Quote Originally Posted by Joyful HoneyBee View Post
I won't argue that point, but I will say that this is the same man who said this on Face the Nation in July 2008:

I take real issue with the fact that the reason he is not listening to his own military advisers is because of the political climate. So...what kind of climate does that create for our troops already committed to that region of the world? Is it okay for him to leave just enough troops there for them to be in severe danger?
First off, it seems as if you are unaware that President Obama HAS already significantly increased troop levels in Afghanistan since his arrival in office.

And I find fault with you claiming that 1. he is not listening to his military advisors, and 2. that you seem to somehow be aware of WHY he is not listening to them. I think both points are flawed and inaccurate.

I am just guessing, but methinks that you weren't around for Viet Nam when our president's military advisors promised him time after time that if only he'd send in MORE American troops, we could win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people... and then, six months later, they'd go in and ask for even MORE troops and promise the same result.