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    Default AP condemns extravagant inaugural spending

    AP Slams ‘Extravagant’ Inaugural

    by AP staff writers
    Jan. 15, 2009

    AP (Washington DC) - The Associated Press and others in the press suggested it was in poor taste to spend $40 million on the coming Presidential inauguration. AP writer Will Lester calculated the impact that kind of money would have on armoring Humvees in Iraq, or paying down the deficit. Lester thought the party should be cancelled: “The questions have come from supporters and opponents: Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?”

    Here’s an excerpt of Lester’s January 13 piece, starting with a lede designed to rain all over the inaugural parade and including the suggestion from two liberal Democrats that the President eat cold chicken salad and pound cake instead:

    The inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars — $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?

    ■ 200 armored Humvees with the best armor for troops in Iraq.

    ■ Vaccinations and preventive health care for 22 million children in regions devastated by the tsunami.

    ■ A down payment on the nation’s deficit, which hit a record-breaking $412 billion last year....

    The questions have come from Bush supporters and opponents: Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?

    New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat, suggested inaugural parties should be scaled back, citing as a precedent Roosevelt's inauguration during World War II.

    "President Roosevelt held his 1945 inaugural at the White House, making a short speech and serving guests cold chicken salad and plain pound cake," according to a letter from Weiner and Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash. "During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified."...

    Billionaire Mark Cuban, owner of the National Basketball Association's Dallas Mavericks, voted for Bush -- twice. Cuban knows a thing or two about big spending, once starring in ABC's reality TV show, "The Benefactor," in which 16 contenders tried to pass his test for success and win $1 million.

    "As a country, we face huge deficits. We face a declining economy. We have service people dying. We face responsibilities to help those suffering from the...devastation," he wrote on his blog, a Web journal.

    Cuban challenged the inauguration to set an example: "Start by canceling your inauguration parties and festivities."


    Yes, the press is in full cry over the disgustingly extravagant spending expected for the coming inauguration.

    The only thing is... it's not Barack Obama's inauguration they are so upset about. All those things were said in late 2004 and early 2005, about George W. Bush's impending 2nd inauguration after his re-election in Nov. 2004.


    Fast forward to 2009. The nation is still at war (two wars, in fact), and now also faces the prospect of a severe recession and federal budget deficits topping $1 trillion as far as the eye can see. With Barack Obama’s inauguration estimated to cost $45 million (not counting the millions more that government will have to pay for security), is the Associated Press once again tsk-tsking the high dollar cost?

    Nope. “For inaugural balls, go for glitz, forget economy,” a Tuesday AP headline advised. The article by reporter Laurie Kellman argued for extravagance, starting with the lede:

    So you're attending an inaugural ball saluting the historic election of Barack Obama in the worst economic climate in three generations. Can you get away with glitzing it up and still be appropriate, not to mention comfortable and financially viable?

    To quote the man of the hour: Yes, you can. Veteran ballgoers say you should. And fashionistas insist that you must.

    "This is a time to celebrate. This is a great moment. Do not dress down. Do not wear the Washington uniform," said Tim Gunn, a native Washingtonian and Chief Creative Officer at Liz Claiborne, Inc.

    "Just because the economy is in a downturn, it doesn't mean that style is going to be in a downturn," agreed Ken Downing, fashion director for Neiman Marcus.

    And if anyone does raise an eyebrow at those sequins, remind them that optimism is good for times like these. "Just say you're doing it to help the economy," chuckled good manners guru Letitia Baldridge.

    That spin is a far cry from four years ago, when the AP seemed interested in spurring resentment of the Bush inaugural’s supposedly high cost. Of course, displays of Republican wealth are routinely slammed by the media as elitist or aristocratic, while reporters seem to consider rich Democrats as stylish paragons whom we all should copy.

    Obviously, that’s not the media’s message to Barack Obama this year. And no one in the press is going to argue that, with the nation at war, the new President should be satisfied with cold chicken salad and pound cake.

    Copyright (c) 2009 by AP (Acorn Press)


    The bulk of this article was taken from a piece written on Jan. 14, 2009, by AP correspondent Richard Noyes. Only a few strategic names and dates were redacted. Amazing what a difference a few names makes to the press, in otherwise nearly-identical situations, isn't it?

    They heartily supported far greater spending for Barack Obama's inaugural, in an arguably worse economy, while condemning smaller expenditures for George Bush.

    So far, they have failed to explain why.

    The original article can be found at:
    Last edited by Little-Acorn; 01-14-2009 at 08:26 PM.
    "The social contract exists so that everyone doesn’t have to squat in the dust holding a spear to protect his woman and his meat all day every day. It does not exist so that the government can take your spear, your meat, and your woman because it knows better what to do with them." -

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    First, Im glad they are atleast consistant since they condemned it for Bush as well.

    Second, if a bunch of rich people want to waste their money. Fine let them. Our economy can use a boost in spending. Tax payers shouldnt be wasting money on the other hand. But I dont think most of this is tax payer funded.
    If we were as industrious to become good as to make ourselves great, we should become really great by being good, and the number of valuable men would be much increased; but it is a grand mistake to think of being great without goodness; and i pronounce it as certain that there was never yet a truly great man that was not at the same time truly virtuous." - Ben Franklin

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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
    First, Im glad they are atleast consistant since they condemned it for Bush as well.

    Second, if a bunch of rich people want to waste their money. Fine let them. Our economy can use a boost in spending. Tax payers shouldnt be wasting money on the other hand. But I dont think most of this is tax payer funded.
    they have not condemned obama for it
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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar4321 View Post
    First, Im glad they are atleast consistant since they condemned it for Bush as well.
    Didn't read the whole article, did we?

    Second, if a bunch of rich people want to waste their money. Fine let them. Our economy can use a boost in spending.
    I agree 100%.

    Tax payers shouldnt be wasting money on the other hand.
    That's up to them... but their elected officials should bear that thought in mind. And the people who elected those officials, should remember their behavior, next election.
    "The social contract exists so that everyone doesn’t have to squat in the dust holding a spear to protect his woman and his meat all day every day. It does not exist so that the government can take your spear, your meat, and your woman because it knows better what to do with them." -

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    Why the extravagant cost? Well, the first reason is that, unlike Dubya, Obama is popular with the common person of America. Around a million of them are expected to converge on Washington D.C. for the inauguration. That requires a lot of public works and a lot of security and support personnel.
    Also, there is the matter of the bitter right-wing racist gun nuts who might want to cause trouble. Or perhaps do harm to key figures. That requires assembling one of the most elaborate security details in the history of the country.
    It's not all parties and galas. It's preparation and precaution.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Why the extravagant cost? Well, the first reason is that, unlike Dubya, Obama is popular with the common person of America. Around a million of them are expected to converge on Washington D.C. for the inauguration. That requires a lot of public works and a lot of security and support personnel.
    Also, there is the matter of the bitter right-wing racist gun nuts who might want to cause trouble. Or perhaps do harm to key figures. That requires assembling one of the most elaborate security details in the history of the country.
    It's not all parties and galas. It's preparation and precaution.
    Translation - As long as it is Obama and Democrats doing it, I am cool with it

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    Translation - As long as it is Obama and Democrats doing it, I am cool with it
    you got that right..but don't ever call them a hypocrite...
    "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
    Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC)

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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanie View Post
    you got that right..but don't ever call them a hypocrite...
    No, just call him what he is - a liberal. It is another term for hypocrite

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    the first reason is that, unlike Dubya, Obama is popular with the common person of America.
    Let's see... it's probably been at least 20 seconds since gabby read in the article, where the press was bellyaching MUCH MORE about the "extravagant" cost of GWB's inauguration, than about the cost of Obama's. Apparently that's plenty enough time for her liberal mindset to forget the facts just presented, substitute her wishful thinking in its place, and then bash Bush for what she wishes were true.

    And sure enough, there she goes, trying to tell us GWB wasn't popular, based on the amounts spent for each of their inaugurations.

    Wow, it's sure easy to be a liberal. Facts don't matter, truth doesn't matter. If the facts show your guy is no different from the other guy, you can just announce that he IS different anyway... and better, of course. Easy street!

    Also, there is the matter of the bitter right-wing racist gun nuts who might want to cause trouble. Or perhaps do harm to key figures.
    Of course. Never mind that most of the major political figures assassinated in the last few generations in this country, were shot by disgruntled individuals who either disagreed with govt doing its assigned duties, or felt that govt wasn't doing enough. In other words, leftists just like gabby.

    But nooooo.... gabby simply announces that it was "right-wingers" (without specifying, inevitably), and calls them names in the process. And PRESTO, by nothing more than the breath of her mouth, it is so. Once again no need for fact or truth. Gabby simply makes it up as she goes, inventing her own "facts" to suit her agenda. How can she lose? (In her own mind, at least?)
    Last edited by Little-Acorn; 01-15-2009 at 12:46 PM.
    "The social contract exists so that everyone doesn’t have to squat in the dust holding a spear to protect his woman and his meat all day every day. It does not exist so that the government can take your spear, your meat, and your woman because it knows better what to do with them." -

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    Quote Originally Posted by Little-Acorn View Post
    AP Slams ‘Extravagant’ Inaugural

    by AP staff writers
    Jan. 15, 2009

    AP (Washington DC) - The Associated Press and others in the press suggested it was in poor taste to spend $40 million on the coming Presidential inauguration. AP writer Will Lester calculated the impact that kind of money would have on armoring Humvees in Iraq, or paying down the deficit. Lester thought the party should be cancelled: “The questions have come from supporters and opponents: Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?”

    Here’s an excerpt of Lester’s January 13 piece, starting with a lede designed to rain all over the inaugural parade and including the suggestion from two liberal Democrats that the President eat cold chicken salad and pound cake instead:

    The inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars — $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?

    ■ 200 armored Humvees with the best armor for troops in Iraq.

    ■ Vaccinations and preventive health care for 22 million children in regions devastated by the tsunami.

    ■ A down payment on the nation’s deficit, which hit a record-breaking $412 billion last year....

    The questions have come from Bush supporters and opponents: Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?

    New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat, suggested inaugural parties should be scaled back, citing as a precedent Roosevelt's inauguration during World War II.

    "President Roosevelt held his 1945 inaugural at the White House, making a short speech and serving guests cold chicken salad and plain pound cake," according to a letter from Weiner and Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash. "During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified."...

    Billionaire Mark Cuban, owner of the National Basketball Association's Dallas Mavericks, voted for Bush -- twice. Cuban knows a thing or two about big spending, once starring in ABC's reality TV show, "The Benefactor," in which 16 contenders tried to pass his test for success and win $1 million.

    "As a country, we face huge deficits. We face a declining economy. We have service people dying. We face responsibilities to help those suffering from the...devastation," he wrote on his blog, a Web journal.

    Cuban challenged the inauguration to set an example: "Start by canceling your inauguration parties and festivities."


    Yes, the press is in full cry over the disgustingly extravagant spending expected for the coming inauguration.

    The only thing is... it's not Barack Obama's inauguration they are so upset about. All those things were said in late 2004 and early 2005, about George W. Bush's impending 2nd inauguration after his re-election in Nov. 2004.


    Fast forward to 2009. The nation is still at war (two wars, in fact), and now also faces the prospect of a severe recession and federal budget deficits topping $1 trillion as far as the eye can see. With Barack Obama’s inauguration estimated to cost $45 million (not counting the millions more that government will have to pay for security), is the Associated Press once again tsk-tsking the high dollar cost?

    Nope. “For inaugural balls, go for glitz, forget economy,” a Tuesday AP headline advised. The article by reporter Laurie Kellman argued for extravagance, starting with the lede:

    So you're attending an inaugural ball saluting the historic election of Barack Obama in the worst economic climate in three generations. Can you get away with glitzing it up and still be appropriate, not to mention comfortable and financially viable?

    To quote the man of the hour: Yes, you can. Veteran ballgoers say you should. And fashionistas insist that you must.

    "This is a time to celebrate. This is a great moment. Do not dress down. Do not wear the Washington uniform," said Tim Gunn, a native Washingtonian and Chief Creative Officer at Liz Claiborne, Inc.

    "Just because the economy is in a downturn, it doesn't mean that style is going to be in a downturn," agreed Ken Downing, fashion director for Neiman Marcus.

    And if anyone does raise an eyebrow at those sequins, remind them that optimism is good for times like these. "Just say you're doing it to help the economy," chuckled good manners guru Letitia Baldridge.

    That spin is a far cry from four years ago, when the AP seemed interested in spurring resentment of the Bush inaugural’s supposedly high cost. Of course, displays of Republican wealth are routinely slammed by the media as elitist or aristocratic, while reporters seem to consider rich Democrats as stylish paragons whom we all should copy.

    Obviously, that’s not the media’s message to Barack Obama this year. And no one in the press is going to argue that, with the nation at war, the new President should be satisfied with cold chicken salad and pound cake.

    Copyright (c) 2009 by AP (Acorn Press)


    The bulk of this article was taken from a piece written on Jan. 14, 2009, by AP correspondent Richard Noyes. Only a few strategic names and dates were redacted. Amazing what a difference a few names makes to the press, in otherwise nearly-identical situations, isn't it?

    They heartily supported far greater spending for Barack Obama's inaugural, in an arguably worse economy, while condemning smaller expenditures for George Bush.

    So far, they have failed to explain why.

    The original article can be found at:
    fox says its 50 mil. this site says 150 mil !!!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by namvet View Post
    fox says its 50 mil. this site says 150 mil !!!!!
    It is $150 million. Fox must be in the tank for Obama now

    You don't think Lord Obama would be a cheapskate with taxpayer money fo you?

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    It is $150 million. Fox must be in the tank for Obama now

    You don't think Lord Obama would be a cheapskate with taxpayer money fo you?
    on top of all the other scams we get stuck with one of the biggest ass reems in history.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gabosaurus View Post
    Why the extravagant cost? Well, the first reason is that, unlike Dubya, Obama is popular with the common person of America. Around a million of them are expected to converge on Washington D.C. for the inauguration. That requires a lot of public works and a lot of security and support personnel.
    Also, there is the matter of the bitter right-wing racist gun nuts who might want to cause trouble. Or perhaps do harm to key figures. That requires assembling one of the most elaborate security details in the history of the country.
    It's not all parties and galas. It's preparation and precaution.
    Its utterly amazing that you can show what a hypocrite you are and seemingly not even appreciate that fact .....
    "Ignorance is not bliss...ignorance is dangerous" - Silver

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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Its utterly amazing that you can show what a hypocrite you are and seemingly not even appreciate that fact .....
    She is use to it by now Silver. It is as common to her as taking a breath

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

    Ronald Reagan

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