I think this argument should be had, because, people like you and me, who can think, not ghetto tards, can think.

and explain what makes a song,or band musically special

Quote Originally Posted by hjmick View Post
They have no value musically to you and I, but, no matter how bad we think it is, there is no denying that there are some to whom Rap and Hip-Hop speak. They find value in it, it is their music. It appeals to them, they identify with it.

I could sit here all day and scream from the rafters that Jimmy Buffett is the greatest performer to ever grace a stage. I could shout all day about what a great songwriter and storyteller he is. And millions of his fans would agree with me, and we'd all be right. But there will be millions more who will say, "Bullshit! Kurt Cabain is the greatest who ever lived!", and they'd be right. For them.

So, I go back to my original statement: Whatever moves you. That is what makes excellent music.