Quote Originally Posted by Psychoblues View Post
Sorry to inform you, hibbit, but I was born in the South, have always called the South my home and I live in the South now. Like you, I have ancestors that fought on both sides of the Civil War issues and I proudly displayed that flag during many of the early years of my life. That is until I stopped long enough to actually think about it. I decided as I believe now, that flag represents nothing for which I might be proud about now.
I call bullcrap on that.

And get that Griese Dieck out of your mouth before you start calling people "faggot", OK?
How classy of you. So I use the word faggot as one of many running gags, so that makes me gay. What flawless logic.

That is until I stopped long enough to actually think about it...

That's unfair psychoblues. You would be requiring Hobbit to think.
Is it just me, or are their flawless, witty retorts reminding anybody else of an elementary school playground?