Bill's dock on Cottonwood Lake in Wasilla.

A couple of Loons on Cottonwood Lake.

One of the views while snowmachining on the Susitna River about 2 miles below the Deshka Landing.

Beer break about 20 miles down from Deshka.

My brother Jim decided to blast up the side of this hill. He got knocked off balance and that 700 RMK dug itself a hole. We had a beer while watching him work.

Took him about 15 minutes of hard work to get her pointed back downhill.

My friend Kim and I having a beer on the trail.

We did a job down in Valdez (pronounced Val DEEZ) in February, this is right outside town.

It was a really beautiful morning down there. This isn't far at all from where the Exxon Valdez tanker spilled all that oil.