"404 error! Page not found"
Sorry Red, this is just another self referential "fact" created from whole cloth by the RWN blogosphere, radio shows and television network. It sprang from Matt Drudge's fevered mind as he ignored the simple fact that the story from India stated the cost, not in dollars, but Indian Rupees. Nor is 10% of the US Navy, let alone nearly 50% of the Pacific Fleet going to escort the President to India.
And you along with the rest of your factually challenged, willfully ignorant fellow travelers, fall for it every time.
<center><a href=http://mediamatters.org/blog/201011030032>White House debunks "wildly inflated" $200M-per-day price tag for Obama's India trip</a></center>
But, hey Red...You found it on the internet, so it must be true!
I found it on the internet, so it MUST be real!