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    Quote Originally Posted by Alias.258 View Post
    A good read on the subject is
    Why America Slept: The Failure To Prevent 9/11
    Gerald Posner
    ISBN: 0-375-50879-1

    The book was complete enough to use as a source in this post. The author of the books formed opinion is that "The failure to have prevented 9/11 was a systematic one". I happen to agree. None of this shit of people about people in the US government were behind it.
    Don't waste your time pointing any of the nitwits to any reading other than the "truther" shit, they won't be bothered with your reading. The peahead in this thread is from Italy and is lost on spending every waking moment trying to prove 9/11 was an "inside job" - and in 9 years NONE of them have come up with a single piece of solid proof to dispute the governments and many agencies mountains of proof. Yes, the US fucked up in safeguarding us. Yes, I'm sure individual mistakes were made that very day, and we paid the price for not being prepared. But all of the fuckups in the world won't prove anything even close to an inside job. All you do if you take them seriously is waste a ton of posting time and the tinfoil boy will still keep coming at you with the same "proof" over and over and over - which in itself is no proof whatsoever.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    As much as I'd like to join in on the "Twilight zone", "you tin foiled headed FOOLS!" band wagon here I can't. (powerful reasoning by the way. name calling and ridicule fix it so you don't have to answer any stupid questions about wittinesses and incongruent evidence n stuff)

    if I was on a jury I couldn't vote to say that everything about the gov't story is airtight and unquestionable. If the gov't was a known as being trust worthy I might be more inclined to believe them. I did believe them completely at 1st, dang the gov't lies so much i have to question everything they say.

    But here's something that flowed from the 9/11 issue that throws me off.
    Ok, the Gov't says Bin Laden Did it. Wanted dead or alive! He's the mastermind killer. OK we bust into Afghanistan Guns blazing. Then we find out he's in Tora Bora. After 7 years of a couple of unofficial and official stories we hear from a man who says he's THE Delta Force team commander that was there to capture/kill Bin Laden. He says he had 2 plans that he believes would have done the job. He sent them both up the chain of command, both rejected. He says there plans are never rejected. So later they say they are going to try a riskier frontal assault but gets word that CIA has a good fix on BinLaden and the air-force comes and Bombs the heck out of some caves. Delta force is sent home and 6 months later he sees Bin Laden on TV.

    That's the last Officail/unofficail word I've heard on the subject. But before that there were many unofficial reports supposedly leaked from soldiers from Afghanistan that said that he was allowed to leave and maybe even helicoptered out of Tora Bora completely unassaulted. But Rumsfield said that there was never any sure intel that he was even in Tora Bora And we don't know where he is. he's so sneaky.

    So what's a soul to believe? Rumsfield wouldn't lie? would he? The soldiers are wrong. The soldiers are lying. Rotten troops. probably trick by the media. They lie from time to time to though. Hmmm.

    Ok whatever happened in Tora Bora Bin Laden got away, never there whatever. But he's still on the most wanted list right? Yes, by the FBI but Bush said he's not really concerned about where he is. So wait a minute the mastermind and leader of the worse terrorist attack EVER in the U.S. is still at large able to more damage and he doesn't care if we catch him or not. WHAT the H-E-double hockey sticks!?!

    <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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    Bush said a few odd thing here but 1 sticks out to me. The "Afghanistan's no longer a Training base" bit. Many of the pilots where trained in U.S.. Bin laden doesn't need Afghanistan as a base.

    Um ... so what's really going going on GW? At 1st it was .. "we won't rest until we bring the culprets to Justice. now it's , "you little folks don't understand what the wars all about. we don't need to worry our pretty little heads bout no Bin laden. "
    Do we care about someone who killed 0ver 2500 people in the U.S. or not.

    Among all the questions that come from this, can any of you tell me Why
    1. We didn't capture/kill him in Afghanistan in Tora Bora? (or wherever)
    2. We don't want to get him now? (maybe it's just to make him let his guard down, yeah that's the ticket).

    Crap like this adds to my confusion over the whole 9-11 issue. And makes me wonder just what is really going on.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
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    Quote Originally Posted by revelarts View Post
    But here's something that flowed from the 9/11 issue that throws me off.
    Ok, the Gov't says Bin Laden Did it. Wanted dead or alive! He's the mastermind killer. OK we bust into Afghanistan Guns blazing. Then we find out he's in Tora Bora. After 7 years of a couple of unofficial and official stories we hear from a man who says he's THE Delta Force team commander that was there to capture/kill Bin Laden. He says he had 2 plans that he believes would have done the job. He sent them both up the chain of command, both rejected. He says there plans are never rejected. So later they say they are going to try a riskier frontal assault but gets word that CIA has a good fix on BinLaden and the air-force comes and Bombs the heck out of some caves. Delta force is sent home and 6 months later he sees Bin Laden on TV.
    Can you tell me who this commander is? I'd be curious to read about his background. And what do the rest of those in his command state about this incident?
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Interesting points rev. And that's the kind of conspiracies that are worth talking about and debating. The truthers bullshit is just plain silliness. Now if we want to talk about cover ups following 9/11 or incompetence on the part of the government, I can get into that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer View Post
    Interesting points rev. And that's the kind of conspiracies that are worth talking about and debating. The truthers bullshit is just plain silliness. Now if we want to talk about cover ups following 9/11 or incompetence on the part of the government, I can get into that.
    While I agree with you wholeheartedly that these types of questions are those actually worth debating, there's a reason I asked the questions I did. The "Commander" who gave out this information of course comes back as "anonymous" and no other men with him were apparently willing to speak up. And the "fayettville observer" which is apparently where this story emanated from has no record of the story, while it is repeated on a bunch of conspiracy sites. I tend to not put too much weight into stories coming from anonymous sources.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sertes View Post
    Proof? It's the same things you dismiss over and over.

    1) Minister of Transportation Mineta testimony under oath before 9/11 commission: Cheney was in command and aware of the pentagon plane since it was 50 miles out
    So???? I'm sure he was getting updates from the minute the first tower was hit.

    2) Barry Jennings testimony of explosions at WTC7 before either Twin Tower collapse
    3) According to NIST the collapse of WTC1 is essentially a free-fall of the upper block (18 floors) into the 92 underlying floors, without any slow down. Physically impossible and wholly unbeliveable.
    So, if it was physically impossible, are they still standing? Obviously it was possible because they did, indeed, fall.....

    Plus a couple more, post 2008:

    4) According to NIST WTC7 is the only steel-framed high-rise in history to ever collapse due to fires alone. Debris damage played no role on the collapse dynamic. And yet, again according to NIST, we have 2.25 seconds of complete free-fall through the path of most resistance. Physically impossible and wholly unbeliveable.
    Perhaps this should be the new way to demolish a highrise...has anyone ever tried it before? Just because it's the only time in history does not make it "impossible".

    5) A peer-reviewed uncontested scientific study conclusively demonstrated the presence of unreacted nano-thermite in 4 different dusts samples taken around the wtc area hours after the attack
    Can they prove a timeline for those nano-thermite dust samples? When they were brought into the towers? Days, weeks, months, years? How long does the residue remain?
    Last edited by SassyLady; 09-12-2010 at 09:24 PM.
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    MKP - just a word of warning, unless you want to be typing for the next month and make no progress whatsoever, and feel like your head has been put through a meatgrinder - do not engage him in point by point discussions. He has a lot to say but no proof - 'nuff said. Full of hot air and the tinfoil and other metal objects around his noggin have long started to rust.
    “You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” - Chris Rock

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    While I agree with you wholeheartedly that these types of questions are those actually worth debating, there's a reason I asked the questions I did. The "Commander" who gave out this information of course comes back as "anonymous" and no other men with him were apparently willing to speak up. And the "fayettville observer" which is apparently where this story emanated from has no record of the story, while it is repeated on a bunch of conspiracy sites. I tend to not put too much weight into stories coming from anonymous sources.
    I agree, if its anonymous its usually make believe. And most cover ups usually involve incompetency, not a conspiracy against the country.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    MKP - just a word of warning, unless you want to be typing for the next month and make no progress whatsoever, and feel like your head has been put through a meatgrinder - do not engage him in point by point discussions. He has a lot to say but no proof - 'nuff said. Full of hot air and the tinfoil and other metal objects around his noggin have long started to rust.
    Got ya! Already got a headache!
    If the freedom of speech is taken away
    then dumb and silent we may be led,
    like sheep to the slaughter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc View Post
    MKP - just a word of warning, unless you want to be typing for the next month and make no progress whatsoever, and feel like your head has been put through a meatgrinder - do not engage him in point by point discussions. He has a lot to say but no proof - 'nuff said. Full of hot air and the tinfoil and other metal objects around his noggin have long started to rust.
    After all the pointless insults, now you play the role of gatekeeper too?

    We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse - NIST

    I got to the PEOC and the vice president was already there - US Minister of Transportation Norman Mineta

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    You can't argue with logic like this, can you?

    /11 Was an Inside Job
    The raccoon’s disgusting, bloated carcass made a wheezing sound as I poked it with the stick. I watched as it floated across the brackish water and came to a rest between Rachel Corrie’s concrete thighs.

    It'd been a long, emotional week full of heartache and sorrow at Evergreen State College, and now there was a dead raccoon floating in our 9/11 Reflection Pond. Students erected the tiny pool shortly after the “attacks” to honor those who lost their lives as a result of Bush’s pro-Israel policies. Little did they know that Bush would use it as roadkill receptacle. I suppose it was his twisted way of warning me that I was getting too close to the truth about what really happened on 9/11.

    Everyone knows it was an inside job. But I've only recently come to understand how deeply inside it really is. Let's take a quick look at some of the facts:

    1. The Pentagon. Charlie Sheen and other members of the Brat Pack have already concluded that the lack of any debris or human remains at the crash site proves it was not a commercial aircraft that hit the Pentagon. That means everyone aboard doomed American Airlines Flight 77 – the pilot, the crew, and the passengers - never died in that crash. So where are they? Who knows? Perhaps they’re all relaxing on a beach in Tahiti, enjoying the millions they were awarded in insurance money for their staged deaths.

    2. United 93. It’s a known fact that cell phones will not work on commercial aircraft due to a magical forcefield that surrounds the entire hull. Yet the families of those who “died” on United Airlines Flight 93 claim to have received phone calls from their loved ones in the moments leading up to the crash. One must therefore conclude that either the families are lying about the calls, or the calls were never made from that plane. In either case, both the passengers and their families had to have been in on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re all at the beach with the Flight 77 jokers, having a good laugh on all of us.

    3. The World Trade Center. Anyone who has ever seen two skyscrapers hit by planes knows that they don’t pancake in on themselves in a controlled manner. For the towers to come down the way they did, hundreds of implosion engineers would need to spend days, maybe even weeks placing explosives in strategic locations on numerous floors. They’d have to drill holes in the concrete, saw through steel beams, and run a network of wires throughout the entire building. Such a massive project would be next to impossible to perform without being noticed by the thousands of people who worked in the towers every day. So the only explanation is that they were all in on it. Everyone who died in the towers, everyone who survived, every firefighter and every cop who rushed into the burning buildings to “rescue” people - they were all in on it. The passengers on the planes, the pilots, the crew, and the cab drivers that took them to airport were in on it. The people at the ticket counter were in on it. The guys who loaded the luggage onto the fictional planes were in on it. Those dudes who vacuum the carpet and put new barf bags in the seat pockets before you board, and even the food service people were all in on it. The air traffic controllers who tracked the hijacked aircraft were also in on it. Everyone on the ground who claimed to see the planes hit the building, and every TV cameraman who faked footage of the “attack” were in on it, too.

    Obviously, the 9/11 conspiracy is of a grander scale than any of us could have possibly imagined. Thousands, if not millions of people had to be in cahoots with Bush in order to pull the whole thing off. In fact, odds are that you’re all in on it as well.

    But I’m on to you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrskurtsprincess View Post
    So???? I'm sure he was getting updates from the minute the first tower was hit.
    So after the second hit on the twin towers, when it was clear to anyone that any other hijacked plane would follow the same fate, you still don't intervene, don't send everything has two wings and a military pilot up in the air. Instead a commercial airplane manages to fly undisturbed toward the pentagon for 20 minutes straight. Even at 50 miles out, 9.30 in the morning, the plane was 7 minutes away from the pentagon, and there was time for a shoot down or even just an intercept.
    Nope. Nothing at all. And people died at the pentagon.
    So what?

    So, if it was physically impossible, are they still standing? Obviously it was possible because they did, indeed, fall.....
    LOL. Physically impossible in a gravitational collapse. When the upper block of 18 floors impacts the 92th floor he has to slow down: a significant part of its kinetic energy is spent in removing the resistance of the 92th floor. Then the 18+1 floors impact the 91th floor, and a significant part of their kinetic energy is spent in removing the resistance of the 91th floor.
    Instead according to the Official Version the speed of the collapse proves that there was no resistance altoghether, which is impossible in a gravitational collapse.

    Perhaps this should be the new way to demolish a highrise...has anyone ever tried it before? Just because it's the only time in history does not make it "impossible".
    Sure, they set a steel-framed high-rise on fire and 7 hours later it collapses simmetrically and at free-fall speed. Makes sense. A whole sector of controlled demolition contractors now have to find another job.

    Can they prove a timeline for those nano-thermite dust samples? When they were brought into the towers? Days, weeks, months, years? How long does the residue remain?
    No, they don't engage in pointless conspiracy theories. They stop at what they can conclusively prove, they're chemists.
    We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse - NIST

    I got to the PEOC and the vice president was already there - US Minister of Transportation Norman Mineta

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    Quote Originally Posted by red states rule View Post
    You can't argue with logic like this, can you?
    And you're posting here because...? This retard represent no one but himself

    You either debate the real claims of 9/11 truth here or debate this retard claims on his website.
    We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse - NIST

    I got to the PEOC and the vice president was already there - US Minister of Transportation Norman Mineta

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sertes View Post
    And you're posting here because...? This retard represent no one but himself

    You either debate the real claims of 9/11 truth here or debate this retard claims on his website.
    Hey, when I see such logic from the 9-11 truth crowd, I have to share it with you

    and this on the plane that hit the Pentagon

    Makes you stop and think - right?

    9/11 Video Doesn't Hold Water
    The U.S. Justice Department released a video last week of what appears to be American Airlines Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon on the morning of September 11, 2001.

    Bush must take Charlie Sheen for an idiot.

    The right-wing mind control machine may have pulled the wool over the eyes of the ignorant red state masses, but when it comes to the finer intricacies of aeronautical engineering and aviation crash physics, they’re on Big Chuck’s turf.

    If there are two things Charlie Sheen knows, they are: 1) It’s not “kiddie porn” if the website says the babes are “barely legal”, and 2) a Boeing 757 doesn’t simply zip to the ground like a bullet and disintegrate on impact as if it had slammed into a reinforced concrete fortress at 400 mph. Anyone in the movie business will tell you that when a commercial aircraft crashes, it sort of glides down in slow motion, clips the guitar off the top of the Hard Rock Café, and then skids on its belly for about 13 blocks before screeching to a halt mere inches away from the edge of a cliff. Yet to this day, any photographs taken of the Pentagon crash site show very little debris, if any at all.

    You’d think that if Bush was going to stage a phony plane crash convincing enough to fool everyone but our most brightest Hollywood stars, he’d at least toss a landing gear or a section of the fuselage out onto the lawn. But the Shrub got cocky and slipped up, and Charlie Sheen was all over him like Charlie Sheen on a barely legal call girl. Now, when a majority of celebrities believe Bush personally flew into the Pentagon with a pair of ACME bat wings and a giant firecracker strapped to his back, out comes this convenient video. But nobody’s buying it, least of all Charlie Sheen.

    The video itself is of such poor quality that it wouldn’t even fool Emilio Estevez. The Pentagon can photograph me from outer space, yet they can’t put a camera in their parking lot capable of producing an image larger than three inches wide?

    I’m afraid that until Bush provides Sheen with some better footage, or finally allows Molly Ringwald to analyze metallurgical data from all the supposed “debris” recovered at the “crash site”, the jury is still out on Bush's innocence, as well as the fate of Flight 77.

    How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jimnyc
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaffer
    Interesting points rev. And that's the kind of conspiracies that are worth talking about and debating. The truthers bullshit is just plain silliness. Now if we want to talk about cover ups following 9/11 or incompetence on the part of the government, I can get into that.
    While I agree with you wholeheartedly that these types of questions are those actually worth debating, there's a reason I asked the questions I did. The "Commander" who gave out this information of course comes back as "anonymous" and no other men with him were apparently willing to speak up. And the "fayettville observer" which is apparently where this story emanated from has no record of the story, while it is repeated on a bunch of conspiracy sites. I tend to not put too much weight into stories coming from anonymous sources.
    60 Minutes is a conspiracy site? Are all sites that questions any gov't story dismissed as conspiracy sites Jimny? Whoah. the "Fayettevile Observer" is a conspiracy paper too? Are they a Carolina organ of 9-11 truth and Flying saucers? c'mon Jimny, calm down. Ok look I've questioned CBS news on plenty of items too but the conspiracy you've just proposed, of CBS and 60 minutes not vetting someone that claims to be a Delta Force Commander, disguising him, and letting him tell a yarn like that seems like a stretch too me. But to answer your question, no I don't know of any Delta force members who corroborate his story or deny it. And neither has any one in the Gov't -other than maybe the oracle of truth Rumsfield- come out and specifically denied his version.
    Last edited by revelarts; 09-13-2010 at 07:03 AM.
    It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties. The freeman of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. James Madison
    Live as free people, yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness; but live at all times as servants of God.
    1 Peter 2:16

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