Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
I agree. The Confederacy was an insult to my maternal homeland.
It's not much different. The Germans wants to wipe out the Jews. The Confeds want to wipe out blacks.
If nothing else, the Confederacy was guilty of insurrection and treason against the American union. They were 19th century insurgents.
In case you are ignorant of the fact, not all Germans were Nazis. The Nazis were a political party.
The concentration of poor black populations in the South, in places like Alabama, Mississippi and Southern Lousiana? Left over from the Confederacy, no?
It's a legacy of hate and prejudice that remains to this day.
It is more than obvious from this post that you have no clue what you're talking about.

No, not all Germans were Nazis, but a greater percentage of Germans were Nazis than Confederates that were slave owners.
The Confederacy was not interested in 'wiping out' anybody. In fact, a free black man in the South pre-war enjoyed more rights than a free black man in the north.
The concentration of blacks in the South has less to do with slavery than you seem to think. The reason so many blacks live here now is the same reason anybody else lives here. They *gasp* like it here.
The Confederacy was guilty of no rebellion. They were engaged in a voluntary contract and had ruled that the contract had been violated. As such, they exited that contract, forming a sovreign nation. The Union was upset at the loss of their natural resources, so they...invaded a sovreign nation. The Confederacy's war was a defensive war to attempt to maintain that sovreignty. It was not a rebellion, as they did not seek to overthrow the Union government, nor was it an insurgency (you still don't know what that means, do you?), as they were, once again, defending their sovreignty, not attacking their government.

Go do some research before you declare the Civil War to be what you want it to be in your little fantasy. The Confederates were not green-eyed monsters who lived off the flesh of black babies, nor were the Union soldiers perfect, angelic crusaders who died to free slaves.