Quote Originally Posted by Joyful HoneyBee View Post
This reminded me, slightly, of a conversation I once had on the phone with my ex. He had loaded up Quicken on his "compuker" and was quick to announce that he had created a pie chart that showed that he spent 32% of his income on child support (this even though he was seriously in arrears at the time). I didn't hesitate to tell him that I didn't need a freakin' pie chart to tell me that I spent 100% of my earnings supporting our children. He quickly hung up on me.

Seriously though Trinity....Bickering with the ex in the presence of the children is harmful. Bickering with the ex on a cell phone in the presence of other shoppers in the store is self defacing. Bickering with the ex on the speaker phone at home in the presence of minor aged neighbors is kinda weird.

I'm not accusing you of this, but I have seen family members use their children as weapons to hurt one another and the ones who lose the most in such battles are the children. Childhood is incredibly short. It never matters what went on in the past, when you are trying to move forward with kids in tow it is generally easier to drive if you're hands are not burdened with bludgeoning clubs.
What She said!