Quote Originally Posted by Binky View Post
Decades and decades ago, way back in the early 1940's, my hubs' grandmother and his dad, opened and operated a bar. It stayed in business until about 12 years ago after he passed away it then closed.

Years before then, they had both been heavy duty over the top drinkers. Easy access since they owned the bar. That was long before I ever entered the picture. And many years before that, they had both stopped drinking. From what I'm told, they were both very boistrous and he was quite abusive and screwed anything he could get ahold of. Needless to say, his first marriage broke up as she couldn't handlle the abuse and drunkeness all the time. I didn't know them then.

But my hubs grandma was a peach as far as I'm concerned. She had long since been sobber and I actually met her before I did my hubs. I was going to cosmetology school and she had been a customer. Just so happened she got stuck with me doing her hair. I loved that woman. She would've done anything for me and mine had she lived. She was to us what her son never was. She had nothing but love and chuckles for us. While he had always held grudges for my hubs on stupid mistakes he'd made as a teenager. He never produced any warmth for us and was always indifferent.

Anyway, I can see her in Heaven with my son and my parents, all waiting for me and mine to join them. By the same token, I can see my father in law burning in hell for all the misdeeds and very poor behaviors he displayed throughout his life. He was a very self centered man that loved material goods more than he did his family.....or at least his first family.....
Yeah alcoholics tend to be centered on one thing