Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Esslingen View Post
Can't be. I had a PC for years and it crashed damn near everyday. Froze up all the time doing the simplest things. Lost more documents than I could count and wound up being so infested with worms, viruses, and other shit while MS was withdrawing support for the version I was using that it became a box of crap before my eyes.
Not looking for a fight, just stating my experiences as someone who has been involved in fixing PC's and servers for about 17 years now.

Freezing and crashing happen with PC's, no doubt about it, but 95% of the time it is operator error. Yes, MS has issues when they first release software and you have to endure many updates. I wish they would just perfect their OS before releasing, but matching the OS with a gazillion programs out there is no easy task.

Most issues are caused by worms, spyware, malware, viruses... When precautionary, these shouldn't be an issue for you. I have a great antivirus program, spyware program, live spyware/malware detector and a couple of other programs used to keep my machine clean (run at least weekly).

I'm guessing you had NT or 2000, both of which I've heard they are withdrawing support for, likely as an incentive to get you to upgrade! Never said MS wasn't a bunch of greedy bastards!

My Mac, on the other hand, has never crashed. Never lost a document. Never froze up. I'v had to restart it a half dozen times mainly to install updates. It came ready to use right out of the box and is as fast today as it was when I bought it. Nothing has corrupted any files and it's a breeze to use. Now, who's the goofball?
Can't argue with that, I've heard many similar reviews from other Mac users. I know as well that they are supposedly superior for those interested in heavy graphic use/manipulation. My main reasons for not going Mac are: the price, and the availability of the hundreds of programs I use. Sad to say, but many companies cater their software to MS.

Suffice to say, both OS's are good, and both have their cons.