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    Darin, I hope everything works out for your cat. I know how hard it can be dealing with them in pain, and the pain it can cause to a family.

    I'm not going to get into it with others or any name calling. Let me just say that I personally would take a bullet for one of my dogs and would have done the same for all of the cats I used to own. Not a single one of them asked to live with me, and I knew full well when I took them in what possible consequences you can have when dealing with an animal. With that said, I've enjoyed many years of love and affection from my pets. I have one tattooed on me and both my dogs sleep in my bed every night. I've seen the joy and smiles they put on my Mom's face over the years as companionship for her. Just the thought of knowing I will lose my dogs someday makes me sad.

    I despise people who take in animals and then treat them badly. I feel for the animals and wish I could do more to help them in helpless situations. That's why my wife and I donate a decent chunk of change yearly to help. If I ever witnessed someone purposely harming a defenseless animal, there's gonna be fists flying. Purposely killing an animal that can just be given to someone else, brought to a shelter that doesn't kill animals, or even letting them go into the wild - is disgusting and I think speaks volumes about ones character. There are MANY places around the country who will take in cats/dogs and guarantee not to put them down. I've donated to a place well known in the NYC area called PAWS that guarantees just that, and it's the best money I've spent.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Dumping an animal "into the wild" after it has proved its incompetence as a hunter and during the middle of a 6-1/2 month long central New York winter would be an extremely cruel act. I think speaks volumes about ones character.

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    would normally get picked up in a neighborhood, better than drowning it.......

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiberalNation View Post
    would normally get picked up in a neighborhood, better than drowning it.......
    Having it thrash around in my hand, how horrible.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by glockmail View Post
    Taking a cat to the pound ain't humane. It would sit undernourished and trapped in a cage for a week, sitting in its own feces, then be gassed inside a cage full of others, biting and scratching each other.

    I once had a couple ask us if we could take their cat from them because it didn't like their newborn and our kids were older. I agreed and it was a week before I discovered that it was marking my kids bedroom. I called up the guy and he then confessed that it had done the same at his house. I gave him the option of taking his cat back or have me deal with the situation my way.

    What's humane is me taking personal responsibility for my cat and killing it as quickly and painlessly as I could. Back then I didn't have a .22 target pistol, so I used a bathtub.
    OMG!!!! I cannot believe what I have read! My God, since when does one
    snuff out a life because it has become inconvenient?? When did animals
    develope the ability to negotiate a contract with a human who holds all
    the cards???

    Rubbed its nose in ****? How archaic and ignorant!!! Is that how you
    potty trained your kids??? Why should an animal be expected to behave
    better than your kids?

    "Marking" as you say is due to a very few explanations....bladder infection,
    stress or dirty litter box. Somehow I dont see you exerting yourself to maintain anything beyond your immediate needs to control.

    You should be ashamed and I have no doubt that you will pay for this
    horror and killing "in the tunnel" when you pass to the other side or ......

    Quote Originally Posted by LiberalNation View Post
    would normally get picked up in a neighborhood, better than drowning it.......

    Drowning is a horrible way to go....I can only hope the same fate on any
    sicko who "deals" with a problem this way.

    Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post
    do you have a reason for posting in this thread?
    I was wondering why he was even here!

    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    so are humans
    What are reparations? Making me pay
    for something I had nothing to do with compensates no one
    who suffered an injustice therefore I would be penalized for
    something I didnt do and someone else would receive a settlement
    for an injury they did not suffer.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by glockmail View Post
    Dumping an animal "into the wild" after it has proved its incompetence as a hunter and during the middle of a 6-1/2 month long central New York winter would be an extremely cruel act. I think speaks volumes about ones character.
    You're right, it does say a lot about my character, that I would give an animal a fighting chance as opposed to being a tough guy and putting it in the bag and drowning it. But I would first search for a suitable owner, and also search out humane shelters before allowing it to fend for itself in the wild.

    I must wonder how someone treats other living things that can callously kill an animal. I know I'd never let such a person around my children and wouldn't let them help care for my elderly Mom either. How many shitheads do we hear about that started their games by killing animals when they were younger and then moving on to bigger and better things. But I do have more respect for someone that would at least do so with someone or something with a fighting chance as opposed to taking the cowards way out with a bag.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by pete311 View Post
    Why spend money on your kid when you can easily get a new one. We got nearly 7 billion humans on earth. Are they ALL really that special? Just sayin. I have an aunt who was unable to have kids and her three cats are everything to her.
    We have a rescue and personal pets too. Read this "glockenschpiel", my
    personal cats have Drinkwell water fountains, eat the best (Blue) food money
    can buy, are all fixed, vaccinated and Id spend the last cent I had on care
    for them.

    I just put down a rescue today. She had bone cancer. I am always "with"
    my or our animals when they are put down, humanely, with comfort and
    reassurance and no fear or struggle and still I am still weepy over the loss.
    Each loss is like a little star going out.

    I can think of no word beyond "evil" toward the postings I have read here

    May we all reap what we sew and give that a thought before doing anything!

    Karma, glock.
    What are reparations? Making me pay
    for something I had nothing to do with compensates no one
    who suffered an injustice therefore I would be penalized for
    something I didnt do and someone else would receive a settlement
    for an injury they did not suffer.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    You're right, it does say a lot about my character, that I would give an animal a fighting chance as opposed to being a tough guy and putting it in the bag and drowning it. But I would first search for a suitable owner, and also search out humane shelters before allowing it to fend for itself in the wild.

    I must wonder how someone treats other living things that can callously kill an animal. I know I'd never let such a person around my children and wouldn't let them help care for my elderly Mom either. How many shitheads do we hear about that started their games by killing animals when they were younger and then moving on to bigger and better things. But I do have more respect for someone that would at least do so with someone or something with a fighting chance as opposed to taking the cowards way out with a bag.
    Well said!
    What are reparations? Making me pay
    for something I had nothing to do with compensates no one
    who suffered an injustice therefore I would be penalized for
    something I didnt do and someone else would receive a settlement
    for an injury they did not suffer.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post

    If we have to go the Chemo route; there's about a 50% chance he'll live another 2-4 years. We'll do what it takes.
    Hey, those are great odds and well worth any monetary investment. Hes
    a gorgeous and grand looking cat and lucky to have you as his human!

    You might consider giving him some supplements to help shore up his body
    while he fights the disease, ie CoQ10, natural vitamins and filtered water
    and a diet high in protein. Carbs feed tumors, I would look into canned
    foods with no grains, ie Wellness, Core, Wilderness etc. If youre open
    to it you might consult with a vet who practices holistic/alternative
    therapies in addition to the chemo. Doesnt hurt to cover all bases.

    Thank you for loving your kitty and my heart goes out to you and
    What are reparations? Making me pay
    for something I had nothing to do with compensates no one
    who suffered an injustice therefore I would be penalized for
    something I didnt do and someone else would receive a settlement
    for an injury they did not suffer.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    Darin, I hope everything works out for your cat. I know how hard it can be dealing with them in pain, and the pain it can cause to a family.

    I'm not going to get into it with others or any name calling. Let me just say that I personally would take a bullet for one of my dogs and would have done the same for all of the cats I used to own. Not a single one of them asked to live with me, and I knew full well when I took them in what possible consequences you can have when dealing with an animal. With that said, I've enjoyed many years of love and affection from my pets. I have one tattooed on me and both my dogs sleep in my bed every night. I've seen the joy and smiles they put on my Mom's face over the years as companionship for her. Just the thought of knowing I will lose my dogs someday makes me sad.

    I despise people who take in animals and then treat them badly. I feel for the animals and wish I could do more to help them in helpless situations. That's why my wife and I donate a decent chunk of change yearly to help. If I ever witnessed someone purposely harming a defenseless animal, there's gonna be fists flying. Purposely killing an animal that can just be given to someone else, brought to a shelter that doesn't kill animals, or even letting them go into the wild - is disgusting and I think speaks volumes about ones character. There are MANY places around the country who will take in cats/dogs and guarantee not to put them down. I've donated to a place well known in the NYC area called PAWS that guarantees just that, and it's the best money I've spent.

    People who purposely cause harm to the innocent - animal or human - are morally bankrupt. Seriously...they have deep-seeded issues.

    Quote Originally Posted by glockmail View Post
    Its awesome that you try and demonize me for having a different viewpoint.

    Isn't it immoral to use financial resources to extend the life of a cat when the same money can be give to Food For The Poor and build homes for or feed poor folk in other countries?

    I don't demonize you - Your actions demonize you. Your second statement/question is the fallacy of false dilemma. It's not 'either or'.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Quote Originally Posted by glockmail View Post
    How retarded. No difference in your mind between domestic animals and humans?
    OH YEAH, there sure is, the animals are pure of heart! Nuff said.

    Im sure my blood pressure is up and I need to leave this thread before
    I go balistic.
    What are reparations? Making me pay
    for something I had nothing to do with compensates no one
    who suffered an injustice therefore I would be penalized for
    something I didnt do and someone else would receive a settlement
    for an injury they did not suffer.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by LiberalNation View Post
    would normally get picked up in a neighborhood, better than drowning it.......
    My "neighborhood" was 200 to 600 acre farms surrounded by 55 mph roads. And it was mid-winter Central New York.

    Quote Originally Posted by cat slave View Post
    OMG!!!! I cannot believe what I have read! My God, since when does one
    snuff out a life because it has become inconvenient?? When did animals
    develope the ability to negotiate a contract with a human who holds all
    the cards???

    Rubbed its nose in ****? How archaic and ignorant!!! Is that how you
    potty trained your kids??? Why should an animal be expected to behave
    better than your kids?

    "Marking" as you say is due to a very few explanations....bladder infection,
    stress or dirty litter box. Somehow I dont see you exerting yourself to maintain anything beyond your immediate needs to control.

    You should be ashamed and I have no doubt that you will pay for this
    horror and killing "in the tunnel" when you pass to the other side or ......

    Drowning is a horrible way to go....I can only hope the same fate on any
    sicko who "deals" with a problem this way.

    I was wondering why he was even here!

    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    You're right, it does say a lot about my character, that I would give an animal a fighting chance as opposed to being a tough guy and putting it in the bag and drowning it. But I would first search for a suitable owner, and also search out humane shelters before allowing it to fend for itself in the wild.

    I must wonder how someone treats other living things that can callously kill an animal. I know I'd never let such a person around my children and wouldn't let them help care for my elderly Mom either. How many shitheads do we hear about that started their games by killing animals when they were younger and then moving on to bigger and better things. But I do have more respect for someone that would at least do so with someone or something with a fighting chance as opposed to taking the cowards way out with a bag.
    Awesome that you equate me with someone who mistreats kids and old folks. After all, I did it for the children. What's that logical fallacy called?

    Quote Originally Posted by cat slave View Post

    I just put down a rescue today. She had bone cancer.
    oops- You should have given it some expensive treatment. Big mistake, now you're going to hell.

    Quote Originally Posted by cat slave View Post
    OH YEAH, there sure is, the animals are pure of heart! Nuff said.

    Im sure my blood pressure is up and I need to leave this thread before
    I go balistic.
    There you go- proof that you act with your emotions instead of reason and logic.

    Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post

    People who purposely cause harm to the innocent - animal or human - are morally bankrupt. Seriously...they have deep-seeded issues.

    I don't demonize you - Your actions demonize you. Your second statement/question is the fallacy of false dilemma. It's not 'either or'.
    That cat wasn't innocent. It didn't do its job and it shat on my kids carpet, to spite them.

    You just said that you had a certain amount of cash every two weeks and that you had enough to give the cat treatments with that. That means that you have a finite amount of cash. The money that you save by euthanizing it can therefore be directly donated to Feed The Poor, and a few hundred kids in Haiti will get to eat a meal or two. Instead this cat suffers but you feel better about yourself somehow. Rather odd when you think about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by glockmail View Post
    Taking a cat to the pound ain't humane. It would sit undernourished and trapped in a cage for a week, sitting in its own feces, then be gassed inside a cage full of others, biting and scratching each other.

    I once had a couple ask us if we could take their cat from them because it didn't like their newborn and our kids were older. I agreed and it was a week before I discovered that it was marking my kids bedroom. I called up the guy and he then confessed that it had done the same at his house. I gave him the option of taking his cat back or have me deal with the situation my way.

    What's humane is me taking personal responsibility for my cat and killing it as quickly and painlessly as I could. Back then I didn't have a .22 target pistol, so I used a bathtub.
    Maybe in the bad old days, but I have been to dozens of shelters over the years (and volunteered in a few), and I have never seen any of the things you described. If this kind of facility existed, I bet you could have found a much better one by traveling a few more miles.
    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box - Author unknown

    “Unfortunately, the truth is now whatever the media say it is”

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    Quote Originally Posted by glockmail View Post
    That cat wasn't innocent. It didn't do its job and it shat on my kids carpet, to spite them.

    You just said that you had a certain amount of cash every two weeks and that you had enough to give the cat treatments with that. That means that you have a finite amount of cash. The money that you save by euthanizing it can therefore be directly donated to Feed The Poor, and a few hundred kids in Haiti will get to eat a meal or two. Instead this cat suffers but you feel better about yourself somehow. Rather odd when you think about it.
    You just assigned value-judgment capability to an animal you murdered. How's that feel?

    You and "logical Fallacy" are homosexual lovers. The money we spent so far on the cat is money I'm not putting towards retirement. It's money I'm not using to buy new brakes for the car. It's money I'm not blowing on strippers and booze.

    You're trying to justify your vile, morally-bankrupt ways now. It's not only pathetic, it's some of the stupidest contribution this board has seen in years.

    At least have the balls to admit you're dead inside, or a liar -just looking to get a rise out of people.
    “… the greatest detractor from high performance is fear: fear that you are not prepared, fear that you are in over your head, fear that you are not worthy, and ultimately, fear of failure. If you can eliminate that fear—not through arrogance or just wishing difficulties away, but through hard work and preparation—you will put yourself in an incredibly powerful position to take on the challenges you face" - Pete Carroll.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post

    If we have to go the Chemo route; there's about a 50% chance he'll live another 2-4 years. We'll do what it takes.
    I hope Bradley does well DMP

    I myslef had to spend close to $1,000 to fix up Herbie.

    I found him outside and he was a sick little guy. But he is fine now, and very happy

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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