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    Quote Originally Posted by moon View Post
    Last edited by Abbey Marie; 01-05-2009 at 12:28 PM. Reason: Inappropriate for forum

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    Last edited by Abbey Marie; 01-05-2009 at 12:29 PM. Reason: Inappropriate for forum
    668.....the neighbour of the beast.

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    Please keep this thread free of rancor. It is supposed to be a place where people feel safe to introduce themselves.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Thank you namvet for introducing me to this forum.

    Cheers......could use a little kahlua.
    "A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is."

    Traveling Templar - 14MAY2017

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    Quote Originally Posted by KSigMason View Post
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Thank you namvet for introducing me to this forum.

    Cheers......could use a little kahlua.
    Welcome KSN! Enjoy the debate and ignore the ignorance.
    "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."
    ---Thomas Jefferson (or as Al Sharpton calls him: Grandpappy)

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    Welcome, KSigMason & Moon (even if you didn't introduce yourself). Hope you guys stick around as it's refreshing to see someone new viewpoints on many of our "same 'ol" arguments.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Howdy. Just thought I'd introduce myself and give a brief summary:

    I'm an average white male living in Atlanta, age 38, married with 3 cats and a pug. Goals are to live a long happy life, built a real life castle, learn to fly a plane, get rich, sit on my couch and read contently (not necessarily in that order).

    Independent political beliefs and I vote both republican and democrat, although if they had a chance of ever winning the Libertarian party would best represent me. I did vote for Obama. I would have preferred to vote for the old year 2000 McCain, not the pandering 2008 one. I'll give Obama the benefit of the doubt and not attack everything he does before he even does it. I'd prefer a bipartisan government, with a democratic president and a republican congress.

    I'm a social liberal/fiscal conservative with a general libertarian lean. Most conservatives would label me a liberal, but I do differ from the far left on a number of issues.

    I like the current makeup of the Supreme Court. the 5/4 mix usually votes the way I'd want them to. Made a bad call on property condemnations though.

    Pro choice, but only because I think the government doesn't need to be a nanny and shouldn't get involved in such personal matters. You want to ban abortions, create an artificial womb to transfer fetus' over so the state can finish birthing them. Only then will you stop all abortions. I've no problem with a strick Roe v. Wade interpretation allowing states to restrict abortions after the 1st trimester.

    Pro-gay rights. I believe in equal treatment under the law and think this is a civil rights issue. I'm not gay though and two guys gross me out, but don't mind a little lesbian action. This includes letting gays serve in the military (they already do, just not openly).

    On the fence about legalizing drugs. Drug war is pointless and costly, both in dollars and victims, and major profits could be made. But there are always going to be laws banning something, be it a very dangerous drug or just prohibiting minors from using. Leaning toward legalization, again because our government shouldn't be a nanny state and drug dollars support our enemies that could be staying home.

    Pro military with most of my family serving. I would have served myself if not for my poor eyesight. I like spending money on F-22's and think our military should be strong. However I would spend more on the average soldier and think we could easily cut many areas of military spending without sacrificing our ability to defend ourselves.

    Strongly against deficit spending and want to pay off the debt. Our current fiscal policies are more dangerous to our nation than a million terrorists at home and abroad.

    Iraq war was optional. I'd have preferred we stay at home and not invade. Think Bush wanted the war and was blind to any reason saying not to go. Glad its hopefully almost over. I don't think we ultimately solved anything though.

    Treat gitmo detainees like any other criminal. Charge them or send them home.

    Pro guns. I want to own a warm uzi or some other assault weapon. But recognize that the government should have the right to place some limits.
    Right to bear arms doesn't give one access to nukes. Gotta be a line somewhere.

    Pro death penalty. Sometimes actions deserve the ultimate penalty. You act like a non-human, you deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Problem with our death penalty now do not mean the death penalty is bad, just that its been administered poorly. Reform it, don't eliminate it. I'd favor death penalty only for the most obvious cases, such as Dahlmer with his body parts in the fridge. Not for circumstantial evidence/lone witness cases.

    Neither for or against tax increases/decreases. But wish the tax code was simpler. Favor a graduated income tax with no exceptions vs fairtax or single rate flat tax.

    Pro-stem cell research. They are going to be trashed anyway. Make use of them. Both adult and fetal stem cell research have shown great benefits. You can't have one without the other, as most adult stem cell discoveries are a direct result of fetal stem cell research.

    Evolution, not Creation Science/Creationism. Teach science in science class. You want to teach religion, do it in Sunday school.

    Pay for big science. Sometimes the government has to foot the bill to do the initial research. Private corporations are fine for many things, but usually only like doing things with immediate financial rewards. Sometimes the government has to foot the bill. Thus I support big NASA funding, medical research grants, high energy physics, etc.

    Atheist. Raised in a conservative southern baptist home, did the born again thing and know bible cover to cover. But couldn't reconcile the fundamentalist propoganda I was taught with reality, science and history. Leaned to a more open Christian belief, but ultimately realized this was a cop out due to fear of just being different. Perhaps there is a God, but if so its not the one found in the Bible. Cthullhu may have my soul, but if so the joke will be on more than just me.

    Free trade. I love to buy American, but we don't always make the best. My 250,000 mile Honda is working just fine still.

    Not big on anti-immigration laws. Seems like another political ploy to harrass a group with no voice and win over voters. But I don't live in a city plagued by immigrants and our state relies heavily upon them for work.

    Fair minded. You post a stupid argument based on innuendo or false assumptions and I'll slam you for it. You post a well thought out argument and give good reasons and I'll consider it. Unlike many, I've actually changed my mind about things before after being given good reasons to consider. (see atheist/drug war above)

    Devil's Advocate. Sometimes I like arguing the opposite of what I believe, just to try and get you to explain your position better. I use arguments posted by others on boards like this elsewhere to support my own arguments.

    That about sums me up and where I stand. See you in the forums.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DannyR View Post
    Howdy. Just thought I'd introduce myself and give a brief summary:

    I'm an average white male living in Atlanta, age 38, married with 3 cats and a pug. Goals are to live a long happy life, built a real life castle, learn to fly a plane, get rich, sit on my couch and read contently (not necessarily in that order).

    Independent political beliefs and I vote both republican and democrat, although if they had a chance of ever winning the Libertarian party would best represent me. I did vote for Obama. I would have preferred to vote for the old year 2000 McCain, not the pandering 2008 one. I'll give Obama the benefit of the doubt and not attack everything he does before he even does it. I'd prefer a bipartisan government, with a democratic president and a republican congress.

    I'm a social liberal/fiscal conservative with a general libertarian lean. Most conservatives would label me a liberal, but I do differ from the far left on a number of issues.

    I like the current makeup of the Supreme Court. the 5/4 mix usually votes the way I'd want them to. Made a bad call on property condemnations though.

    Pro choice, but only because I think the government doesn't need to be a nanny and shouldn't get involved in such personal matters. You want to ban abortions, create an artificial womb to transfer fetus' over so the state can finish birthing them. Only then will you stop all abortions. I've no problem with a strick Roe v. Wade interpretation allowing states to restrict abortions after the 1st trimester.

    Pro-gay rights. I believe in equal treatment under the law and think this is a civil rights issue. I'm not gay though and two guys gross me out, but don't mind a little lesbian action. This includes letting gays serve in the military (they already do, just not openly).

    On the fence about legalizing drugs. Drug war is pointless and costly, both in dollars and victims, and major profits could be made. But there are always going to be laws banning something, be it a very dangerous drug or just prohibiting minors from using. Leaning toward legalization, again because our government shouldn't be a nanny state and drug dollars support our enemies that could be staying home.

    Pro military with most of my family serving. I would have served myself if not for my poor eyesight. I like spending money on F-22's and think our military should be strong. However I would spend more on the average soldier and think we could easily cut many areas of military spending without sacrificing our ability to defend ourselves.

    Strongly against deficit spending and want to pay off the debt. Our current fiscal policies are more dangerous to our nation than a million terrorists at home and abroad.

    Iraq war was optional. I'd have preferred we stay at home and not invade. Think Bush wanted the war and was blind to any reason saying not to go. Glad its hopefully almost over. I don't think we ultimately solved anything though.

    Treat gitmo detainees like any other criminal. Charge them or send them home.

    Pro guns. I want to own a warm uzi or some other assault weapon. But recognize that the government should have the right to place some limits.
    Right to bear arms doesn't give one access to nukes. Gotta be a line somewhere.

    Pro death penalty. Sometimes actions deserve the ultimate penalty. You act like a non-human, you deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Problem with our death penalty now do not mean the death penalty is bad, just that its been administered poorly. Reform it, don't eliminate it. I'd favor death penalty only for the most obvious cases, such as Dahlmer with his body parts in the fridge. Not for circumstantial evidence/lone witness cases.

    Neither for or against tax increases/decreases. But wish the tax code was simpler. Favor a graduated income tax with no exceptions vs fairtax or single rate flat tax.

    Pro-stem cell research. They are going to be trashed anyway. Make use of them. Both adult and fetal stem cell research have shown great benefits. You can't have one without the other, as most adult stem cell discoveries are a direct result of fetal stem cell research.

    Evolution, not Creation Science/Creationism. Teach science in science class. You want to teach religion, do it in Sunday school.

    Pay for big science. Sometimes the government has to foot the bill to do the initial research. Private corporations are fine for many things, but usually only like doing things with immediate financial rewards. Sometimes the government has to foot the bill. Thus I support big NASA funding, medical research grants, high energy physics, etc.

    Atheist. Raised in a conservative southern baptist home, did the born again thing and know bible cover to cover. But couldn't reconcile the fundamentalist propoganda I was taught with reality, science and history. Leaned to a more open Christian belief, but ultimately realized this was a cop out due to fear of just being different. Perhaps there is a God, but if so its not the one found in the Bible. Cthullhu may have my soul, but if so the joke will be on more than just me.

    Free trade. I love to buy American, but we don't always make the best. My 250,000 mile Honda is working just fine still.

    Not big on anti-immigration laws. Seems like another political ploy to harrass a group with no voice and win over voters. But I don't live in a city plagued by immigrants and our state relies heavily upon them for work.

    Fair minded. You post a stupid argument based on innuendo or false assumptions and I'll slam you for it. You post a well thought out argument and give good reasons and I'll consider it. Unlike many, I've actually changed my mind about things before after being given good reasons to consider. (see atheist/drug war above)

    Devil's Advocate. Sometimes I like arguing the opposite of what I believe, just to try and get you to explain your position better. I use arguments posted by others on boards like this elsewhere to support my own arguments.

    That about sums me up and where I stand. See you in the forums.
    OMG, vacillate much? Geezz

    Above the Best

    Why the Hell should I have to press “1” for ENGLISH?

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    You seem reasonable and while you need some tweaking I respect they views you have until I explain clearly why some of them are simply incorrect. Welcome to the jungle! Enjoy posting and ignore the pop up dummies unwilling to support their position with a little reason, logic or fact(s).
    "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers."
    ---Thomas Jefferson (or as Al Sharpton calls him: Grandpappy)

  10. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. P View Post
    OMG, vacillate much? Geezz
    it's why God created fences......somebody has to sit on them.....
    ...full immersion.....

  11. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by DannyR View Post
    Howdy. Just thought I'd introduce myself and give a brief summary:

    I'm an average white male living in Atlanta, age 38, married with 3 cats and a pug. Goals are to live a long happy life, built a real life castle, learn to fly a plane, get rich, sit on my couch and read contently (not necessarily in that order).

    Independent political beliefs and I vote both republican and democrat, although if they had a chance of ever winning the Libertarian party would best represent me. I did vote for Obama. I would have preferred to vote for the old year 2000 McCain, not the pandering 2008 one. I'll give Obama the benefit of the doubt and not attack everything he does before he even does it. I'd prefer a bipartisan government, with a democratic president and a republican congress.

    I'm a social liberal/fiscal conservative with a general libertarian lean. Most conservatives would label me a liberal, but I do differ from the far left on a number of issues.

    I like the current makeup of the Supreme Court. the 5/4 mix usually votes the way I'd want them to. Made a bad call on property condemnations though.

    Pro choice, but only because I think the government doesn't need to be a nanny and shouldn't get involved in such personal matters. You want to ban abortions, create an artificial womb to transfer fetus' over so the state can finish birthing them. Only then will you stop all abortions. I've no problem with a strick Roe v. Wade interpretation allowing states to restrict abortions after the 1st trimester.

    Pro-gay rights. I believe in equal treatment under the law and think this is a civil rights issue. I'm not gay though and two guys gross me out, but don't mind a little lesbian action. This includes letting gays serve in the military (they already do, just not openly).

    On the fence about legalizing drugs. Drug war is pointless and costly, both in dollars and victims, and major profits could be made. But there are always going to be laws banning something, be it a very dangerous drug or just prohibiting minors from using. Leaning toward legalization, again because our government shouldn't be a nanny state and drug dollars support our enemies that could be staying home.

    Pro military with most of my family serving. I would have served myself if not for my poor eyesight. I like spending money on F-22's and think our military should be strong. However I would spend more on the average soldier and think we could easily cut many areas of military spending without sacrificing our ability to defend ourselves.

    Strongly against deficit spending and want to pay off the debt. Our current fiscal policies are more dangerous to our nation than a million terrorists at home and abroad.

    Iraq war was optional. I'd have preferred we stay at home and not invade. Think Bush wanted the war and was blind to any reason saying not to go. Glad its hopefully almost over. I don't think we ultimately solved anything though.

    Treat gitmo detainees like any other criminal. Charge them or send them home.

    Pro guns. I want to own a warm uzi or some other assault weapon. But recognize that the government should have the right to place some limits.
    Right to bear arms doesn't give one access to nukes. Gotta be a line somewhere.

    Pro death penalty. Sometimes actions deserve the ultimate penalty. You act like a non-human, you deserve to be removed from the gene pool. Problem with our death penalty now do not mean the death penalty is bad, just that its been administered poorly. Reform it, don't eliminate it. I'd favor death penalty only for the most obvious cases, such as Dahlmer with his body parts in the fridge. Not for circumstantial evidence/lone witness cases.

    Neither for or against tax increases/decreases. But wish the tax code was simpler. Favor a graduated income tax with no exceptions vs fairtax or single rate flat tax.

    Pro-stem cell research. They are going to be trashed anyway. Make use of them. Both adult and fetal stem cell research have shown great benefits. You can't have one without the other, as most adult stem cell discoveries are a direct result of fetal stem cell research.

    Evolution, not Creation Science/Creationism. Teach science in science class. You want to teach religion, do it in Sunday school.

    Pay for big science. Sometimes the government has to foot the bill to do the initial research. Private corporations are fine for many things, but usually only like doing things with immediate financial rewards. Sometimes the government has to foot the bill. Thus I support big NASA funding, medical research grants, high energy physics, etc.

    Atheist. Raised in a conservative southern baptist home, did the born again thing and know bible cover to cover. But couldn't reconcile the fundamentalist propoganda I was taught with reality, science and history. Leaned to a more open Christian belief, but ultimately realized this was a cop out due to fear of just being different. Perhaps there is a God, but if so its not the one found in the Bible. Cthullhu may have my soul, but if so the joke will be on more than just me.

    Free trade. I love to buy American, but we don't always make the best. My 250,000 mile Honda is working just fine still.

    Not big on anti-immigration laws. Seems like another political ploy to harrass a group with no voice and win over voters. But I don't live in a city plagued by immigrants and our state relies heavily upon them for work.

    Fair minded. You post a stupid argument based on innuendo or false assumptions and I'll slam you for it. You post a well thought out argument and give good reasons and I'll consider it. Unlike many, I've actually changed my mind about things before after being given good reasons to consider. (see atheist/drug war above)

    Devil's Advocate. Sometimes I like arguing the opposite of what I believe, just to try and get you to explain your position better. I use arguments posted by others on boards like this elsewhere to support my own arguments.

    That about sums me up and where I stand. See you in the forums.

    If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got!

    A government big enough to provide you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have!

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    OMG, vacillate much? Geezz

    Other than the war on drugs, for which I don't have an answer and haven't see anybody else really proposing something either that works, I'm not exactly certain what I'm vacillating upon. My views are rather strong and based on years of thought. We can discuss it elsewhere in the forums though.

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    I'm new to DP, I looked around for a board to post on and this looked nice. I am from Illinois, and a liberal.

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    Welcome to the board!

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    Welcome Tudor! Fascinating time in history...
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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