Do elitists abandon their wife, the one who raised their children, John did! I guess so if you want to marry rich and move up the political food chain. I wonder if holding his breath as noted below is why he lost most of his good sense?

"McCain was born on August 29, 1936, in the Panama Canal Zone. He was one of three children born to John S. McCain Jr. and his wife, Roberta. McCain's father and grandfather were both admirals in the United States Navy, the first father and son serving at that rank in naval history. Quick to anger even as a toddler, McCain used to hold his breath until he passed out when thwarted. After bouncing from school to school in the tradition of a child of a military family, McCain was sent to high school at the elite Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia. There, his temper remained short and repeated discipline appeared wasted on him. "I thank God every day there weren't drugs around when I was growing up," he told Jonathan Alter of Newsweek. Despite his best efforts, McCain graduated from Episcopal High in 1954.

After graduation McCain went off to follow the family trade at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. However, the storied disciplinary effect of military school had little effect on the rambunctious young man. He continued to push the buttons and limits of his superiors, accumulating an impressive number of demerits for small infractions and barely squeaking by academically to graduate in the bottom five of his class in 1958. Even after being accepted to train as a naval aviator, McCain was irrepressible and irresponsible, ditching one airplane into Corpus Christi Bay and flying another so low in Spain that he managed to cut power lines and deprive part of the country of electricity for a time. "