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    Default Health insurance bills could be hardship for many

    WASHINGTON – Many middle-class Americans would still struggle to pay for health insurance despite efforts by President Barack Obama and Democrats to make coverage more affordable.

    The legislation advancing in Congress would require all Americans to get insurance — through an employer, a government program or by buying it themselves. But new tax credits to help with premiums won't go far enough for everyone. Some middle-class families purchasing their own coverage through new insurance exchanges could find it out of reach.
    I Believe in love, personal liberty, and less government/more non profits

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    Sorry bout that,

    1. Then it wouldnt be fixed, just changed.
    2. Lets hope ,..scratch that, pray to God, that the politicians are wise enough to really fix healthcare.
    3. One wonders.

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    In order for them to fix healthcare they first have to get a clue. Right now those in control only see one vision, creating a giant governmental insurance broker to provide insurance to all. Unfortunately, this is the wrong idea, for it ignores what is truly wrong with the current system.

    Problem 1, those who receive coverage through the government using Medicaid/Medicare (M/M) have no financial interest in their own care. Individuals who have private coverage or no coverage and go to their doctor must either pay for their visit or pay a co-pay. If we wish to stop the waste and abuse in the current M/M the first thing we must institute is a copay. Without a copay these patients often misuse the emergency room for their ills. I am sorry but there is no reason you should be coming to the ER for a sore throat at 10 o'clock at night when you could go to your doctor the next day. ER services cost more, mainly because the doctors, nurses and support staff that are on duty are paid higher wages, not to the mention the fact that all are trained in trauma procedures. By charging a copay people will have a financial interest in not abusing the system. My insurance charges a $30 for a Dr's visit and $200 for an ER visit. Furthermore my insurance can review any of my visits to the ER and if they determine that the visit was not an emergency can hold me liable for the full cost of the visit.

    Secondly insurance regulations need to be changed. Currently everyone who drives is required to have auto insurance. This auto insurance can be bought through several different companies and can be used in every state. I can buy a policy for a small company in Kansas and it would be recognized anywhere. Medical insurance cannot be transported state to state. I work as a traveler, which means that in any given year I may wind up in three/four different states. If I wish to have coverage everytime I change states, I have to change my insurance. Which means I am constantly have to pay higher premiums for I cannot buy insurance for a year, but rather only month to month. Regulations need to be removed that will allow medical insurance companies to provide coverage throughout the several states.

    Thirdly there must be tort reform. Most of the medicine that is practice in the Emergency Rooms across this country is what I like to call Cover Your Ass Medicine. (CYAM) If you went out and had a huge spicy mexican dinner and then later that evening you develop heartburn which Tums is not helping and then decide to go to the ER. When asked what hurts you may say you think you have heartburn, so you will be asked where does it hurt and of course you will have to say your chest. Oh no, Chest pain, we have to do a cardiac panel. This panel alone will cause your bill to skyrocket. See you cannot be treated for what ails you alone, the doctor has to make sure you are not having a heart attack so that he will not get sued by your family if that heartburn you thought you were having really was a mild cardiac infraction. I am sorry but you cannot blame a doctor for missing an illness especially when you complain about having another illness as long as doctors can be sued at will for missing anything they will continue practicing CYAM causing your bills to ever be larger. God don't ever complain about abdominal pain, your bill will be astronomical following the CT scans with and without contrast, ultrasound, MRI and X-Rays not to mention all the lab work.

    Conservatism, I repeat is not an ideology. It does not breed fanatics....But if you want men who seek, reasonably and prudently, to reconcile the best in wisdom of our ancestors with the change which is essential to a vigorous civil social existence, then you will do well to turn to conservative principles-Russell Kirk-

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    Sorry bout that,

    1. I have been to several emergency rooms, and the people I always saw were pretty freakin sick.
    2. I didn't see one person that didnt look as if they were about to die, at least from their expressions.
    3. I think saying people go to the ER for minor stuff is way out of line, compared to reality.

    "At Times We Cry, At Time We Fly" ~CWN
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    Quote Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin View Post

    WASHINGTON – Many middle-class Americans would still struggle to pay for health insurance despite efforts by President Barack Obama and Democrats to make coverage more affordable.

    The legislation advancing in Congress would require all Americans to get insurance — through an employer, a government program or by buying it themselves. But new tax credits to help with premiums won't go far enough for everyone. Some middle-class families purchasing their own coverage through new insurance exchanges could find it out of reach.
    Whaddaya mean "could be"? They already are. Some 60% of ALL bankruptcies are the result of medical bills, with most of them filed by people WITH insurance. Never mind the steadily and rapidly increasing premiums, co-pays and deductibles.

    The Max Baucus Blow Job to the Health Insurance Industry Bill won't make things any more affordable for anyone and just shove wads of tax-payer dollars into the pockets of insurance companies while providing no more protection from the depredation of the health insurance companies than federal law does now...which is none. That's why a robust and broad-based public option, which anyone can apply to is needed. Anything less and the whole system WILL collapse on itself with you, me, and every other tax-payer left holding the bag.
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