Quote Originally Posted by dmp View Post
dude. If you couldn't make it - it'd only be due to your admission of failure at the beginning. DO IT. There are millions of people "who wouldn't make it" who, thanks to hard work, DO make it. I believe in you.
Noir, listen to Dmp, he is right, you are your own worst enemy.
The Military has much to offer, and in need of bright people.

Don't sell yourself short, you will face many challenges in life, but to limit yourself so early in life will be a burden for the rest of your life.

Think about this for a moment, if you quit this easily, it will always be easy to quit again and again.

I never finished college, it wasn't for me, so I went into business for myself, and succeeded beyond my wildest dreams, all because I wasn't willing to quit.

Three years is nothing in the big scheme of things, if for no other reason, do it for you, not because it's expected of you.
Then when all is said and done, join the Military, it will be the experience of a lifetime, I guarantee it!
Not to mention the doors it will open later on.