Sorry bout that,

1. Wowser, another attempted attack today near here, in Dallas.
2. Another nice and friendly muslim goes bad.
3. His life will forever change, he should get used to a jail cell.
4. He was from Jordan.
5. 19 years of age.
6. Just relax, you wont be a victim of terrorism, right?
7. Link and sample:

"Hosam Maher Husein Smadi has repeatedly voiced his intent to serve Osama bin Laden and al-Qa’ida and commit “violent Jihad,” authorities said in a prepared statement.

“Today’s arrest of Hosam Maher Husein Smadi underscores the FBI’s unwavering commitment to bring to justice persons who attempt to bring harm to citizens of this country and significant danger to this community,” special FBI agent in charge Robert E. Casey, Jr. said in the statement. “Smadi made a decision to act to commit a significant conspicuous act of violence under his banner of ‘self Jihad.’”
