I think he's saying "To both sides of the family of the deceased" but what he wrote could most-easily be taken as it was by others. Instead of Clarifying though, he enjoys feeling smarter than folk

Once or two lines caught me my eye:

No woman deserves to lose her child in war and then tragically continue her life driving a car with the unwanted license plate reading “Gold Star Family.”

No wife should ask God “why” the only man who ever promised to protect her is gone.

And no child should ever cry out to mommy “where’s my daddy?”
That is wrong. It's patently false. It implies there are NOT things worth the sacrifice of Life. I would give my life without 2nd thought to ensure Freedom, Liberty and Safety - yes, my action would make my children lose their Dad. Their "Father" would remain; and my kids would know there are somethings worth fighting and dying for. They would take solice knowing Dad gave his life for his Nation. They would feel no bitterness nor sense of injustice. They would feel honor.