As per usual, you miss the point.

Quote Originally Posted by shattered View Post
Not that it's any of my business, but... How does negative rep "abuse" a person? Do you have bruises? Scars? Irreversible mental instability because of it? Do you have constant nightmares? Is your job performance affected? Do you find yourself drinking heavily now, due to the mental anguish of negative rep?

As for being "fairly banned", banning him would NOT be fair, as it goes against the whole "freedom of speech" thing on this board.. Tho, I bet if you could find a *specific* rule that was *broken*, you might get somewhere...

While you're at it, in order to be "balanced", or "even-handed", you would have to be banned yourself.
Give it all another read and consideration and stop trying to promote a simply poitical agenda. OK?