[QUOTE=mrskurtsprincess;418946]Yes....all that is was created by God and why would God create something that was not of his will? God created sin in order to provide an environment of choice. If God had not created sin how would we be in a state of choice at any time?
no, God did not create sin so we could make a choice.....sin is the act of making a bad choice.....it doesn't exist until we make the choice of disobedience.......

So what you are saying is that if God has something else planned for us next week God can "influence" our choices by causing the alarm clock to not go off, cause a flat tire, or influence the wife's dreams, etc. How is that not some form of manipulation of destiny?
because you are still free to reject that influence....God may have given you a million opportunities to find reason to believe in him, but if you continue to refuse because that is your choice, then you have still chosen that destiny.....by the way, Calvinists call such a refusal the denial of the Holy Spirit....it is considered to be the one unpardonable sin......

So, if God knows which path I am going to choose, because God already has knowledge of the choices I will make, why does God even bother with putting the steps there?
the steps may be the catalyst that causes you to make the right choice....perhaps it's a combination of something your grandmother said to you thirty years ago with something you experience today....

See, this is where the whole argument falls apart for me. I make the choices, but only based upon whatever choices God puts in front of me, and that is based upon what path God already knows I am going down. How is that free will.....God knows and is just providing the nudges to keep me on the path he already knows I am following???
because you are making the choices without sharing God's knowledge.....each choice is made upon evidence that is fresh to you and measured by your own judgment and will....a "nudge" is something you know you "ought" to do.....you may still choose to be disobedient...

Goodness, how exhausting for God to be so involved in all these souls and all the complexities of decisions made very day.....
I'm sure he created Tahiti just so he could have a place to take a break....