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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abbey View Post
    I like the way those three areas of study are combined in one diploma. We tend to compartmentalize majors in American universities, and I think sometimes miss the big picture in doing so.

    Although the requirements that go along with a major often pick up these other topics, the courses may not flow together as well as what you will be taking.

    Yeah it seems to make allot of sense, in the first year we also cover criminology, sociology and psychology so you can switch to any of those in year two, but I'm pretty sure I'd stick with PPE.

    It also seems that being from a low income house I'll get a full grant of £1225, and given my course only costs £650 I may add another module to it, would like to do Theology or Mythology (what's the difference right? ) but I dunno if I'd age the time.
    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    I was a bit worried that it was taking so long given my course registration date ends tomorrow, but I just got my place confirmation email =) The course itself starts in January and I should be getting all my books and my module questions in the next 2weeks.

    Also, in a moment of either blind stupidity or genius I decided not to accept the financial assistance that would of paid for this course (just over £650) and have instead paid for it myself, because I reckon I'll be more motivated to work for it given I know I've spent my money on it and it's not just free...though I do kinda wish I'd used the money to buy a new MacBook xD
    Last edited by Noir; 12-21-2010 at 01:15 PM.
    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Noir View Post
    I was a bit worried that it was taking so long given my course registration date ends tomorrow, but I just got my place confirmation email =) The course itself starts in January and I should be getting all my books and my module questions in the next 2weeks.

    Also, in a moment of either blind stupidity or genius I decided not to accept the financial assistance that would of paid for this course (just over £650) and have instead paid for it myself, because I reckon I'll be more motivated to work for it given I know I've spent my money on it and it's not just free...though I do kinda wish I'd used the money to buy a new MacBook xD
    Good for you. You will appreciate that you earned the education and you will have less debt after finishing.
    When I die I'm sure to go to heaven, cause I spent my time in hell.

    You get more with a kind word and a two by four, than you do with just a kind word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SassyLady View Post
    This is exactly what I would say to you will be easier if you tell people what you do want to do and why....instead of what you don't want to do.

    I, too, was (and still am) the first to qualify for scholarships in my family....and was recruited right out of high school to be the personal assistant to a vice president of a very large corporation ...... so I took the job because it helped me build a life away from my family.

    I was 32 before I started back to school .... was married, raising three children and owned my own business....started with three nights a week. Was in my mid 40's before I finished ..... but I did what was right for me.

    Make a decision to do something other than school only if it is something you are passionate about .... don't stay because you feel guilty, and don't quit because you are bored.

    Truthfully....I enjoyed school when I was more mature because I had a completely different outlook on life and was in school to learn something rather than just putting in the time, doing homework and taking tests just to get a degree. I was successful without one, but became more successful and independent after getting one.

    Good luck!
    What she said. I finished my associates when I was 22, and at the time, that was all I needed to do what I wanted to do. Trouble is, I never got to do what I wanted to do. I started a trucking business that was great for many years, until fuel hit 5 bucks a gallon in 2008. Bye- Bye business.

    I got back in school this Spring 2010 semester. I started off with 2 classes. In the summer, I got brave, and took 5 online classes, all upper level courses, I might add. I got 4 "A"s and an 89(dickhead professor).
    I just completed my Fall semester of Social Work and Psychology classes. Again, 4 "A"s and an 89( my fault this time).
    I am trying to get my degree done by the end of the Summer, so I am taking 8 classes this Spring, yep, you read that right. I got to jam them in, while I can devote 24/7 to school. When the summer gets here, I am going to knock out Spanish and maybe one other class, if I need it. I will be getting my bachelors at 41, and still really need my Masters to make any money in my field of Psych and Social work.

    Stick it out. Don't make a 20 year mistake like I did. It is not worth it. Of all the money I made running my own business, I don't have shit but bad memories of the last couple years to fall back on. It left me broke. It has taken some time and effort to get back where I am, but I am a creative guy. If I had gotten my Masters 15 years ago, I would be financially set now, instead of still working on the education part. I never figured I would live to be 40 anyway.

    Get a good Plan B or stay in school. Hell come to the USA and go to school. Good luck.
    Last edited by CAPTDASH; 12-21-2010 at 11:47 PM.

  5. #65
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    Package in the post =D
    2 books, 3 supplementals, 2 DVDs and 10 CDs course begins in 16 days and counting ^_^

    If you also agree that an animals suffering should be avoided rather than encouraged, consider what steps you can take.

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    Always know where you are going. Before you leave the University, know what it is that you want.
    I am a child of God. He created me in His image. The wife, however, evolved from monkeys.

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