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    Quote Originally Posted by sgtdmski View Post
    I belong to another debate site as well where I am a Moderator. However, we have a few moderators there that have the tendency to ban people quite often. I am one of the few if not the only conservative voice on the site. I have grown weary of that site because so much of the debate is gone. There are so many liberals that frequent the site that I cannot always keep up with the debates. Lately it seems as though the site has been taken over by the homosexual supporters, if you are anti-gay you can expect to be reported to the moderator and shortly thereafter banned. The only reason they cannot ban me is that I am a moderator and have been on that site longer than most of them.

    I like this site because there is actually a mixture of viewpoints, and while the bickering between people can be annoying, at least we have people bickering.

    I am not sure if there is an easy answer or a quick fix to the problem of bickering between members, that is what usually happens when you have different viewpoints and ideologies. I for the most part try treat everyone with respect, but sometime the arguments you come accross from those who oppose you make little to no sense or have nothing to do with the points made, and sometimes it is frustrating and hard to not to respond with what some might consider derogatory twist to your comment.

    I appreciate your take, as you've been here a relatively short time and have some objectivity. I agree that there is some mix of the political spectrum, I for one would like more. Differences in opinion can lead to tempers flying a bit, but it shouldn't get to the personal, try to destroy someone level. That is what we would like to get in check. I'm pretty sure it will happen, the owner is determined at this point. So it will be done nicely or not so nicely, the members own decisions.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    I think that every site would like to have more diversity. However, the problems remains as you said that with difference in ideology can lead to heated discussions. I grow wary for at the other site I see far too many people being chased away or banned from the site because they do not share the opinion of the majority. What is worse is the fact that far too often those in the majority will run to the moderators to complain and then the next thing you see is that person being infracted or banned.

    I like the fact that you have the steel cage here, where members can go if they want, I think that this might keep alot of animosity out of the topics. Thus far I have enjoyed the debate here, and look forward to posting a lot more.

    Conservatism, I repeat is not an ideology. It does not breed fanatics....But if you want men who seek, reasonably and prudently, to reconcile the best in wisdom of our ancestors with the change which is essential to a vigorous civil social existence, then you will do well to turn to conservative principles-Russell Kirk-

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    Quote Originally Posted by sgtdmski View Post
    I think that every site would like to have more diversity. However, the problems remains as you said that with difference in ideology can lead to heated discussions. I grow wary for at the other site I see far too many people being chased away or banned from the site because they do not share the opinion of the majority. What is worse is the fact that far too often those in the majority will run to the moderators to complain and then the next thing you see is that person being infracted or banned.

    I like the fact that you have the steel cage here, where members can go if they want, I think that this might keep alot of animosity out of the topics. Thus far I have enjoyed the debate here, and look forward to posting a lot more.

    What fun is a site where everyone agrees? It is much more pleasurable to discuss an issue with someone with whom you disagree than with someone that sees the issue the same way you do.

    Jim is correct, this site could be better if people would leave the petty whining about others off the threads. Who cares if Mod Dem is MFM or not? What difference does it make? Either discuss the issues or don't bother posting dozens of post about him in every single thread that starts up.

    And for crying out loud, don't show how much of a wuss you are by calling everyone that disagrees with you idiots and ignoring the issues.

    Whoops... {steps of the soap box}


    PS I'm not at all stating that you do those things sgt. But those who do, know who I'm speaking of.
    For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith -- and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God -- not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9

  4. #19
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    Well said Immie!

    DMK, I think Jim has really succeeded in creating a board that is very tolerant of all views. His only complaint is the constant feuding and nasty comments by a select few individuals who cant seem to behave in an appropriate manner.

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