Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
As the primary Steelers poster here, I will say I am grateful that they didn't trade him. He made a poor decision and got himself in a mess and is now serving a suspension as punishment. None of that changes the fact that he is a premier QB in the NFL. I just hope he learns from this and matures.
I like everyone else in the world am also a Steelers fan, however I consider myself a purebred since I'm actually from Pittsburgh.

Here's my take. Where does it say every successful player in the NFL has to be a role model? Nowhere. Would I have liked to seen Ben be that golden boy - sure. Am I disappointed he's not, sure. But I support his wish to live his life the way he wants to live it.

My problem is with Goodell. Considering that Ben: a) broke no rules, b) was convicted of no crime (or even charged), it's a fucking joke that Goodell is suspending him for 6 games. Total fucking joke - the only reason Ben is being suspended is because he's white.

That's it, the only reason. Goodell was getting blowback from black groups because black players were the only ones getting suspended, so Ben became the whipping boy for political pressure in the NFL.

If banging bar sluts is against the NFL rule book, they won't have enough players next year to field a single game and I really dislike turning this into a racial issue, but it is what it is. There's no other logical reason.

Having said all that, I think Ben's a dumbass, one that will never learn to be anything but and considering that, Ben would have done well IMO to hire a dream team of lawyers and run Goodell up a fucking flagpole. He didn't, he decided to play the "I'm sorry, I'll be a good kid from now on" card and that will bite him in the long run because I don't think that's who he is.