Quote Originally Posted by Gunny View Post
A Huey pilot. I knew you had issues. I've never met ONE that wasn't crazy as a loon behind the stick.

One Major had to prove to me that you can in fact do a full roll in a Huey even though it is physically impossible. I was REAL happy about that.
NEVER let a Field grade touch the controls! Except under direct supervision.

I do have issues…here’s why, I guess. I love this piece.

Why Helicopter Pilots are Different!
Harry Reasoner, February 16, 1971

"The thing is, helicopters are different from planes. An airplane by it's nature wants to fly, and if not interfered with too strongly by unusual events or by a deliberately incompetent pilot, it will fly. A helicopter does not want to fly. It is maintained in the air by a variety of forces and controls working in opposition to each other, and if there is any disturbance in this delicate balance the helicopter stops flying; immediately and disastrously. There is no such thing as a gliding helicopter.

This is why being a helicopter pilot is so different from being an airplane pilot, and why in generality, airplane pilots are open, clear-eyed, buoyant extroverts and helicopter pilots are brooding introspective anticipators of trouble. They know if something bad has not happened it is about to."
There's alot of truth to that.