the military and Obama not doing so. It’s a matter of which side they were on.

    McCain was on the American side during the Vietnam War. He personally risked his life and carried out the U.S. policy of resisting the communist military conquest of South Vietnam. Obama had friendly associations with those who had been on the other side and they helped launch his political career in Chicago. Obama can’t solve this problem by occasionally wearing an American flag lapel pin.

    Keep in mind that we are not talking about associating with those who simply opposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Obama’s friends, such as Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, cheered for a communist victory and visited Havana, Cuba and Hanoi, North Vietnam to bring that about. Like his comrades in the communist Students for a Democratic Society, Tom Hayden of “Progressives for Obama” wrote a letter urging a communist military victory over the U.S. These were people who actually supported the enemy.

    In the case of Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s childhood mentor, we are dealing with someone who was on the communist side long before the Vietnam War. Davis supported Stalinist Russia even after the Hitler-Stalin pact. This relationship may help explain why Obama would leave Hawaii, associate with Marxist professors and attend socialist conferences in college (as he admits in his book, Dreams From My Father), and then associate with terrorists, communists, and socialists in Chicago, where he would launch his political career. Davis was a key influence over the young Obama, filling his head with anti-American thoughts.

    Thanks to Joseph Farah’s WorldNetDaily and his excellent reporter, Jerome R. Corsi, many people are learning the basic facts about these relationships.

    At an event sponsored by America’s Survival, Inc. [which I founded] an audience member wondered what the media reaction would be if it were discovered that a Republican presidential candidate had been mentored by a Nazi or fascist during his growing-up years. You and I know that it would be enough of a story that the candidate would be forced from the race. The candidate would be peppered with questions about this relationship at every turn. Reporters would be scrambling to dig up more details about this relationship.

    But rather than focus on Davis, some in the liberal media are making fun of McCain’s war injuries. Brent Baker reveals that, during a report on the release of McCain’s medical records, Dr. Jon LaPook asserted on CBS News that “people” notice that McCain is “not able to raise his arm” and think “doesn’t that look funny?” Baker asked, “Who thinks McCain’s limitation, caused by an attack on him after his plane crashed in North Vietnam and he was denied medical care, looks funny? In what circles does CBS’s doctor travel?” The answer, of course, is the circle of Obama’s friends, where veteran correspondent Linda Douglass has now ended up. She has taken a job as a press secretary and adviser to Obama and previously worked for CBS News, ABC News, and National Journal.

    Significantly, the basic facts of the Obama-Davis relationship were originally disclosed by Professor Gerald Horne, a contributing editor of the Communist Party journal Political Affairs, who talked about Obama coming under the influence of Davis during a speech at the reception of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) archives at the Tamiment Library at New York University.

    Horne, a history professor at the University of Houston, noted that Davis, who had moved to Honolulu from Kansas in 1948 “at the suggestion of his good friend [and secret CPUSA member] Paul Robeson,” came into contact with Obama and his family. As Horne describes it, Davis “befriended” a “Euro-American family” that had “migrated to Honolulu from Kansas and a young woman from this family eventually had a child with a young student from Kenya East Africa who goes by the name of Barack Obama, who retracing the steps of Davis eventually decamped to Chicago.”

    However, in Obama’s 1995 book, Dreams from My Father, Frank Marshall Davis was identified only as “Frank.” Among other things, according to Obama’s own account, “Frank” told him that blacks had a reason to hate and that he should not believe all of that (expletive deleted) about the American way of life.

    When one of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s supporters brought up the issue of Davis’s influence over Obama, by circulating an article I had written for AIM about Davis playing the role of Obama’s mentor, he was pilloried by the left-wing blogs. The reaction suggests awareness that the role of Davis in the formation of Obama’s political views could sink the candidate. They are desperate to keep this information suppressed.

    Horne is not the only significant figure to talk about the influence of “Frank” on Obama. Dr. Kathryn Takara of the University of Hawaii, who knew and interviewed Davis and wrote a dissertation on his life and career, confirmed to me that the “Frank” is, in fact, Frank Marshall Davis.

    Takara, an Obama supporter, confirmed that Davis was a significant influence over Obama during the three or four years that he attended the Punahou prep school. These would have been the years 1975-1979. She said Obama had been introduced to Davis by his grandfather, Stanley Dunham, who considered Davis a “strong black male figure” and thought he exerted a “positive” influence over the young man in his high-school years.

    Asked why she thought Obama didn’t identify Davis in his book by his full name, she replied, “Maybe he didn’t want people delving into it.” She said that this could have had something to do with Davis’s lifestyle, rather than his politics. “Frank’s was a place where you could have drinks,” she said.

    Yet, Obama has been open about some things—such as his past drug use. It is difficult to understand why he would not name “Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis simply because “Frank” drank or hosted people who did. It is apparent that Obama covered up his full name because of the notoriety surrounding Davis’s political views. Remember this was a black communist who stayed with the CPUSA even while others, such as Richard Wright and Langston Hughes, broke with it.

    So how long will Obama’s cover-up persist?

    There are many in the liberal and conservative media who want desperately to avoid this subject. The liberals want to protect Obama. The “conservatives” avoiding the subject don’t want to be accused of “McCarthyism” if they mention it. But thanks to WorldNetDaily and other new media outlets, the story is coming out and won’t be ignored.

    The candidates and the communists [forgotten but not gone]

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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Socialism View Post
    Why did they close your post? You have Obama Loving Mods over there that couldn't handle the truth?
    I made a post and at the end of the post I placed the picture of Obama with the sickle and hammer. They removed the picture and left a link to the picture and closed the post for mod review... guess they are still reviewing it.
    "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."
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    There is lots of FEAR I have been seeing from Obama supporters on this stuff. I even saw one that logged into a GOP website and tried to convince "other" conservatives that pointing out Obama's past communist & socialist connections made the GOP look bad!

    This is all the more reason to GET THE MESSAGE OUT. Send this info to as many people that care about our freedom as you can!

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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Socialism View Post
    Yes, please everybody that cares about this country GET THE WORD OUT! Use whatever info I have posted here. E-mail it, post it, whatever!!!

    Yes, I agree this is an issue that matters. Obama is the leftmost member of the United States Senate -------------------------

    And somehow he's running for president??????

    Ho, boy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Socialism View Post
    Investigators Release Reports on Obama's Communist Connections

    Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection (PDF)
    Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection (PDF)

    Washington, DC- Two veterans of investigations into Communist influence on the U.S. political process have released two new explosive reports on Barack Obama's ties with extreme anti-American elements, including agents of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA. The reports will shed important new light on Barack Obama's mysterious past.

    WHO: Herbert Romerstein, an author and investigative journalist, served as an investigator for the much-feared U. S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, the House Committee on Internal Security, and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. He was head of the Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation for the United States Information Agency. One of his recent books is the acclaimed THE VENONA SECRETS: EXPOSING SOVIET ESPIONAGE AND AMERICA'S TRAITORS.

    Cliff Kincaid is an investigative journalist who specializes in analyzing the effects of communist and terrorist influence on the U.S. media. He is founder and president of America's Survival, Inc., and editor of Accuracy in Media's AIM Report. He is the author or coauthor of nine books, including WHY YOU CAN'T TRUST THE NEWS, and was instrumental in denying access to the U.S. media market to the Islamic terrorist Al-Jazeera television channel.

    Major findings include:

    o Barack Obama has been influenced, surrounded and backed by communists, socialists, and those sympathetic to the Arab/Palestinian cause in the Middle East.
    o Obama has been in the middle of two international communist networks – one in Hawaii and one in Chicago.
    o The Hawaii network included communists Frank Marshall Davis, who was Obama’s personal mentor; actor/singer Paul Robeson; and labor leader Harry Bridges. The network was judged a security threat to the United States and the subject of a congressional hearing on the “Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States.”
    o The Hawaii communist network was organized directly by and from Moscow.
    o Obama covered up the true identity of Frank Marshall Davis in his book, Dreams From My Father.
    o The Chicago network included identified communists and socialists, was committed to a communist victory in the Vietnam War, and took instructions from the communist Castro regime in Cuba.
    o In addition to communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who were members of the Weather Underground, the Chicago network includes many veterans of the communist Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) who now proclaim themselves “Progressives for Obama.”
    o One of the leaders of “Progressives for Obama” is former SDS leader Tom Hayden, who wrote a letter to a communist Vietnamese official during the Vietnam War hoping for a “victory” over the U.S.
    o Several SDS officials and the SDS itself had connections to the Communist Party USA.
    o The SDS openly promoted communism, the regimes in Hanoi and Havana, and condemned alleged U.S. “imperialism.”
    o There is evidence that Obama backer Bernardine Dohrn, who traveled to Cuba to meet with communist officials, was involved in a bombing that killed a policeman.
    o Ayers, who helped launch Obama’s political career, has traveled to Venezuela on several occasions and is an enthusiastic backer of the brand of communism being practiced and promoted by Hugo Chavez.
    o Ayers’ university office door and wall are plastered with communist, anti-Israel, and pro-Hugo Chavez propaganda.
    o Bernardine Dohrn has participated in two events organized by the Open Society Institute of Obama backer and billionaire leftist George Soros.
    o The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a group that included a convicted espionage agent for communist East Germany, backed and promoted Obama’s political career.
    o Obama spoke at a memorial service on behalf of a leading Chicago socialist activist.
    o It appears that Obama actually worked for Ayers in a Chicago educational reform program that dispensed millions of dollars of grants.
    o Illinois State Senator Alice Palmer, who picked Obama as her successor, has a record of involvement in communist front activities.
    o Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod, as well as Obama himself, have not explained why Ayers, Dohrn, then-State Senator Alice Palmer, and Dr. Quentin Young came together at the Ayers/Dohrn home to launch Obama’s political career.
    o Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley, a client of Axelrod, issued a controversial and misleading statement defending Obama’s relationship with communist terrorist Bill Ayers.
    o Illinois Lt. Governor Pat Quinn, another Axelrod client, designated “Quentin Young Day” in the state, in honor of an Obama supporter once questioned about his involvement in backing SDS activities and who was accused of being a CPUSA member. (Young refused to deny he was a CPUSA member before a congressional committee but during an informal interview said he had never joined the CPUSA).
    You guys make me proud. You don't get any of that candy-ass rationality pretense to sanity whatsoever.

    You guys are full-bore, crazy-ass right-wing loonies.

    And I'm so proud......

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    Quote Originally Posted by Classact View Post
    I made a post and at the end of the post I placed the picture of Obama with the sickle and hammer. They removed the picture and left a link to the picture and closed the post for mod review... guess they are still reviewing it.
    Don't hold your beath waiting for them to publish it. Free Speech doesn't matter to rabid Liberals.

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    This is why I don't want socialism in this country:

    Venezuela scrambles for food despite oil boom

    · Milk, eggs and sugar no longer available in shops
    · Chávez's socialist policies are to blame, critics say

    Line outside a state-run market in Caracas, Venezuela. Photograph: Jorge Silva/Reuters

    At first glance the supermarket off Avenida Francisco Miranda appeared to be a gourmet dream. Smoked salmon in the freezer. An aisle filled with Italian olive oil, balsamic vinegar and pesto. Another aisle stacked with Perrier, champagne and the finest Scotch.

    But of milk, eggs, sugar and cooking oil there was no sign. Where were they? The question yesterday prompted a puzzled look from the manager. "There isn't any. Everybody knows that. Pasta is probably the next to go," he shrugged.

    Welcome to Venezuela, a booming economy with a difference. Food shortages are plaguing the country at the same time that oil revenues are driving a spending splurge on imported luxury goods, prompting criticism of President Hugo Chávez's socialist policies.

    Milk has all but vanished from shops. Distraught mothers ask how they are supposed to feed their infants. Many cafes and restaurants serve only black coffee.

    Families say eggs and sugar are also a memory. "The last time I had them was September," said Marisol Perez, 51, a housewife in Petare, a sprawling barrio in eastern Caracas.

    When supplies do arrive long queues form instantly. Purchases are rationed and hands are stamped to prevent cheating. The sight of a milk truck reportedly prompted a near-riot last week.

    Up to a quarter of staple food supplies have been disrupted, according to Datanalisis, a public opinion and economic research group. To Chávez's detractors the scarcity is evidence that his revolutionary "21st century socialism" is driving South America's oil power towards ruin.

    Government price controls on staple foods are so low that producers cannot make a profit, they say, and farms and businesses hesitate to invest in crops or machinery, or stockpile inventories, for fear of expropriations.

    "We've warned about this from the beginning - all of these price controls in the long run end up producing shortages," Ismael Perez, of the industry group Conindustria, told Reuters.

    The government says that shortages are exaggerated by the media and that they reflect greater spending power by the poor thanks to social programmes which have directed oil revenues into the slums .

    Some 10,000 tonnes of imported milk will alleviate scarcity by Christmas and government-funded socialist cooperatives will boost domestic production in the long term, say officials.

    Despite the problems Chávez remains popular and is expected to win a referendum next month which will abolish term limits, enabling him to stand for continuous re-election and fulfil his wish to stay in power until 2021 or even 2030. Some analysts warn that populist policies are aggravating the "oil curse" which floods oil producers with cash and makes it cheaper to import goods than to make them.

    Well-connected people who can exploit the black market are fuelling a boom not only in luxury food and drink but also cars and holidays. Chávez has railed against the soaring imports of Scotch and Hummers, saying they undermined the effort to create a socialist "new man".

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    it never ceases to amaze me how easily duped the masses are. this country has one of the highest standards of living in the entire world. our poor are wealthier than most "middle" income people in many countries, yet, our current system is wrong somehow. *shakes head*
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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Socialism View Post
    Milk has all but vanished from shops. Distraught mothers ask how they are supposed to feed their infants.

    They should have breast-fed; more fool them.

    If you're gonna do socialism, you definitely have to go back to the basics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mundame View Post
    They should have breast-fed; more fool them.

    If you're gonna do socialism, you definitely have to go back to the basics.
    Ya, just plan on breast feeding them until they are teenagers...

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    New Article:

    It’s the Communism, Stupid

    The Weather Under-ground, or Weathermen, wasn’t just home-grown and domestic in nature, although it had evolved from the so-called Students for a Democratic Society.

    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama tried to deflect a question about his relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers by saying that he “engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old” and that he was now a professor and a neighbor. The real issue is whether Obama shares Ayers’ communist views. Obama admitted to exchanging ideas with Ayers on an irregular basis but did not say what those ideas were. But we know that Ayers, rather than just being a 1960s “radical,” was a member of a Marxist-Leninist communist group.

    The Weather Under-ground, or Weathermen, wasn’t just home-grown and domestic in nature, although it had evolved from the so-called Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), which laid siege to college campuses and tried to take over administration buildings. Their openly proclaimed goal was world communism and they had links to hostile foreign powers.

    “We’re revolutionary communists,” Ayers himself said in 1969.

    The FBI said that the Weather Underground had more contacts abroad than the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA.

    EDIT: Read the rest here:
    Last edited by 5stringJeff; 05-31-2008 at 12:26 PM. Reason: Fair Use: Please only cut/paste the first few paragraphs of stories.

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