Sorry bout that,

1. Lets look around the world for a sec.
2. If you happen to live in Africa, pick a country, you may live under a name change within a year or two.
3. All the coups and all.
4. Lets not mention HIV, and the lack of medical support from the gov's in place.
5. Americas handling it, *The White Man*.
6. Okay lets look at Ayab nations, do we have too?
7. The best words to describe any ayab nation are these two simple words, *Hell Hole*, enough said., *The White Man* supports them too, with free money like poking money into a cage of wild animals.
8. Now lets look at China, they are chucked full of working class people, and have limited freedoms, its improving, because they have adopted *Capitaliam Lite*, we buy from them, so there again, *The White Man* is making them rich.
9. Now in Mexico, you either work for the govenment, or your life is crap.
10. Central Americas, you could get hit by a death squad, if you stick your head in gov business.
11. Same goes all other south america nations.
12. Europe chucked full of ayabs, so much, you cant sling a dead cat without hitting one, you figure it out, its a suck ass place.
13. Aussieville, same thing, ayabs everywhere, dont think its all that great politically either, its not.
14. Cananda, its not to bad, a step down from USA, but its cold.
15. Philippines is the place to retire, warm all the time, helps cheap, people are friendliy, cept the muslims, watch out for bombs, its a muslim thing.
16. So all in all the best places to live are either where *The White Man* runs the show, USA and Canada, or the Asian Catholics run the show in the Philippines.
