Well for some of us, it's just 'The Chicago Way' writ large:


Welcome to the Punk Presidency
Posted By Tom Blumer On February 25, 2009 @ 12:40 am In . Column2 05, . Positioning, Media, Money, Politics, US News | 87 Comments

Here’s how I greeted the news of Barack Obama’s victory on election night last November: “[1] Say hello to the punk presidency.”

I was hardly out of line, basing the president-elect’s moniker on his poor behavior during the primary and general election campaigns, best exemplified in [2] May and [3] November YouTube videos. In each case — the first in reference to Hillary Clinton, the second to John McCain — Obama scratched his face with his middle finger and seemed, along with part of each crowd, to smile at the “cuteness” of what he had just done. As [4] I said on election eve, “Once might be an accident; twice is proof.”

I fervently hoped that the former Illinois senator had decided during the campaign that such conduct was required for victory, to be discarded upon achieving it.

[5] Less than 72 hours later, that hope was dashed when Obama, speaking of conversations with our still-living presidents, cracked what he thought was a funny joke:


...You stay classy, Bob. Rick Santelli has more than likely forgotten more than you’ll ever know about economic moral hazards.

Fortunately, Santelli [16] pushed back hard Friday night on Larry Kudlow’s program, even tearing up what he said was a copy of the plan. Kudlow appropriately expressed alarm about the brazen attempt at press intimidation by our punk president’s spokesman.

Oh, and speaking of intimidation, last week we also saw some of Barack Obama’s old friends spring into action. In Baltimore, ACORN members [17] broke into and occupied a foreclosed home, saying, “This is our house now.” Do you think it’s just a wee bit likely that they took Obama’s expressed solidarity with lawbreakers at Republic Window as permission to take their “protests” to the next level?

If enough actions such as ACORN’s occur and go unpunished, investors, businesspeople, and entrepreneurs will begin to conclude that the rule of law is disappearing. If that happens, there may be no limit to how far the markets and the economy might sink.

The president and his people had better start demonstrating something resembling adult maturity, and very soon. America can ill afford its current punk presidency.