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    SO your saying that your question is Bogus. it's not intelligence your concerned about. It's what you feel is some kind of OVER ALL inbred level of "low" living or lifestyle proved to you by looking at conditions around the world, Detroit and Marion Berry.
    Sorry I'm not convinced.

    "Marion Berry"
    A crooked politician. are you serious. we'd be here all day posting Jailed or convicted Mayors for Drugs, DUI's, sex offenses, pedophilia etc.. (Barny Frank, Ted Capaquidic Kenedy how many times have these guys been voted back in??!!! Do you really want ot compare damage??)

    Drugs, you ever heard of Mena Arkansas HT. Dare I mention Air America, or the CIA suppling the Crack cocaine flood during the 80's (youtube GARY WEBB) and the fact that since the US and coalition forces have been in charge of Afghanistan it's become the Opium and Hash capital of the world.

    Corrupt cities? ever here of Chicago for the past 100 yrs. Minorities?
    there are a lot of factors that go into making a pleasant civilization and a lot that can lead to it's down fall. based on what i see when i look around the world I'd say that minorities are not the biggest problem, if a problem at all. Sin, greed, bad religion, bad philosophies and politics just to put but some generic labels out there.

    I'd like to debate you in detail on the point just for public viewing of the issue because sadly i doubt you'll see pass race to other issues or the groups that are really destroying Americas lifestyle and the worlds freedoms.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by hortysir View Post
    Given our most recent recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, I would say that intelligence isn't a deciding factor in this award.
    You've got that right!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    Wow...Look at all those big important pretty words...I'm gonna feel really bad about the damage I'm about to do to your inflated ego...I hope I can live with myself after this.There are three main races of the human species, caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid, with slight variations of each that developed in seperate areas of the world, and you claim there is 15% genetic difference in them, and on top of that you say it as if it is insignificant.
    You do you know the individual differences betwwen two peopels genome is only .02% right? And that only 15% of that .o2% can even be loosely related to race right. I should also add that a majority of the the DNA is junk DNA. It has not been activated by operons and thus does not code for anything. This is because as a species we maintain rather strong ties and interbreed with different populations quite often. Also can you claim that there are three races but you don't explain what are the phenotypic and genotypic differences between them. For race to have meaning, for race to be more than a typology, one has to have concordance. In other words, skin color needs to reflect things that are deeper in the body, under the skin. But, in fact, human variation is rather non-concordant.

    I'll give you an example of concordance. Height is actually quite concordant with weight. As we get taller, we gain weight, we have more weight. One aspect of size is concordant with another aspect of size.

    But most of human variation is non-concordant. Skin color or eye color or hair color is not correlated with height or weight. And they're definitely not correlated with more complex traits like intelligence or athletic performance. Those things evolve and develop in entirely different ways. Just as skin color develops in a different way from size, intelligence, athletic performance, other traits develop in different and independent ways.

    A map of skin color gradients looks sort of like the map of temperature. It gets lighter, as you go towards the poles and it's darker near the equator. But then take a map of, say, the distribution of blood type A. Looks entirely different. There's no relationship between the two maps. The distributions are non-concordant. Simply, one is not related to the other. Now you keep going on about IQ but you have not made a concordance with it. You have made a weak corelation but you have not proven a causation. You have to provide a link between skin color, or whatever you're using to judge race, and IQ. This means that you have to prove that either the gene which codes for skin color also codes for IQ, or that that they code as a collective rather than on their own. Otherwise you could just as well claim that the decrease in the number of pirates is responsible for the increased rate of cancer. The number of pirates of pirates has gone down, the rate of cancer has gone up, I made a corelation. What I would have to do after this is explain why and how the decrease in pirates leads to an increased rate of cancer. Just to add to the ridiculousness I'll say that Pirates have a gene which makes them immune to cancer, and that Pirates have plasmids which they can use as vectors to transfer the cancer resistant gene via horizontal gene transfer. Again ridiculous, but that's how you would go about doing such a ridiculous thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    Are you aware that humans share all but 5% of the genetic makeup of chimpanzees?...Do you get the "gist" of what I'm saying, Mr CynicismandMisanthropy?

    {I'm terribly sorry about your feelings towards humans...Maybe you would be happier with monkies.}
    I thought we were talking about race, not species. Unless you're claiming that minorties aren't Homo Sapiens. Let's not forget there's more genetic diversity within a group of chimps on a single hillside in Gomba than in the entire human species. This is because they tend to be more isolated, have shorter life spans, and have been a bit longer. Most animals are very limited by habitat and geographical features such as rivers and canyons, so it is easy for groups to become isolated and genetically distinct from one another. Humans, on the other hand, are much more adaptable and have not been limited by geography in the same way. We're very clever beasts. Early on, we could ford rivers, cross canyons, move great distances over a relatively short time, and modify our environment to fit our needs. We are also extremely mobile as a species. Even the remotest island tribe in the Pacific originally came from elsewhere and maintained some contact with neighboring groups.

    We may think global migration is a recent phenomenon, but it has characterized most of human history. Whether we're moving halfway around the world or from one village to another, the passage of genes takes place under many circumstances, large scale and small: migration, wars, trade, slave-taking, rape, and exogamous marriage. Combine this tendency with the fact that it takes many generations to accumulate a lot of genetic variation, because new variants arise primarily through mutation - copying errors from one generation to the next. On the other hand, it takes just a very small amount of migration - one individual in each generation moving from one village to another and reproducing - to prevent groups from becoming genetically distinct or isolated. The reason domesticated dogs for example have so many sub-species or races is due to selective breeding under controlled conditions.

    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    You will excuse me if I don't respond to the rest of your rediculous hypothesis.

    Oh man, do I love how you carry on. This is way better than any stand up comic. Your first error is a failure to note the origin of 'white' problems: namely, that among 'white' people there are many who are inferior, and that these not only rear more inferiors, but have reduced society in complexity to the point that it rewards inferiors: those shuffling untermenschen who go off and become moronic bureaucrats, corrupt marketers, nagging spouses and cheating paramours. Looking at white societies today, it's impossible to believe the white race is superior to other races, because white societies are a mess.

    You want us to blame many complex problems on a simple source: other races. Oh Yes, other races have been are manipulating you, causing problems... the solution is to reduce their population and let the light colored untermenschen rule! You would like us to believe that one day while the white man was asleep, a horde of blacks, latinos, and asians snuck in the back door, indoctrinated the white man's children, and took over the country. But if all non-whites died tomorrow, what would happen? The basic problems of whites would remain. Our nation's problem is not that it now has a better tan but that it has no gods, no kings, no colletives, only man. You ignore that reality, and prefer to send us on a wild goose chase after non-whites, so that white privilege can take the place of actually fixing our society. Not only does this ignore the problem, but by offering a placebo solution, perpetuates it.
    "What can be broken, should be broken." - Dmitrii Pisarev

  4. #34
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    Default You don't seem to be understanding what I'm saying...

    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    SO your saying that your question is Bogus. it's not intelligence your concerned about. It's what you feel is some kind of OVER ALL inbred level of "low" living or lifestyle proved to you by looking at conditions around the world, Detroit and Marion Berry.
    Sorry I'm not convinced.

    "Marion Berry"
    A crooked politician. are you serious. we'd be here all day posting Jailed or convicted Mayors for Drugs, DUI's, sex offenses, pedophilia etc.. (Barny Frank, Ted Capaquidic Kenedy how many times have these guys been voted back in??!!! Do you really want ot compare damage??)

    Drugs, you ever heard of Mena Arkansas HT. Dare I mention Air America, or the CIA suppling the Crack cocaine flood during the 80's (youtube GARY WEBB) and the fact that since the US and coalition forces have been in charge of Afghanistan it's become the Opium and Hash capital of the world.
    Marion Berry is not the point...I'm talking about the mentality of the black voters who re-elected this exconvict and known crackhead back into public office after his release from prison after being busted in a cheap motel with a hooker, smoking crack.

    I agree, there are many examples of white political lowlifes such as Barny Frank and Teddy Kennedy, but they are not as blatant with their folly and manage to console the voters by feigning dignity and remorse when they screw up.

    But Berry's black voters don't need consoling and feigning dignity is unnecessary...They couldn't care less about anything other than the color of his skin when they pull his lever...They believe voting for Berry is a slap in the face to whitey.

    Corrupt cities? ever here of Chicago for the past 100 yrs. Minorities?
    there are a lot of factors that go into making a pleasant civilization and a lot that can lead to it's down fall. based on what i see when i look around the world I'd say that minorities are not the biggest problem, if a problem at all. Sin, greed, bad religion, bad philosophies and politics just to put but some generic labels out there.
    Corrupt city government is not the point...There are plenty of examples of dirty politicians in city governments around the country, including Chicago.

    But these cities have always seemed to somehow survive with their infrastructure intact, unlike in Detroit where much of the city looks like a third world war zone.

    The black majority voters continuously re-elect the same black politicians that are destroying the city...Google 'Detroit political corruption' and see for youself what the conditions and problems are there, yet the people continue to make "race" their political priority.

    I'd like to debate you in detail on the point just for public viewing of the issue because sadly i doubt you'll see pass race to other issues or the groups that are really destroying Americas lifestyle and the worlds freedoms.
    The groups that are destroying this nation would not be able to do so if they were not being elected and re-elected to office time after time.

    Even though white Americans are the most politically diverse group of voters, they too are guilty of making bad choices, but the minorities are primarily far left voters[95%] that elect whoever promises them the most freebies.

    They appear to be natural born socialists...The Democrat Party refers to them as their most loyal voting block...That is why I say when minorities become the majority, the right will no longer have a voice in government and the marxist will rule America.

    The blacks control the vote in Washington DC and Detroit Mi...The only reason Washington doesn't look like Detroit is because the mayor has very little power in the city where the federal government resides and rules from the back seat.

    When the non-white races control the vote in America, the entire nation will slowly begin to look like Detroit within a couple of generations...The infrastucture will crumble and crime and government corruption will be rampant...The law of the jungle.

    If you would like to see an example of what happens when blacks seize control of a nation from whites, take a look at South Africa since Mandella and the African National Council took power...You will never get an honest report from the news media, you must seek the truth on the internet.

    White Americans will be the new minority and outnumbered in a nation of uncivilized savages who hate and blame them for all their problems and America will be no more...This isn't about racism, it's about common sense and survival.
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    I read his crap and all I see is blacks bad and responsible for our problems. Whites good and never do the things he blames blacks for. Succinct enough?

    400 count Egyptian white linen sheets $85.00
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    Watching Miss Piggy get reamed by all the members of this board... Priceless.
    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

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    stand ready to do violence on their behalf."~George Orwell

  6. #36
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    Default uh-huh...

    Quote Originally Posted by CynicismandMisanthropy View Post
    You do you know the individual differences betwwen two peopels genome is only .02% right? And that only 15% of that .o2% can even be loosely related to race right. I should also add that a majority of the the DNA is junk DNA. It has not been activated by operons and thus does not code for anything. This is because as a species we maintain rather strong ties and interbreed with different populations quite often. Also can you claim that there are three races but you don't explain what are the phenotypic and genotypic differences between them. For race to have meaning, for race to be more than a typology, one has to have concordance. In other words, skin color needs to reflect things that are deeper in the body, under the skin. But, in fact, human variation is rather non-concordant.

    I'll give you an example of concordance. Height is actually quite concordant with weight. As we get taller, we gain weight, we have more weight. One aspect of size is concordant with another aspect of size.

    But most of human variation is non-concordant. Skin color or eye color or hair color is not correlated with height or weight. And they're definitely not correlated with more complex traits like intelligence or athletic performance. Those things evolve and develop in entirely different ways. Just as skin color develops in a different way from size, intelligence, athletic performance, other traits develop in different and independent ways.

    A map of skin color gradients looks sort of like the map of temperature. It gets lighter, as you go towards the poles and it's darker near the equator. But then take a map of, say, the distribution of blood type A. Looks entirely different. There's no relationship between the two maps. The distributions are non-concordant. Simply, one is not related to the other. Now you keep going on about IQ but you have not made a concordance with it. You have made a weak corelation but you have not proven a causation. You have to provide a link between skin color, or whatever you're using to judge race, and IQ. This means that you have to prove that either the gene which codes for skin color also codes for IQ, or that that they code as a collective rather than on their own. Otherwise you could just as well claim that the decrease in the number of pirates is responsible for the increased rate of cancer. The number of pirates of pirates has gone down, the rate of cancer has gone up, I made a corelation. What I would have to do after this is explain why and how the decrease in pirates leads to an increased rate of cancer. Just to add to the ridiculousness I'll say that Pirates have a gene which makes them immune to cancer, and that Pirates have plasmids which they can use as vectors to transfer the cancer resistant gene via horizontal gene transfer. Again ridiculous, but that's how you would go about doing such a ridiculous thing.

    I thought we were talking about race, not species. Unless you're claiming that minorties aren't Homo Sapiens. Let's not forget there's more genetic diversity within a group of chimps on a single hillside in Gomba than in the entire human species. This is because they tend to be more isolated, have shorter life spans, and have been a bit longer. Most animals are very limited by habitat and geographical features such as rivers and canyons, so it is easy for groups to become isolated and genetically distinct from one another. Humans, on the other hand, are much more adaptable and have not been limited by geography in the same way. We're very clever beasts. Early on, we could ford rivers, cross canyons, move great distances over a relatively short time, and modify our environment to fit our needs. We are also extremely mobile as a species. Even the remotest island tribe in the Pacific originally came from elsewhere and maintained some contact with neighboring groups.

    We may think global migration is a recent phenomenon, but it has characterized most of human history. Whether we're moving halfway around the world or from one village to another, the passage of genes takes place under many circumstances, large scale and small: migration, wars, trade, slave-taking, rape, and exogamous marriage. Combine this tendency with the fact that it takes many generations to accumulate a lot of genetic variation, because new variants arise primarily through mutation - copying errors from one generation to the next. On the other hand, it takes just a very small amount of migration - one individual in each generation moving from one village to another and reproducing - to prevent groups from becoming genetically distinct or isolated. The reason domesticated dogs for example have so many sub-species or races is due to selective breeding under controlled conditions.

    Oh man, do I love how you carry on. This is way better than any stand up comic. Your first error is a failure to note the origin of 'white' problems: namely, that among 'white' people there are many who are inferior, and that these not only rear more inferiors, but have reduced society in complexity to the point that it rewards inferiors: those shuffling untermenschen who go off and become moronic bureaucrats, corrupt marketers, nagging spouses and cheating paramours. Looking at white societies today, it's impossible to believe the white race is superior to other races, because white societies are a mess.

    You want us to blame many complex problems on a simple source: other races. Oh Yes, other races have been are manipulating you, causing problems... the solution is to reduce their population and let the light colored untermenschen rule! You would like us to believe that one day while the white man was asleep, a horde of blacks, latinos, and asians snuck in the back door, indoctrinated the white man's children, and took over the country. But if all non-whites died tomorrow, what would happen? The basic problems of whites would remain. Our nation's problem is not that it now has a better tan but that it has no gods, no kings, no colletives, only man. You ignore that reality, and prefer to send us on a wild goose chase after non-whites, so that white privilege can take the place of actually fixing our society. Not only does this ignore the problem, but by offering a placebo solution, perpetuates it.
    Please excuse me for this rerun, but a picture is worth a gazillion words.
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    Default It doesn't sound like you read it, as you have claimed.

    Quote Originally Posted by 82Marine89 View Post
    I read his crap and all I see is blacks bad and responsible for our problems. Whites good and never do the things he blames blacks for. Succinct enough?

    400 count Egyptian white linen sheets $85.00
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    Watching Miss Piggy get reamed by all the members of this board... Priceless.
    I don't think so, sweetheart...I haven't blamed blacks or anyone else for that matter, of anything.

    I have simply pointed out scientific and historical facts and current events as predictors of America's future.
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    Talking If the sheet fits....

    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by 82Marine89 View Post
    I read his crap and all I see is blacks bad and responsible for our problems. Whites good and never do the things he blames blacks for. Succinct enough?

    400 count Egyptian white linen sheets $85.00
    Doug fir cross $45.00
    gallon jug of kerosene $5.00
    Watching Miss Piggy get reamed by all the members of this board... Priceless.
    I don't think so, sweetheart...I haven't blamed blacks or anyone else for that matter, of anything.

    I have simply pointed out scientific and historical facts and current events as predictors of America's future.
    Sweetheart? You one of those gay bikers?

    OK piglet let us start the count...

    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    Marion Berry is not the point...I'm talking about the mentality of the black voters...

    But Berry's black voters ...

    ...They believe voting for Berry is a slap in the face to whitey.

    The black majority voters continuously re-elect the same black politicians ....

    Even though white Americans are the most politically diverse group of voters, they too are guilty of making bad choices, but (which means everything you just said is meaningless) the minorities are primarily far left voters[95%] that elect whoever promises them the most freebies.

    They appear to be natural born socialists...The Democrat Party refers to them as their most loyal voting block...That is why I say when minorities become the majority, the right will no longer have a voice in government and the marxist will rule America.

    The blacks control the....

    When the non-white races control....

    If you would like to see an example of what happens when blacks seize control of a nation from whites, ....

    White Americans will be the new minority and outnumbered in a nation of uncivilized savages who hate and blame them for all their problems and America will be no more...This isn't about racism, it's about common sense and survival.
    That's sure is a lot of blaming going on and that's just from one post. You sound just like your daddy Robert Byrd.
    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

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    stand ready to do violence on their behalf."~George Orwell

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    Quote Originally Posted by 82Marine89 View Post
    Sweetheart? You one of those gay bikers?

    OK piglet let us start the count...
    Just trying to make you feel at home, sweetheart.

    That's sure is a lot of blaming going on and that's just from one post. You sound just like your daddy Robert Byrd.
    Uh-huh, just as I suspected...Dyslexic.
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    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    Please excuse me for this rerun, but a picture is worth a gazillion words.
    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    There are three main races of the human species, caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid, with slight variations of each that developed in seperate areas of the world, and you claim there is 15% genetic difference in them, and on top of that you say it as if it is insignificant.
    Hog, are you aware that you are likely to be more genetically identical to some black man than you are to most caucasian men?........I forget the precise numbers, but those genetic factors which represent "race" are minuscule compared to all the other genetic factors which distinguish individuals......
    ...full immersion.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    Please excuse me for this rerun, but a picture is worth a gazillion words.
    Mine is better.
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    "What can be broken, should be broken." - Dmitrii Pisarev

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    Talking Try again piglet...

    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    Just trying to make you feel at home, sweetheart.
    Sorry I don't frequent gay biker bars.

    Quote Originally Posted by HogTrash View Post
    Uh-huh, just as I suspected...Dyslexic.
    Not dyslexic porky, Accurate.
    "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds" -Samuel Adams

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    stand ready to do violence on their behalf."~George Orwell

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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
    You're not serious are you?
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    You put up a picture of a Hut, was that serious HT?
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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