Quote Originally Posted by chloe View Post
I keep checking this thread as you add more pics, they are breathtaking. I didn't realize that Cruise Ships were that big geez!!!! The nature the is so pretty. But isn't it snowy most of the year there?
No, not in this area. Juneau is not far from Seattle and it shares many of the weather traits of the Pacific Northwest like lots of rain.

Here in Wasilla we got our first snowfall a few days ago, and it'll be here until March or April, off and on. We usually get 3 or 4 chinooks (eskimo word for warm wind) during the winter and we'll lose the snow cover. As far as temperatures go, it's rarely under 20 degrees farenheit in this neck of the woods.

Now Fairbanks is another story altogether, I lived there in '99 and we saw it 65 below zero for a week straight, and both weeks on either end of that week were minus 40. But extreme cold snaps like that don't happen very often, and if you live in Fairbanks you deserve it! I didn't like it up there, neither did my wife.