View Poll Results: What do you think of US attachment to Israel ?

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    Default Passionate attachment to Israel

    <DT>Passionate attachment to Israel </DT>

    by James J. David

    Is there any criminal act that Israel can do without being protected from criticism from the United States? If there is I haven't seen it. And I haven't seen it from the Bush Administration or from the Clinton Administration or from any administration before them. But when you consider the influence of Israel's lobby and its political action committees and the more than $41 million they've given to Congress and the White House, is it any wonder Israel is shielded from any shame?

    For more than 54 years the Israelis have committed acts that no other nation would dare get away with. But even here in America, where it is not yet illegal to publicly ask the wrong questions, any public figure that does so is subjected to smears, intimidation, and the attempted destruction of his career and reputation by Jewish organizations and by the very cooperative news media.

    A few examples of these criminal acts committed by Israel include the treacherous attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, killing 34 American sailors and wounding another 171. There can now be no disputing that Israel knew its identity, and that the ship was in international waters and clearly marked as a US Naval vessel. What was most treacherous though was not the perfidy of Israel but that of President Johnson ordering the recall of the sixth fleet when he found out that the attackers were not the Arabs but the Israelis. The treasonous compliance continues today as corrupt politicians refuse to take any action against Israel and continue their efforts in hushing-up the whole affair although there seems to be a strong campaign by the Liberty survivors and other brave patriotic Americans in exposing the Israelis of their criminal attack.

    Another example of Israel's callous disregard for its supposed "ally" America was the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983, which killed over 200 US servicemen. According to former Israeli Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky, Israeli intelligence knew of the plan by Arab terrorists to bomb the building in plenty of time to warn the innocent men, but cynically refused to say anything.

    In April 1996 the Israelis attacked an U.N. refugee camp in Qana, Lebanon and killed 103 innocent men, women, and especially children. A U.N. investigation determined the attack was intentional and stated that " while the possibility cannot be ruled out completely, the pattern of impacts in the Qana area makes it unlikely that the shelling of the United Nations compound was the result of technical and/or procedural errors." Shortly after this report the U.N. Security Council voted to condemn Israel for the attack and all nations with the exception of the U.S. voted in favor of the resolution. In other words, intentionally slaughtering 103 civilians was not sufficient for the United States to condemn Israel. Yet, when Hezbollah attacks Israel's illegal occupation of southern Lebanon and results in the deaths of two Israeli soldiers the U.S. is first to condemn this legal resistance.

    During the past 27 months the Palestinian resistance from the brutal and illegal Israeli occupation has resulted in more than 2000 Palestinians and 670 Israelis killed. When Israelis are killed or injured by Palestinian suicide bombers the White House wastes not a second to harshly condemn these brutal acts, and it does so in an understandable manner. But when Israelis drop a one-ton bomb in the center of a Gaza City apartment complex and kills 15 innocent Palestinians including 9 small children the U.S. issues a diplomatic statement criticizing the attack only as using "excessive force." Other times when Palestinian children are slaughtered for throwing stones at tanks the United States remains silent.

    These are just a few of the criminal acts committed by the Israeli government and shielded from criticism by U.S. politicians or even reported by the controlled media.
    Although September 11th brought the fight on terrorism to the front burner, it seems that the United States protects Israel from any criticism here too. An Israeli instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks. (Ha'aretz, December 20, 2002.) Is it possible that Israel had foreknowledge of the attack? Could this be the answer why the Israeli employees at the World Trade Center never showed up for work that tragic September morning? If this is the case then the fact that Israel's government had prior knowledge of the pending attack and not warned the Americans makes them as guilty as our enemy. Whatever the case, our government must make a complete and thorough investigation without any threats from Jewish and Israeli interest groups.

    Shielding Israel from criticism and supporting the Jewish state no matter what crimes she commits has caused the United States the loss of respect around the world. In addition, Israel has cost American taxpayers more than $120 billion in the past 40 years. Our one-sided unbalanced Middle East policy has created the hatred of millions and the primary cause of terrorism that has landed on our own soil.

    Criticizing our government's dangerous policies and its submissions to the Jewish lobby doesn't make anyone less patriotic or any less of an American. George Washington said it best when he stated that "passionate attachment to another nation produces a variety of evils...the illusion of common interests where no real common interests exist; adopting the enmities of the other; and participation in the quarrels and wars of the other without any justification. Still another evil is that such a passionate attachment gives to ambitious, corrupted or deluded citizens the facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country."

    James J. David is a retired Brigadier General and a graduate of the U.S. Army's Command and General Staff College, and the National Security Course, National Defense University, Washington DC. He served as a Company Commander with the 101st Airborne Division in the Republic of Vietnam in 1969 and 1970 and also served nearly 3 years of Army active duty in and around the Middle East from 1967-1969.


    Now after presenting this article, from a retired US Brigadier General, lets discuss it, who agrees and who disagrees, and why do you agree, and why you dont, there is alot of other articles which discuss this relation, which is described in one sentence:

    US commitment to Israel 'rock solid'

    My comment on this sentence, is that its right, US is always commited to protect israel, either if it is right or wrong, it does not matter, israel can do anything, whatever they want, because US commitment to them is rock solid no matter what happens.

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    Another fair question: Is there anything that Israel can do that wouldn't result in Islamic nations and their minions in South/Central America not condemning? Seems there is nothing acceptable other than disbanding of the state.

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    Another fair question: Is there anything that Israel can do that wouldn't result in Islamic nations and their minions in South/Central America not condemning? Seems there is nothing acceptable other than disbanding of the state.
    they dont have to disband the state, they just have to go back to 1967 borders, which is the internationally recognized borders of israel, but they keep occuyping lands of the palastenian people, and when the palastenian people try to resist, they call that terrorism !!!, if someone occupied USA, wouldnt you fight for your land ?

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    abso are you a muslim extremist?

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    Quote Originally Posted by abso View Post
    they dont have to disband the state, they just have to go back to 1967 borders, which is the internationally recognized borders of israel, but they keep occuyping lands of the palastenian people, and when the palastenian people try to resist, they call that terrorism !!!, if someone occupied USA, wouldnt you fight for your land ?
    What caused the change in borders in 1967? What proposals from the aggressors are there that such will not occur again?

    "The government is a child that has found their parents credit card, and spends knowing that they never have to reconcile the bill with their own money"-Shannon Churchill

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    I would like to copy this part of the article:

    During the past 27 months the Palestinian resistance from the brutal and illegal Israeli occupation has resulted in more than 2000 Palestinians and 670 Israelis killed. When Israelis are killed or injured by Palestinian suicide bombers the White House wastes not a second to harshly condemn these brutal acts, and it does so in an understandable manner. But when Israelis drop a one-ton bomb in the center of a Gaza City apartment complex and kills 15 innocent Palestinians including 9 small children the U.S. issues a diplomatic statement criticizing the attack only as using "excessive force."

    so, when israel uses a one-ton bomb and kills 15 innocent ppl including 9 small children, this is excessive force
    but when palestinians fire a rocket towards israil which always lands nowhere and almost never hurt anyone, because this rockets are very weak and unguided, but USA calls this terrorism

    thats the issue i am talking about, why the USA is not abiding by the George Washington farewell speech, when he asked the coming generation not to be attached by passionate attachment, but now, they are being too much attached to israel, and as GW said, attachment to another nation produces a variety of evils...the illusion of common interests where no real common interests exist; adopting the enmities of the other, as he said, USA has adopted the enemies of israel, like iran, syria, iraq, all this countries, only has problems with israel, but USA is making this problems with USA instead of israel, in 1973 war, USA acts towarded egypt as an enemy in Nickel Grass operation, where it transfered Tons of military equipments to israil, which means it directly supported our enemy, by that, USA was our enemy in 1973, so, why USA is involving itself, and why is it gaining enemies of other.

    Let me use another part of GW speech:
    passionate attachment” of many idealistic Americans was to the new revolutionary republic of France, which was at war with England and other European monarchies. Not only did idealistic Americans feel an ideological affinity for a fellow republic involved in a life-or-death struggle with monarchical regimes, but many Americans held that a debt of gratitude was owed to France because of its military support during the American Revolution and that the United States was still obligated to abide by the 1778 alliance with France which did not include an end date. Washington, however, astutely held that in foreign policy the United States should pursue its own interests and not be involved in another country’s conflicts, which could only bring on unnecessary problems.

    so although the french helped USA to be freed from the british colonization, GW refused to aid them, because he saw that USA had no interest in this war, and he should not involve america on an unjustified war, that was how GW dealt with france, so france halped USA to be free, but GW was commited to his policy, and now USA helps israel, even though israel never helped USA, so why is that !!!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by abso View Post
    I would like to copy this part of the article:

    During the past 27 months the Palestinian resistance from the brutal and illegal Israeli occupation has resulted in more than 2000 Palestinians and 670 Israelis killed. When Israelis are killed or injured by Palestinian suicide bombers the White House wastes not a second to harshly condemn these brutal acts, and it does so in an understandable manner. But when Israelis drop a one-ton bomb in the center of a Gaza City apartment complex and kills 15 innocent Palestinians including 9 small children the U.S. issues a diplomatic statement criticizing the attack only as using "excessive force."

    so, when israel uses a one-ton bomb and kills 15 innocent ppl including 9 small children, this is excessive force
    but when palestinians fire a rocket towards israil which always lands nowhere and almost never hurt anyone, because this rockets are very weak and unguided, but USA calls this terrorism

    thats the issue i am talking about, why the USA is not abiding by the George Washington farewell speech, when he asked the coming generation not to be attached by passionate attachment, but now, they are being too much attached to israel, and as GW said, attachment to another nation produces a variety of evils...the illusion of common interests where no real common interests exist; adopting the enmities of the other, as he said, USA has adopted the enemies of israel, like iran, syria, iraq, all this countries, only has problems with israel, but USA is making this problems with USA instead of israel, in 1973 war, USA acts towarded egypt as an enemy in Nickel Grass operation, where it transfered Tons of military equipments to israil, which means it directly supported our enemy, by that, USA was our enemy in 1973, so, why USA is involving itself, and why is it gaining enemies of other.

    Let me use another part of GW speech:
    passionate attachment” of many idealistic Americans was to the new revolutionary republic of France, which was at war with England and other European monarchies. Not only did idealistic Americans feel an ideological affinity for a fellow republic involved in a life-or-death struggle with monarchical regimes, but many Americans held that a debt of gratitude was owed to France because of its military support during the American Revolution and that the United States was still obligated to abide by the 1778 alliance with France which did not include an end date. Washington, however, astutely held that in foreign policy the United States should pursue its own interests and not be involved in another country’s conflicts, which could only bring on unnecessary problems.

    so although the french helped USA to be freed from the british colonization, GW refused to aid them, because he saw that USA had no interest in this war, and he should not involve america on an unjustified war, that was how GW dealt with france, so france halped USA to be free, but GW was commited to his policy, and now USA helps israel, even though israel never helped USA, so why is that !!!!

    Because we like Jews better then muslims, its pretty basic.

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    Wow, another Jew hater. abso the ayrab. Here to spread arab propaganda are you? What part of the middle east are you from?
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    Wow, another Jew hater. abso the ayrab. Here to spread arab propaganda are you? What part of the middle east are you from?
    whatever you do, watch out for his left hand.......

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    Quote Originally Posted by chloe View Post
    abso are you a muslim extremist?
    My name is Eslam, i am egyptian, and yes i am a muslim, but no i am not an extremist, i am just a normal guy, 20 years old, studing communication & electronic engineering, i even have a gf.

    so as you see, i am not a Bearded man who wear a turban or anything, i dont carry a weapon, i just carry a calculator, i dont think that is considered a weapon

    i dont hate jews, i dont hate israel, i dont want to kill anyone, i dont support killing civilians from any side, USA or Israel, or Palestine, i always condemn such actions, and my religion tells me so, to condemn killing the innocent people like 9/11 or gaza war or any suicide bombing in israel.

    i am just someone who has an interest in politics, but appearently, everyone who thinks israel is wrong, is usualy called islamic extremist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kathianne View Post
    What caused the change in borders in 1967? What proposals from the aggressors are there that such will not occur again?
    i am sorry, but can you define who was the aggressors ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by abso View Post
    My name is Eslam, i am egyptian, and yes i am a muslim, but no i am not an extremist, i am just a normal guy, 20 years old, studing communication & electronic engineering, i even have a gf.

    so as you see, i am not a Bearded man who wear a turban or anything, i dont carry a weapon, i just carry a calculator, i dont think that is considered a weapon

    i dont hate jews, i dont hate israel, i dont want to kill anyone, i dont support killing civilians from any side, USA or Israel, or Palestine, i always condemn such actions, and my religion tells me so, to condemn killing the innocent people like 9/11 or gaza war or any suicide bombing in israel.

    i am just someone who has an interest in politics, but appearently, everyone who thinks israel is wrong, is usualy called islamic extremist.

    are you a math wiz?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    Wow, another Jew hater. abso the ayrab. Here to spread arab propaganda are you? What part of the middle east are you from?
    thanks for the warm welcome, but i am not a jewish hater, i have christian friends, and i was always nice to the jewich tourists in sharm el shiekh or Hurgada, i dont hate anyone...

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    Quote Originally Posted by chloe View Post
    are you a math wiz?
    although i dont know what you mean by math wiz, but that was a joke, i just carry it in exams

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    Quote Originally Posted by abso View Post
    although i dont know what you mean by math wiz, but that was a joke, i just carry it in exams
    what benefit are muslims to america?

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