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    Arrow *Happy Islamicmass*

    Sorry bout that,

    1. Another islamic muslim bastard has tried to share islam with us Christians.
    2. Ban this cult!
    3. From American shores.
    4. Heres a link and a sample:

    "With his wealth, privilege and education at one of Britain's leading universities, Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab had the world at his feet – able to choose from a range of futures in which to make his mark on the world.

    Instead, the son of one of Nigeria's most important figures opted to make his impact in a very different way – by detonating 80g of explosives sewn into his underpants, and trying to destroy a passenger jet as it came in to land at Detroit Airport on Christmas Day.

    As he was charged by US authorities last night with attempting to blow up an airliner, a surprising picture emerged of the would-be bomber.

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    Abdulmutallab, 23, had lived a gilded life, and, for the three years he studied in London, he stayed in a £2m flat. He was from a very different background to many of the other al-Qa'ida recruits who opt for martyrdom.

    The charges were read out to him by US District Judge Paul Borman in a conference room at the medical centre where he is receiving treatment for burns. Agents brought Abdulmutallab, who had a blanket over his lap and was wearing a green hospital robe, into the room in a wheelchair.

    Abdulmutallab's father, Umaru, is the former economics minister of Nigeria. He retired earlier this month as the chairman of the First Bank of Nigeria but is still on the boards of several of Nigeria's biggest firms, including Jaiz International, a holding company for the Islamic Bank. The 70-year-old, who was also educated in London, holds the Commander of the Order of the Niger as well as the Italian Order of Merit.

    Dr Mutallab said he was planning to meet with police in Nigeria last night after realising his son had joined the notorious roster of al-Qa'ida terrorists, and is said to have warned the US authorities about his son's extreme views six months ago.

    Police in London were collaborating with the American-led investigation into the would-be bomber. Scotland Yard detectives were searching his flat and two others in the same mansion block in Marylebone, central London. They later cordoned off the street lined with Rolls-Royce, Jaguar and Mercedes cars. Police were also understood to be searching the basement of the building.

    Abdulmutallab was reportedly on a security watch list, but those who studied with him expressed shock that the person who seemed so quiet and unassuming – a devout Muslim but not radical – apparently came close to perpetrating a Christmas Day massacre.

    Fabrizio Cavallo Marincola, 22, who studied mechanical engineering beside Abdulmutallab – nicknamed Biggie – at University College London, said that he graduated in May 2008 and showed no signs of radicalisation or of links to al-Qa'ida. "We worked on projects together," he said. "He always did the bare minimum of work and would just show up to classes. When we were studying, he always would go off to pray.

    "He was pretty quiet and didn't socialise much or have a girlfriend that I knew of. I didn't get to talk to him much on a personal level. I was really shocked when I saw the reports. You would never imagine him pulling off something like this."

    After graduating, Abdulmutallab tried to return to Britain but his visa request was refused. He applied to return for a six-month course, but was barred by the UK Border Agency which judged that the college he applied to was "not genuine".

    Reports from Nigeria suggested that Abdulmutallab's family had seen a very different person to the one studying at UCL. He apparently cut all contact with his family after university, but is thought to have visited Egypt and then Dubai.

    "I believe he might have been to Yemen, but we are investigating to determine that," his father said.

    More details have also emerged of what happened on flight 253 prior to landing at Detroit. Abdulmutallab went to the bathroom for about 20 minutes. When he returned, he said his stomach was upset and pulled a blanket over himself. The 278 passengers on the eight-hour Delta Airways flight from Amsterdam were first alerted that something was wrong when they heard what was described as "a firecracker in a pillowcase".

    One passenger, Jasper Schuringa, who was the first on the plane to tackle and subdue the suspect, told CNN: "I basically reacted directly. when you hear a pop on the plane, you are awake. I just jumped. I didn't think, I just went over there and tried to save the plane – and we did."

    Mr Schuringa, who had burns to one of his hands, added: "A fire started under his seat. I was calling for water, water. But then the fire was getting a little worse. So I grabbed the suspect out of the seat, because, if there was any more explosives on him, that would have been very dangerous. And then the flight attendants came. We took him to first class and stripped him to make sure he had no more weapons on him. "It was very quick. Everyone was panicking," he said of the scene on the descending aircraft.

    Mr Schuringa, who was due to connect in Detroit to a Miami flight for a Christmas holiday, said of the suspect: "He was shaking. He didn't resist anything. It's just hard to believe that he was trying to blow up this plane. He was in a trance. He was very afraid."

    Mr Schuringa also said that when he first grabbed the suspect he saw a burning liquid dripping on to the floor.

    The high explosive Abdulmutallab used was identified by the FBI as Pentaerythritol, better known as PETN – a major component of Semtex. He injected a detonating liquid into the PETN with a syringe, but the bomb failed to explode.

    The revelation of Abdulmutallab's background has confounded terror experts. Dr Magnus Ranstorp of the Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies at the Swedish National Defence College said that the attempted bombing "didn't square".

    "On the one hand, it seems he's been on the terror watch list but not on the no-fly list," he said. "That doesn't square because the American Department for Homeland Security has pretty stringent data-mining capability. I don't understand how he had a valid visa if he was known on the terror watch list.

    "Why didn't he go to the toilets to detonate the bomb? Why would he try to set it off 20 minutes before he's going to land? It could probably have been successful had the person not been amateurish. I think this is a sign that it's much more difficult now for al-Qa'ida to pull off something serious."

    Chaim Koppel, a security consultant, added: "I think the explosive was supposed to go bang rather than just start a fire. The terrorists probably didn't mix it well enough. Maybe they didn't do enough practice runs, but the more the guy is trained, the more exposed he is to MI5, MI6, the FBI and other security agencies, so he probably didn't receive enough training."

    Nigerian newspapers reported that Abdulmutallab's father, who lives in Katsina, Nigeria, had informed the US embassy of his son's activities because he had become so concerned about his religious views.

    A source said Dr Mutallab was "devastated" at the news but also "surprised" his son had been allowed to travel after he had reported him to the authorities. Abdulmutallab had allegedly become noted for his extreme religious views when he was at the British International School in Togo, where he is said to have preached Islam to his friends.

    An official briefing on the attack said the US had known for at least two years that the suspect could have terrorist ties. Abdulmutallab has been on a list that included people with known or suspected contacts or ties to a terrorist or terrorist organisation. The list is maintained by the US National Counterterrorism Center and includes about 550,000 names.

    The impact of the intended attack will lead airports and governments to again review security measures as terrorists seek more ingenious ways of smuggling explosives through sophisticated security measures.

    Police know that the KLM ticket that Abdulmutallab travelled on was purchased on 16 December, with cash, in Nigeria. The departure airport was changed from Accra to Lagos shortly afterwards. When he took his window seat, number 19A, he had only one piece of hand luggage and none in the hold – unusual for someone who was allegedly planning a two-week stay in Detroit.

    Abdulmutallab also smuggled the explosives through security at Schiphol airport, the connecting point for the flight from Nigeria. "There were no irregularities at the security check," an official for the National Co-ordinator for Counterterrorism said. "It cannot be excluded that potentially dangerous items were brought on board, especially objects that cannot be read by current technology."

    Officials with the federal Transport Security Authority in the US said that while enhanced security measures had been imposed at airports across the country and abroad after the attempted bombing, it had no plans to alter basic procedures or requirements for passengers. But at least one US senator said she intended to convene urgent hearings on what new steps might have to be taken to protect international air travel. Senator Susan Collins of Maine said: "This incident is a disturbing reminder that the terrorist threat is still very real."

    Some airlines will be introducing tough new security checks.

    Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, said: "With the full support of the Prime Minister, Transport Secretary, Foreign Secretary and ministerial colleagues, we will ensure that the UK continues to have in place the most appropriate security measures to protect the public from the terrorist threat, wherever it originates from."

    Expert's view: The latest in a line of near disasters

    The failed attempt to blow up flight 253 as it came in to land at Detroit airport is the latest in an ominous pattern of terror attacks that have emerged from, or have been attempted in, the United Kingdom over the past few years.

    Dr Sally Leivesley, a leading terror expert who advises governments and businesses, said yesterday there have been several incidents where detonators have failed to ignite devices, with a major terror attack averted through luck or human error.

    They include Richard Reid, who was overpowered on a transatlantic flight as he attempted to detonate a bomb hidden in his shoe; the failed attacks on London transport of July 2005 which came two weeks after the 7/7 bombings; the attempted attack on Glasgow airport in August 2007; the discovery of two cars packed with gas and petrol in London the day before the Glasgow attack; and an incident in Exeter in 2008 when a man failed to detonate a device in a café's toilets.

    "The devices may not be competent," Dr Leivesley said. "Scientists will now try to replicate the method in the laboratory and then we'll know. The reason it didn't go off may be a fault with the device, or human error. The reports so far suggest that the bomber sat quietly after the incident, but had suffered third-degree burns on his leg. That suggests to me that he may have been sedated in order not to appear anxious, but that may have impaired his ability."

    The other disturbing development, she added, is the use of the body to conceal explosives. In August a terrorist tried to assassinate the Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Nayef with explosives implanted in his body.

    "The bomber suffered third-degree burns on his leg," Dr Leivesley said. "It's possible that a part of the explosive was hidden either inside the inner thigh or wrapped over that area with skins. With baggy clothing, it could be missed during a search, as could a syringe hidden in the groin. There are no metal components involved, so it wouldn't trigger a security device. He would then use the syringe to inject a liquid which would detonate the explosive."

    Another significant factor is the report that the bomber was an engineering student at University College London. Dr Leivesley said that al-Qa'ida was recruiting people with engineering qualifications as well as highly placed scientists, particularly in the nuclear field.

    "Al-Qa'ida is finding it difficult to recruit young people," she said. "And, interestingly, the election of Barack Obama is a factor in that, because, whatever you think of him as a president, the fact of him shows young people that there is an alternative to killing yourself. Al-Qa'ida is, however, targeting more highly skilled people."

    Andrew Johnson

    5. Bam islam totally, its what we would do if I were in charge.

    "At Times We Cry, At Time We Fly" ~CWN
    "See You Down The Road Man" ~ CWN

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    It seems his background is very similar to many of those involved in 9/11 and the 7/11 in England. Privileged doesn't seem to cover it.

    OTOH, his own father warned in November that he thought his son a threat.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Is anyone surprised by what the liberal media is leaving out of their "reporting"?

    Guess The Missing Word In NY Times Report On Attempted Plane Bombing
    By Mark Finkelstein

    December 26, 2009 - 08:23 ET

    Imagine that there had been a series of three incidents in which members of a [invented for present purposes] fanatical Jewish sect had attempted to bring down airliners from Arab countries.

    In reporting on the latest attempt and describing the previous ones, do you think the New York Times might have mentioned the religion of the perpetrators? So do I.

    But with the legerdemain required to describe a spiral staircase without using one's hands, the Gray Lady has managed in its article today to report yesterday's attempt to bring down a NWA airliner, and the earlier attempts by Richard Reid [the "shoebomber'] and the those who plotted to bring down as many as ten jets leaving the UK for the United States, without using the word "Muslim."

    Now it's true that there were some pretty good hints in today's story. Even the New York Times can only sugar-coat things so far. Take the current suspect's name: Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab. And the reported fact that "Mr. Abdulmutallab is said to have told officials that he was directed by Al Qaeda." But never did the Times employ the word "Muslim," "Islamic" or any variation thereof, describing Abdulmutallab simply as a "Nigerian man."

    Things were even murker when it came to the other plots. Reid was simply described as "the so-called shoe bomber." The Times told us that Reid "pleaded guilty to three terrorism-related counts." But that he was a Muslim convert [who had reportedly attended a virulently anti-Christian seminary in Pakistan], the Times never told us. For all an unsuspecting reader knew--and with a name like Reid--the would-be bomber might have been an IRA member.

    And as for Islamist terrorist plot in 2006 to kill thousands aboard planes bound for the US from the UK? The Times only told us that "eight men were arrested." Not a word as to their origins or religion. Such multi-cultural sensitivity!

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Maybe they could start referring to it as the "religion that must not be named."
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    It seems his background is very similar to many of those involved in 9/11 and the 7/11 in England. Privileged doesn't seem to cover it.

    OTOH, his own father warned in November that he thought his son a threat.
    When I heard that his father had warned about him,,I sat for a while trying to figure out WHY he was allowed on a plane headed for the U.S. on Christmas day?!! His own father suspects him and he still is allowed to fly ? This is scary!

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    Quote Originally Posted by krisy View Post
    When I heard that his father had warned about him,,I sat for a while trying to figure out WHY he was allowed on a plane headed for the U.S. on Christmas day?!! His own father suspects him and he still is allowed to fly ? This is scary!
    I thought the same thing, I sure feel safe under this new administration

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    NBC is already ciricling the wagons around the Obama administration

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    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Of course this administration does great with security, hmmm a Joe blow couple meets Obama at his party, LOL, guess they weren't on the list well the secondary list anyway, Yes I for one feel Completely safe with Obama in Hawaii, his parties being crashed by nobodies and know ya have to be on the second list in order to be taken as a serious threat , does anyone besides me Miss GW yet , LOL

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    Of course this administration does great with security, hmmm a Joe blow couple meets Obama at his party, LOL, guess they weren't on the list well the secondary list anyway, Yes I for one feel Completely safe with Obama in Hawaii, his parties being crashed by nobodies and know ya have to be on the second list in order to be taken as a serious threat , does anyone besides me Miss GW yet , LOL
    Of course, Obama has a gameplan dealing with terrorists - at least according to liberal publicans like "The Atlantic"

    Atlantic Editor Lauds Lack of Obama Public Response to Terrorist

    According to the associate editor of The Atlantic, Marc Ambinder, the reason for Obama's lack of response is that it is part of some sort of brilliant strategy:

    There is a reason why Obama hasn't given a public statement. It's strategy.

    Here is Ambinder elaborating on this "strategy":

    In his Fahrenheit 9/11, filmmaker Michael Moore juxtaposes images and words of a terrorist attack in Israel with President Bush's first words about the incident, spoken to a press pool on a golf course, with him leaning casually against a tree. Today, as the nation's law enforcement agencies respond to an attempted terrorist attack on U.S. soil, as the cable news channels and news websites pull in reinforcements to cover the incident from all angles, President Obama has been silent.

    In fact, he's been golfing. He received a counterterrorism briefing early this morning, Hawaii time, and moments later, left for the gym. The president's vacation activities might have become the subject of a fierce partisan fight -- but really, the only carping is coming from the usual suspects on the right.

    So it is okay with Ambinder for Obama to be still neglecting to issue a public statement on this after almost two days but it is an OUTRAGE for Bush to have waited a few minutes to issue his public statement on 9/11?
    There is a reason why Obama hasn't given a public statement. It's strategy.

    Yeah, all part of the grand master chess plan that we mere mortals are unable to see:
    Here's the theory: a two-bit mook is sent by Al Qaeda to do a dastardly deed. He winds up neutering himself. Literally.

    Authorities respond appropriately; the President (as this president is want to to) presides over the federal response. His senior aides speak for him, letting reporters know that he's videoconferencing regularly, that he's ordering a review of terrorist watch lists, that he's discoursing with his Secretary of Homeland Security.

    All behind the scenes stuff (supposedly) yet still no public statement from Obama at least condemning this terrorist attempt.

    Stand by now as Ambinder twists himself into a pretzel to explain the Obama non-response:
    But an in-person Obama statement isn't needed; Indeed, a message expressing command, control, outrage and anger might elevate the importance of the deed, would generate panic (because Obama usually DOESN'T talk about the specifics of cases like this, and so him deciding to do so would cue the American people to respond in a way that exacerbates the situation.

    And here is Ambinder pretending to read Obama's mind:
    Obama of course will say something at some point. Had the terrorist blown up the plane, it;s safe to assume that Obama would no longer be in Hawaii. In either case, the public will need presidential fortification at some point. But Obama is willing to risk the accusation that he is "soft" on terrorism or is hovering above it all, or is just not to be bothered (his "head's in the sand, "golfing comes first," )in order to advance what he believes is the proper collective response to a failed act of terrorism.
    Let the authorities do their work. Don't presume; don't panic the country; don't chest-thump, prejudge, interfere, politicize (in an international sense), don't give Al Qaeda (or whomever) a symbolic victory; resist the urge to open the old playbook and run a familiar play.

    Finally Ambinder contrasts the "calm" Obama who has issued no reponse to the supposedly panicked Bush of eight years ago who gave a public response within minutes of the terror attack:
    In a sense, he is projecting his calm on the American people, just as his advisers are convinced that the Bush Administration projected their panic and anger on the self-same public eight years ago.

    For Ambinder it seems no public response is really part of some sort of brilliant secret strategy...if the president happens to be a Democrat. And when a Republican president responds within minutes, the explanation is "panic and anger."

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Sorry bout that,

    1. Yeah with all the medias lack of telling the truth on islamicmass's that is mass killings of Christians, we all should feel warm and fuzzy inside, knowing the media is sure to cover for islamicmass and that the government is not protecting themselves or the flying public.
    2. Yeah I feel safer, safer to being killed by some freakin nutjob islamic ass hole.
    3. God help us, lets just hope these bastards are too stupid to actually know how to set off the bombs they make. CWNObama

    "At Times We Cry, At Time We Fly" ~CWN
    "See You Down The Road Man" ~ CWN

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    Obama is a puppet, and is doing a wonderful job, seems the Dems would rather ram healthcare down our throats than keep us safe, but hell we aren't safe from our own Government, so why expect anything different

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    Obama is a puppet, and is doing a wonderful job, seems the Dems would rather ram healthcare down our throats than keep us safe, but hell we aren't safe from our own Government, so why expect anything different
    Defending America would prove pres Bush was right - Obama can't do that Jeff

    However by ramming thru Obamacare, Dems expand the size and control of government (while raising taxes) and that fits in his agenda

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

    Ronald Reagan

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