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    Default President Bush is a class act

    I just watched the final news conference of our president, George Bush. As many know, as a Libertarian, I am no great advocate of George Bush, correction, the Republican Party. I have to say though in watching the president this morning I find my imagination wondering into places such as what does this man think when he deals with the things he deals with. He answered so many questions differently than he did during his presidency. More open, more human it seemed.

    I have to say, Mr. Bush was no press whore. He didn't camp out on the polls worrying about the reactions to his decisions. He led! One thing we must all realize by now is, he was the leader! He didn't blame others, didn't dodge responsibility and made the toughest decisions of any president in our history and stood behind them. For this, he deserves respect. As of today, our country has not been attacked again, Iran is well under control and stable and like it or not, there is a plan to address the issues of the economy in place, whether you like the plan or not. Personally, I do not! But I do admire the president for his leadership. I like him, I want to think he tried as hard as he could, this is what the president to do.

    Soon a man who represents a philosophy even less identifyable to mine will take office. I like him too! I don't agree with hardly any of his political agenda but oddly I do like him. I hope that when the festivities of the innaugeration are over and he walks into the oval office he sits down and like Mr. Bush, accepts those awesome responsibilities with the same understanding as his Mr. Bush. I hope when he sees the press core cheering him on those first few weeks he resolves to his conversations with Mr. Bush and allows his conscience to lead him such as was the example set for him by Mr. Bush. We have witnessed him allowing his opinions to evolve somewhat already, in that he has already made some statements that give me encouragement about his positions being somewhat different than his campagne would suggest. Maybe it is just something about the position. Perhaps realizing it is necessary to be the president of all the people and that realization that makes a president think this way. I mean, we can sit back and criticize but we don't have to sit in that chair. He does and it would be in best interests to wish him well.

    President Bush has handled his criticism very well. So much more dignified than President Clinton did. One must look back at some of the news reels to see it. Clinton has a friendly press compared to Bush. He broke many times under the pressure and got mad. Mr. Bush held his tongue many times and stood behind his decisions. Most of those I didn't necessarily agree with but I admire that he did the job we hired him to do. He led the country and left no doubt as to who was in charge of the effort at any time. I hope Mr. Obama does the same. I hope if he believes in something he will stand as tall as Mr. Bush did. I hope he will use his conscience the way Mr. Bush did.

    I certainly do not intend for this little piece to be a rallying cry for Mr. Obama. I would just suggest that the righties on here implement the same philosophy they echoed four years ago when it was pointed out that people should respect the office of the president. I saw it, and so did you! Mr. Obama does not represent the opinions of what the majority of us here do, OK, acknowledged. Now, can we be as dignified as our example just was (Mr. Bush) in those dissentions and make progress by addressing the issues and getting away from the senseless personal attacks. They accomplish nothing! Lets hold the same standard we asked of Democrats when Bush took his oath, and not drop to the standards of Democrats, which was terrible, it will only makes two wrongs, and that won't equal a right.

    I am proud of our president, our country and wish the President-elect God's speed personally and I hope you do to!
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    A government big enough to provide you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have!

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    President Bush has been a class act for 8 years, and history will prove it so. We will look back on him as having the character and integrity that so many other political leaders, including presidents, lack. He brought respect and integrity to the post-Clinton White House where it had been lost. He kept us safe from the crazies after 9/11. He stayed true to his wife. He never whined.

    May God bless you, President Bush.
    Last edited by Abbey Marie; 01-12-2009 at 10:46 AM.
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    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    This mornings news conference is the first time I saw a soul in his eyes. He didn't lie but did misspeak. I could like the man I saw today.
    A chance for a new beginning, like a dawn of reconciliation.

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    he's a 1000% better than that kluck i served under. fair winds and following seas GW

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    I agree Emmett, he takes after his Father as far as class goes.

    I wrote this about him on another site.......

    President George W. Bush

    Easily the most misunderstood and irrationally hated President...... ever? Possibly.

    He was given more challenges than almost any other President, certainly in our lifetime and yet he didn't change his conviction to protect the American people in anyway possible, regardless of political repercussions, the definition of a real leader. He had his faults of course, he isn't like Osama, he is human. Overall I feel he was a very good President and history will prove that correct. It is so easy to judge by todays standard rather than by the context in which decisions were made. For those that blame him for the problems in Louisiana, you are ignorant of the facts and should just shut the fuck up. Blame him for September 11th, you are idiots, nobody could have stopped that from happening at that time........ even with all that has happened, those that live in the world of September 10th do nothing but bitch at the things done at airports to make us safer....... no way the American public would have taken off there shoes before September 11th.

    He worked to rebuild the United States Military both in advancing technologies to more pride in the outstanding job they do for us. Clinton had nearly destroyed the structure and readiness of every branch, President Bush provided what was needed to bring them back to the most fearful fighting force on the planet. He also helped keep the space program alive by making sure they had the funding needed.

    He didn't let this country get fucked by the rest of the world with that asinine Kyoto Treaty that allowed China and India, the most ridiculously overpopulated countries on any planet, to do what they wanted.

    Until the imbeciles that took over Congress in the November election destroyed the work that gave of 6 years of unprecedented prosperity, the economy was doing great under a Bush Administration.

    He and his wife of 31 years have set an example for what marriage should look like, obviously a couple who have a great deal of respect and love for each other, something that was totally lacking in the previous administration that made blow job a household term and caused an entire generation to believe that it isn't sex. The president and his wife showed what the word humble means when it was obvious that their favorite place was to be together on their ranch, not a energy guzzling 10,000 square foot behemoth like Algore but a 4,000 square foot model of environmental efficiency. President Bush showed us the importance of hard work to stay in shape by working at the ranch on holiday, riding a mountain bike when his knees prevented him from running around it...... these were things he loved over attending bullshit Hollywood functions and traveling to beach front mansions. He and his wife also showed tremendous courage after September Eleventh, when the rubble of the Twin Towers had been removed and the walked down that extremely long ramp to the bottom of Ground Zero to place a wreath and speak to surviving members of the attacks. I have a friend who was there and said that it was the most real moment he had ever witnessed by a leader, the hugs, the kisses and the tears rolling down their faces, he said he felt the ultimate in compassion from them over the loss of his Mother. He told the President to "give them hell tomorrow" about his UN speech and President Bush smiled with a tear rolling down his cheek, hugged him and whispered in his ear, "you bet I will!".

    He tried to work with the crybabies on the left that could only whine and blather about how he stole the election. The left contributed nothing but negativity to this country for the last eight years, blaming the Bush administration for anything and everything they could pull out of their fat asses. What were they doing in Congress besides talking down the economy at every opportunity and sabotaging anything constructive being done by the administration. The clowns that are the face of the media world wide, over 80 percent admitted ultra liberal, have worked with the Democrats to misinform the lemmings on the left so they could once again regain power. The hypocrisy is astounding, they preach to us about what wasteful spenders Republicans are and then elect an asshole that spent 715,000,000 dollars to buy the election. They whine everyday about the overuse of resources and the environmental impact and yet they elect an elitist dipshit that in the 21st Century(as he constantly reminds us), he made the decision to fly back and forth across the country(ignoring his actual job as Senator), constantly, for almost 2 years in a 757, an aircraft designed as an airliner to carry 300 of us common folk around. An aircraft that spews pollution at 37,000 feet as it burns 1200 gallons of Kerosene an hour to carry a puppet to make the same bullshit speech over and over again........ that's the 21st Century?

    He also appointed 2 real black Americans to the highest positions ever held by anyone from that race, at least in the executive branch.

    I just watched Brit Hume's interview with President Bush and his father, two men of extreme dignity and class that have never taken themselves seriously but always took their responsibilities as President very seriously. Neither had anything negative to say about the child that is about to take office, they will both let him make a fool out of himself without their help.
    No matter where I've traveled or how great the trip was, it's always wonderful to return to my country, The United States of America......... me

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    I wonder what Obama's final press conference will be like? Considering what has gone before? I'm not surprised an old Chicago reporter is noticing what the future may bring:

    January 4, 2009
    BY CAROL MARIN Sun-Times Columnist
    Barack Obama jogged only slightly ahead of Rod Blagojevich across the news landscape of the past month, the glistening horizon of a new Camelot ahead, perhaps, but the jagged outline of the clouted city not far behind.
    Obama and Blago are more than the yin and yang of Illinois politics. They represent, a la Jerry Seinfeld, the ultimate Bizarro plotline.

    Bizarro is the alter ego of Superman, a concept the Seinfeld crew borrowed from DC Comics and incorporated into a 1996 episode. If you never saw it, it goes like this: For every apathetic Jerry, nudgy George and raucous Kramer there is, in the Bizarro world, the polar opposite: an empathetic Jerry, an urbane George and a genteel Kramer.

    Or, put another way, for every Barack Obama in a Sox cap, T-shirt and sweat pants, there's a Rod Blagojevich in a blow-dried pompadour and Spandex.

    You might expect the former would trump the latter in competition for our attention. A sleek superstar president-elect vs. a soon-to-be indicted and impeached governor accused of shamelessly selling Obama's vacant Senate seat.


    First, Blagojevich.

    Yes, he is vain and remorseless. And yes, in appointing Roland Burris, a bloviating, self-aggrandizing Machine politician to fill Obama's Senate seat, the governor spits in the eye of his own Democratic Party and the public at large. But lest we forget, fellow voters and party leaders, he got a majority of our votes and the support of the big boys: Daley, Durbin, Madigan, Jones and, yes, Obama.

    Even in his second race in 2006, when everyone but cave dwellers knew the feds were all over him.


    As ferociously as we march like villagers with torches against Blagojevich, we have been, in the true spirit of the Bizarro universe, the polar opposite with the president-elect. Deferential, eager to please, prepared to keep a careful distance.

    The Obama news conferences tell that story, making one yearn for the return of the always-irritating Sam Donaldson to awaken the slumbering press to the notion that decorum isn't all it's cracked up to be.

    The press corps, most of us, don't even bother raising our hands any more to ask questions because Obama always has before him a list of correspondents who've been advised they will be called upon that day.

    We reporters have earned our own membership in the Bizarro universe.

    Who are we, after all? The ones rapid-firing at Rod Blagojevich with tough questions until we drive him from the room? Or the Miss Manners crowd, silent until called upon, quietly accepting that only a handful of questions will be taken at a time?

    The Obama honeymoon might not be exactly the polar opposite of Blagojevich's hell.

    But, for the moment, it will do.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    But it begs the question, Emmett, "A class act when compared to what?"
    Fascism has come to America, wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. His name is Trump.
    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. - George Orwell...The New GOP motto.

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    Class Act such as for instance ..... YOU! Compared to ...... well..... nothing! I don't agree with very much you say either, as I don't agree george Bush was any kind of great president or anything. Frankly I have moved further away from the Republicans agenda during his presidency than at any time in history but I admire him. He like you... is unique. I don't agree with very much you say but I admire you and your opinions at times.

    We don't always have to hate our adversaries Bully. I am glad for my foes in political philosophy frankly. While they help prove me right about being a Libertarian, as does life in America every day, I am constantly examining my own conscience each and every day because of my differences with certain people.

    Hope that is an appropriate answer for ya! I compare him to........ Nothing!
    If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you will continue to get what you have always got!

    A government big enough to provide you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have!

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    Quote Originally Posted by emmett View Post
    Class Act such as for instance ..... YOU! Compared to ...... well..... nothing! I don't agree with very much you say either, as I don't agree george Bush was any kind of great president or anything. Frankly I have moved further away from the Republicans agenda during his presidency than at any time in history but I admire him. He like you... is unique. I don't agree with very much you say but I admire you and your opinions at times.

    We don't always have to hate our adversaries Bully. I am glad for my foes in political philosophy frankly. While they help prove me right about being a Libertarian, as does life in America every day, I am constantly examining my own conscience each and every day because of my differences with certain people.

    Hope that is an appropriate answer for ya! I compare him to........ Nothing!
    I don't 'hate' George Bush. Hatred, real hatred, requires an up close and personal relationship with someone...A relationship I clearly do not have with Bush. Secondly, Dubbyuh isn't worth the energy required of real hatred. The disdain one feels for something you'd scrape off of your shoe once you've stepped in it would be more appropriate.

    As for Dubbyuh's little press conference yesterday, it put me to mind of Macbeth after Lady Macbeth's death. Whining, petulant, arrogant and completely devoid of any introspection pretty much describe the content of Bush's rant. It was also reminiscent of an alcoholic who has a moment of clarity, but then loses it again as he blames everyone other than himself for his troubles and failures. But one expect no better of an untreated alcoholic. Bush MAY have sobered up years ago, but he has yet to deal with the issues that led him to the bottle to begin with...And there are few things more pathetic than a dry drunk trying to fool everyone else into thinking he's clean.
    Fascism has come to America, wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. His name is Trump.
    War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. - George Orwell...The New GOP motto.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bullypulpit View Post
    I don't 'hate' George Bush. Hatred, real hatred, requires an up close and personal relationship with someone...A relationship I clearly do not have with Bush. Secondly, Dubbyuh isn't worth the energy required of real hatred. The disdain one feels for something you'd scrape off of your shoe once you've stepped in it would be more appropriate.

    As for Dubbyuh's little press conference yesterday, it put me to mind of Macbeth after Lady Macbeth's death. Whining, petulant, arrogant and completely devoid of any introspection pretty much describe the content of Bush's rant. It was also reminiscent of an alcoholic who has a moment of clarity, but then loses it again as he blames everyone other than himself for his troubles and failures. But one expect no better of an untreated alcoholic. Bush MAY have sobered up years ago, but he has yet to deal with the issues that led him to the bottle to begin with...And there are few things more pathetic than a dry drunk trying to fool everyone else into thinking he's clean.
    So you're a dry drunk, explains so very much.
    No matter where I've traveled or how great the trip was, it's always wonderful to return to my country, The United States of America......... me

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