More than interesting take from HH. Lots of links and lots more:

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Obama's Credibility Gap --Large and Growing
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 4:09 PM

One of the great aspects of the new blog/feed put together by Peter Robinson and Rob Long is that it allows for a quick survey of all the recent blog posts from the collected center-right authors, which in turn allows for a consensus to reveal itself pretty quickly.

The consensus on yesterday's forum at Saddleback Valley Community Church is that Senator McCain had an exceptional night, that Rick Warren pulled off a very difficult job, and that Senator Obama was smooth as usual except for his "above my pay grade" gaffe, which is one of those phrases that will stick and hurt.

Obama also had on display yesterday a very troubling slipperiness that is increasingly defining him. The senator has tried, somewhat successfully for the time being, to slip away from his associations with Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

He has also managed to slip into a "reformer" shtick that has zero connection to his hyper-partisan voting record.

But yesterday he tried to slip past at least two issues on which such obfuscation shouldn't work --same sex marriage and Senate ethics reform.

My point here is not to argue the policy positions Obama takes, but to point out his firm denial of his real positions on both issues. He flat out distorted his positions, and did so without even an arched eye-brow from the MSM.

The transcripts of the interviews are here. (HT: Red County).

Obama's distortion of events with regards to Senate ethics reform came up when Rick Warren asked for "an example of when you went against party loyalty and maybe even against your own best interest for the good of America?"

Obama replied: ....