I know that. Come on. Thing is though if you research Tesla you will see that it should be he that children are learning about, the fact that they are not demonstrates a serious flaw in out education system. He punked Edison at every turn. Edison insisted we use DC power Kathy. Just that one fact alone shows what a fool he actually was. Just a fool! Plain and simple.

When proven wrong, as he was , since we use AC (Alternating Current), he refused to admit he was wrong. Such is the mistake of the ages, not being able to admit when one is wrong.

Tesla was a strange bird and would make for much more interesting learning I would think than Edison as well. My 9th Grade Science teacher, Mr. Burton, a coach at my High School who was not thought much of acedemically, did in fact teach his students about Tesla. I enjoyed it very much. Was interesting to actually know where our electricity REALLY came from instead of the fable being taught in schools.

Seekers of information like to arrive at the truth. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that. You could no doubt "SCHOOL" us all in that. I would recommend some research into this subject and then you will see why everyone seems to concur in this matter. You'll enjoy the research I'm sure.